The MAGA mind

We started with cases of ballots under tables, Chavez, fraudulent voting machines and satellites changing votes. We are now down to, “states changed the rules”.

This goes well beyond, “illegitimate” or, “problems with elections”. According to a Monmouth poll, 68% of Republicans believe Biden only won because of, “fraud”.

Well sure. He never left his basement and didn’t have yuge rallies filled with cult members like trump did. Those two things always determine elections.

I know you’re trying to be funny, but the numbers just don’t add up to how Biden got 81 million votes.

When was the last time you saw someone wearing a “Biden - Build Back Better” hat, or flying a Biden flag from the back of their Prius? Don’t bother answering, I’ll tell you - NEVER.

Define large portion.

70% believe Biden’s win was illegitimate
56% of Republicans believe that QAnon is mostly or partly true
70% believe the “Great Replacement”
44% of Trump voters belive the FBI organize the attack on the Capitol
72% of Republicans questioned if Obama was really American

Pizzagate, Taylor Swift, Clinton Body Count, etc.

We started with cases of ballots under tables, Chavez, fraudulent voting machines and satellites changing votes. We are now down to, “states changed the rules”.

This goes well beyond, “illegitimate” or, “problems with elections”. According to a Monmouth poll, 68% of Republicans believe Biden only won because of, “fraud”.

Well sure. He never left his basement and didn’t have yuge rallies filled with cult members like trump did. Those two things always determine elections.

I know you’re trying to be funny, but the numbers just don’t add up to how Biden got 81 million votes.

When was the last time you saw someone wearing a “Biden - Build Back Better” hat, or flying a Biden flag from the back of their Prius? Don’t bother answering, I’ll tell you - NEVER.

Don’t beat around the bush. Why dont you own it. You think there was fraud and Trump won. Say it out loud. Say you have no belief in the 60 or so court cases that the republicans/trump filed and lost becuase they could bring absolutely no proof of any fraud in the election.

We started with cases of ballots under tables, Chavez, fraudulent voting machines and satellites changing votes. We are now down to, “states changed the rules”.

This goes well beyond, “illegitimate” or, “problems with elections”. According to a Monmouth poll, 68% of Republicans believe Biden only won because of, “fraud”.

Well sure. He never left his basement and didn’t have yuge rallies filled with cult members like trump did. Those two things always determine elections.

I know you’re trying to be funny, but the numbers just don’t add up to how Biden got 81 million votes.

When was the last time you saw someone wearing a “Biden - Build Back Better” hat, or flying a Biden flag from the back of their Prius? Don’t bother answering, I’ll tell you - NEVER.

You don’t see Biden supporters because they are not fucking weirdos.

Define large portion.


as long as we are defining large portions…

Overwhelming majority of Americans think Biden is too old for another term: POLL - ABC News (

86 percent of Americans think Biden, who is 81, is too old to serve another term

Border is unsecure
Economy is bad
Afghanistan pullout was a disaster.

I can spend time copying as many things from the internet as Nutcase does to prove that Biden’s actual positions are far worse than pizzagate

but he’d rather talk about the cult he’s not in rather than the cult he is in.

Since you seem to struggle with staying on topic and non sequitur replies, here’s what I actually wrote.

I didn’t say he’s wildly popular. I said that he was a bulwark against trump, which was objectively true; that your assertion that the Dems pushed Harris as the future shining star of the party according to Democrats isn’t true, and cited her early exit from the primaries; that he has been productive and thus competent as far as presidencies go (undeniably true even if you don’t agree with his priorities); that a Biden *Willie Horton Moment *hasn’t happened, since the defining characteristic of a *Willie Horton Moment *is a highly publicized inconvenient racially charged event that changes people’s perspective of a candidate in a negative way and objectively, that hasn’t happened; and that you can’t be taken literally or seriously when you say things like “Trump hasn’t lost a single supporter since 2020” which is objectively, verifiably, and undeniably false.

Perhaps you should review just who is in a cult…

I’m pretty clear on this point, but thanks for your concern.

A lot of fishermen catch Mahi while trolling. The smaller ones will often stay in a school, so fishermen will put the rod in a rod holder and let the fish swim around the back of the boat. The others in the school will think that it is feeding and come up - allowing the fisherman to catch more.

Define large portion.

70% believe Biden’s win was illegitimate
56% of Republicans believe that QAnon is mostly or partly true
70% believe the “Great Replacement”
44% of Trump voters belive the FBI organize the attack on the Capitol
72% of Republicans questioned if Obama was really American

Pizzagate, Taylor Swift, Clinton Body Count, etc.

Awesome. Polls. Ask 800 people a question and ascribe that to millions.

Points awarded, though, since you defined it as I asked.

Biden’s Third-Year Job Approval Average of 39.8% Second Worst:

Sounds like Biden is undeniably a bad President. Maybe the second worst behind only Carter. Surely, you agree.

Sounds like Biden is undeniably a bad President. Maybe the second worst behind only Carter. Surely, you agree.

By historical standards, Biden has been a pretty good president.

A lot of people do not want him to run for a second term, but thats a different question.

Polling has only been around for the last 70 years or so, and prob has drastically changed. But in that time period most would say that Biden has been a better president than trump, bush 2, nixon. And will be in the top half.

Ranking much worse than Obama, Clinton, Kennedy, Johnson, Eisenhower, Regan, and Truman.

Sounds like Biden is undeniably a bad President. Maybe the second worst behind only Carter. Surely, you agree.

No way is Carter the worst. He unfairly got a bad rap for the botched Delta Force raid. If that had worked, he’d have been a hero in that instance. And didn’t get proper credit for defeating inflation - all the bad effects of the “tough love” fiscal and monetary policy happened in his term, and Reagan got the benefit.

I wouldn’t call him “good,” but he was then well-intentioned and honest, and still is.

James Buchanan OTOH.

Biden is also not second worst.

We don’t give them enough credit. I know with certainty my mind is incapable of this olympic level flexibility.
There are videos of the exact opposite with Libs that don’t know what the hell is going on as well. What’s your point? I suppose the biggest takeaway is people are less informed in a time where information is easily accessible. Propaganda rules the day though, hard to discern what is true from what isn’t.

I’m aware of all the gotchas in Jimmy’s cute little video, so I’m an outlier in the MAGA mind as you’d probably like to stereotype me.

We started with cases of ballots under tables, Chavez, fraudulent voting machines and satellites changing votes. We are now down to, “states changed the rules”.

This goes well beyond, “illegitimate” or, “problems with elections”. According to a Monmouth poll, 68% of Republicans believe Biden only won because of, “fraud”.

Well sure. He never left his basement and didn’t have yuge rallies filled with cult members like trump did. Those two things always determine elections.

I know you’re trying to be funny, but the numbers just don’t add up to how Biden got 81 million votes.

When was the last time you saw someone wearing a “Biden - Build Back Better” hat, or flying a Biden flag from the back of their Prius? Don’t bother answering, I’ll tell you - NEVER.

Just because we aren’t a bunch of fucking weirdos does not mean we didn’t vote for Biden.

After 985 lawsuits, 76 audits, 421 recounts (many of these done in Republican controlled jurisdictions by people hired by Republicans) we keep finding that it all adds up pretty well.

Address my questions about the PA election laws that were not followed. Am I factually incorrect?

Last I checked, the PA State SUpreme Court was the final arbiter of what is and is not legal in the state of PA, not some dude/dudette on the internet.

Sounds like Biden is undeniably a bad President. Maybe the second worst behind only Carter. Surely, you agree.

By historical standards, Biden has been a pretty good president.

A lot of people do not want him to run for a second term, but thats a different question.

Polling has only been around for the last 70 years or so, and prob has drastically changed. But in that time period most would say that Biden has been a better president than trump, bush 2, nixon. And will be in the top half.

Ranking much worse than Obama, Clinton, Kennedy, Johnson, Eisenhower, Regan, and Truman.

People have started to come around that Reagan was awful.
During his tenure he rated low, turn of the century he was paced on a pedestal. Since he’s been downgraded.
In the most recent historians survey, Biden is 14th overall while Reagan is 16th.

Since the depression, only 2 presidents rate in the 4th quartile: Ford at 35th today and DJ last.

there are only 4 Presidents that professionals have rated worst: DJ, Warren G, Johnson, and Buchanan.
The other 3 have always been in the bottom quartile, but Johnson has gone through some revisions. Before the 80s, he was only in the worst half of presidents!

Biden has been in the 2nd quartile both times pros have been surveyed since 2020. Which puts him over Nixon, Ford, Carter, GWB. He’s in the same quartile but has been a couple spots above GHWB both times.

We don’t give them enough credit. I know with certainty my mind is incapable of this olympic level flexibility.
There are videos of the exact opposite with Libs that don’t know what the hell is going on as well. What’s your point? I suppose the biggest takeaway is people are less informed in a time where information is easily accessible. Propaganda rules the day though, hard to discern what is true from what isn’t.

I’m aware of all the gotchas in Jimmy’s cute little video, so I’m an outlier in the MAGA mind as you’d probably like to stereotype me.

I would suggest there’s a meaningful difference between “not knowing what the hell is going on” and rightly criticizing indefensible behavior then flipping to defend it the minute you find out who was actually responsible for it.

Yes, President Obama “traveled to 57 states,” and while he likely meant he made trips to different states 57 times and not that he doesn’t know how many states are in our union, he didn’t have his rich connected daddy help him dodge the draft then claim that dodging STDs was his own personal Vietnam, or pay off a porn star with hush money while married to his third wife, or start riffing on bleach and UV lights inside the body in the midst of a devastating and deadly pandemic which he grossly misunderestimated, deliberately downplayed to devastating effect, and then played to his political advantage.

So no, sorry, the right’s whattaboutism doesn’t hold water here. There are grossly misinformed and disinformed people on both ends of the political spectrum, but in today’s politics there’s only one side that is twisting themselves in pretzel knots to avoid what ten years ago would be universally condemned on the political and religious right.

Stop normalizing this behavior.

There are videos of the exact opposite with Libs that don’t know what the hell is going on as well. What’s your point? I suppose the biggest takeaway is people are less informed in a time where information is easily accessible. Propaganda rules the day though, hard to discern what is true from what isn’t.

Can you point us to one?

Personally on an A – > F scale. I am giving Biden a B so far for his presidency. I am fine with people giving him a C (differences of opinions and all).

But is just objectively false to say he HAS been a bad president.

Record stock market gains, record low unemployment, got us out of covid, came to the center to fix the border but was shut down by the GOP, passed an infrastructure bill that lots of GOP members brag about, reduced drug pricing.

He hasnt made any big gaffes of his own doing.

His two main gaffes could be the withdraw of Afghanistan but I dont think that was a gaffe, and potentially the current gaza war - I think he is handling it ok.

All of the talks about Biden’s age doesnt really impact how he has performed as a president.

Awesome. Polls. Ask 800 people a question and ascribe that to millions.


Dozens of polls by multiple groups questioning thousands of people have confirmed that the overwhelming majority of Republicans believe The Big Lie. The leader of the GOP promotes it endlessly in his Klan rallies. The MAGA media still spews it. It was a requirement for GOP candidates during the midterm primaries.

As for the Biden polls…thanks for proving my point about Whattaboutism.