The MAGA mind

We don’t give them enough credit. I know with certainty my mind is incapable of this olympic level flexibility.

Downright fascinating.

It shows how many, many, many people make emotional choices first and then come up with all the rationalizations afterwards. It’s all just cognitive dissonance.

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I guess I don’t know how it works, but do those people have to give consent for the use of the video after the fact or do they do it by agreeing to answer the questions when first asked?

Totally not a cult.

This also shows how a lot of people are just completely out of touch. Who wouldn’t know that the “bright light” and porn star payoff were not Trump?

Obviously they select the most extreme examples of what they’re trying to show, but you’re right: people who care enough to show up in a GOP primary but who are also oblivious to these canonical anti-Trump criticisms, that’s hard to wrap your head around.

Real time rationalization of things they just condemned five seconds earlier is fascinating to see. They don’t seem the least bit bothered by it.

My wife wasn’t aware of that COVID UV light bleach press conference either. But she isn’t a Trumper and doesn’t watch or listen to the news. I have to assume Fox just didn’t cover it for more than a nanosecond so it isn’t on these people’s radar.

Makes you wonder how much these people actually know about the facts of his indictments and recent court losses beyond Joe Biden Deep State Witch Hunt.

My wife wasn’t aware of that COVID UV light bleach press conference either. But she isn’t a Trumper and doesn’t watch or listen to the news. I have to assume Fox just didn’t cover it for more than a nanosecond so it isn’t on these people’s radar.

Makes you wonder how much these people actually know about the facts of his indictments and recent court losses beyond Joe Biden Deep State Witch Hunt.

I wouldn’t know Biden’s gaffs if someone asked me about them. Although I’m not sure he’s made any bone-headed statements (i.e. not gaffs) like Trump.

That’s what we in corporate America call agile thinking.

My wife wasn’t aware of that COVID UV light bleach press conference either. But she isn’t a Trumper and doesn’t watch or listen to the news. I have to assume Fox just didn’t cover it for more than a nanosecond so it isn’t on these people’s radar.

Makes you wonder how much these people actually know about the facts of his indictments and recent court losses beyond Joe Biden Deep State Witch Hunt.

Exactly. They hear their conservative friends calling the indictments witch hunts and say “but trump as president can declassify the documents”, and “the Presidential Records Act allows him to keep them” and “trump told them to march peacefully”. They hear and believe the lies because their friends believe the lies.

This also shows how a lot of people are just completely out of touch. Who wouldn’t know that the “bright light” and porn star payoff were not Trump?

When you only get information from right wing sources, you don’t get to hear about Trump being a total fucking idiot.

Some of them don’t miss a beat at all. It’s pretty sad.

Willing to bet that 4/5 of his voters don’t read the stupid shit he says on truth social. My guess is that one fifth are just trolls who love the stick to the Libtards and don’t care what insanity he spews or which murderous dictators he praises there. The rest just have a concrete idea about who they think he is and who they think Joe Biden is. Facts and new information don’t really play a role in that belief system.

I would like to hear the response when faced with the polls that suggest Nikki Hailey is best positioned to beat Biden in the general election, and that Trump is most likely to lose. I think they’d rather lose with Trump than win with Hailey.

“(Pause)……my sister has flat feet…”


Sphere, can you comment of this? I am not a Dr.

“(Pause)……my sister has flat feet…”


It’s a great video.

But it’s not that amazing. Because it’s how the majority of humans come to cognitive decisions.

It wouldn’t surprise me if he were on a stimulant like Adderall. That could explain dilated pupils in bright light, when normally they would constrict. But I’ve never paid attention to his pupils; the words escaping his dumb mouth can be fairly distracting.

My wife wasn’t aware of that COVID UV light bleach press conference either. But she isn’t a Trumper and doesn’t watch or listen to the news. I have to assume Fox just didn’t cover it for more than a nanosecond so it isn’t on these people’s radar.

Makes you wonder how much these people actually know about the facts of his indictments and recent court losses beyond Joe Biden Deep State Witch Hunt.

I wouldn’t know Biden’s gaffs if someone asked me about them. Although I’m not sure he’s made any bone-headed statements (i.e. not gaffs) like Trump.

I don’t think I would recognize Biden’s either. I just don’t pay that much attention to US national politics. That being said, a stupid statement is a stupid statement regardless of who’s mouth it comes out of and should be called out as such.

What’s so hard about saying “yeah, that was certainly a dumb thing to say but ultimately I feel like candidate x represents my values better than candidate y so I’m sticking with them. Every politician says dumb things now and then.”?

This type of blind allegiance isn’t exclusive to the maga cult, either. Even John Stewart, who IMHO is about the best representation America has of a level headed but left leaning popular political media figure, is receiving criticism from the left over his questioning of Biden’s mental state. The guy has been a darling of the left since I was practically a teenager.

It feels like with each passing year, further levels of extremism are winning the day in western politics and there are no winners when that happens.

This also shows how a lot of people are just completely out of touch. Who wouldn’t know that the “bright light” and porn star payoff were not Trump?

When you only get information from right wing sources, you don’t get to hear about Trump being a total fucking idiot.

Regardless of what news you watch, any reasonable human listening to trump speak for more than 30 seconds should be able to tell he’s both completely full of shit and not fit for office.

We need an intelligence test for voting.