The MAGA mind

Meantime Trump hasn’t lost a single supporter from 2020

No one who voted for Trump in 2020 watched Jan 6 unfold and thought it a bridge too far? None have rejected the big lie of election fraud and the false slates of electors?

Whereas Biden is unlikely to garner the same support as four years ago, it’s hard to imagine Trump doing so either. Both are considered too old or otherwise unsuitable candidates by a significant number of Americans.

Meantime Trump hasn’t lost a single supporter from 2020

Of course he has. He lost millions of supporters due to January 6th. His supporters also skew older than the typical Dem voter and a couple million have died since 2020.

Meantime Trump hasn’t lost a single supporter from 2020

Of course he has. He lost millions of supporters due to January 6th. His supporters also skew older than the typical Dem voter and a couple million have died since 2020.

I heard David Frum argue before Trump lost the last election that Trump would lose basically due to death by a thousand blows. That every bonehead or deplorable thing he says or does just erodes his support that little bit as he pushes people over the edge of being able to vote for him. IIRC, Frum argued if Trump could just keep his mouth shut so he could be what people want to imagine he is, rather than confirming that he is certainly not that, he would win the election.

Frum argued if Trump could just keep his mouth shut so he could be what people want to imagine he is, rather than confirming that he is certainly not that, he would win the election.

Anyone who watched the final debate between him and Biden, when he seemed incapable of behaving like an adult, never mind Presidential, knows how badly he hurt his reelection bid.

He lost to a man who claimed to be a bridge to the future of the Dem party and to the first female black Asian heir apparent to the Dem party

He lost to a man who stood as a bulwark against a dangerous con artist and the country owes him a debt of gratitude for that. I don’t know who was calling Harris the heir apparent, especially considering she got drummed out of the primaries early on.

The circle jerk here touted he and his VP as the adults in the room who would unite and heal the country. Would be competent and decent. Would return us to respect on the world stage.

There’s no healing while a third of it remains under the spell of a cult leader. But he has been competent and rather productive, as Presidencies go. He doesn’t struggle with decency, either, from what I’ve seen.

And his Willy Horton moment just happened in GA

It’s not a Willy(sic) Horton moment if no one knows what the fuck you’re talking about.

Meantime Trump hasn’t lost a single supporter from 2020

I’m not sure if we’re supposed to take you literally, or just seriously. Neither is probably the safe bet.

I said nothing about whataboutism.

I deflected nothing.

I played no semantics.

WTF does Barry Bonds have to do with the fact that a large portion of the GOP believes, and repeats, lies and conspiracy theories?

I conclude that 50% of Democrats think our elections are illegitimate.

I conclude you are wrong. 91% of Democrats say Biden was legitimately elected

If Trump was elected 90 percent of Republicans would think he was legitimately elected. Your guy wins in close election it is legit. He loses it is not. That is generally how it goes.

Can you find anyone here that said Trump lost in 2016?

Sigh. Hilary Clinton, Jimmy Carter said Trump stole the election and was an illegitimate president. Then an investigation was started trying to implicate Russian help which eventually didn’t hold water. None of this makes me think Trump is worthy to be president he is a terrible person. I seem to recall many people feeling Al Gore was cheated out of being elected. The vehemence with which these views are/were being held are different though.

Cheating in American elections is an old thing. I think that both the Kennedy and Nixon camps did so. In some counties in Illionis more votes were counted than people living there when Kennedy and Nixon contested their election. But Nixon licked his wounds and carried on. I think likely Kennedy would have done so too.

He lost to a man who claimed to be a bridge to the future of the Dem party and to the first female black Asian heir apparent to the Dem party

He lost to a man who stood as a bulwark against a dangerous con artist and the country owes him a debt of gratitude for that. I don’t know who was calling Harris the heir apparent, especially considering she got drummed out of the primaries early on.

The circle jerk here touted he and his VP as the adults in the room who would unite and heal the country. Would be competent and decent. Would return us to respect on the world stage.

There’s no healing while a third of it remains under the spell of a cult leader. But he has been competent and rather productive, as Presidencies go. He doesn’t struggle with decency, either, from what I’ve seen.

And his Willy Horton moment just happened in GA

It’s not a Willy(sic) Horton moment if no one knows what the fuck you’re talking about.

Meantime Trump hasn’t lost a single supporter from 2020

I’m not sure if we’re supposed to take you literally, or just seriously. Neither is probably the safe bet.

Seems you’ve got all the answers and nothing to worry about come November then.

It’s almost like you didn’t even have to respond to my post to someone else.

Sigh. Hilary Clinton, Jimmy Carter said Trump stole the election and was an illegitimate president. Then an investigation was started trying to implicate Russian help which eventually didn’t hold water. None of this makes me think Trump is worthy to be president he is a terrible person. I seem to recall many people feeling Al Gore was cheated out of being elected. The vehemence with which these views are/were being held are different though.

Do you find that equivalent to what has happened in the last three years where 60+ court cases were filed and lost yet the leader of the party was able to convince 60% of the party that the election was stolen? This is different, and you know it.

Meantime Trump hasn’t lost a single supporter from 2020

No one who voted for Trump in 2020 watched Jan 6 unfold and thought it a bridge too far? None have rejected the big lie of election fraud and the false slates of electors?

Whereas Biden is unlikely to garner the same support as four years ago, it’s hard to imagine Trump doing so either. Both are considered too old or otherwise unsuitable candidates by a significant number of Americans.

My wife and parents voted for him in 16 and 20. They have been very clear that they will never vote for him again. Any MAGA supporter who says that trump hasn’t lost any voters is detached from reality.

Then an investigation was started trying to implicate Russian help which eventually didn’t hold water.

Not the case. The investigation found that Russia DID interfere with the 2016 election, but they did not collude with the GOP.

Every time Trump loses anything it’s because it’s rigged.

He was going to claim it was rigged before he lost 2020. You know that.

Get ready for 2024.

Goes without saying.

What will be interesting is how the bootlickers in the GOP leadership respond. On one hand they’ll know his political career is effectively over so their fealty to him should wane; on the other, they’ve committed to the Big Lie in perpetuity so how can they not take the position of “stolen election” again if he loses? It will be a close election and the MAGAts will be on fire, and Trump will be stoking it even harder than 2020.

I think it gets a whole lot worse before it gets better.

What makes you think his political career is over if he loses? Assuming he isn’t in prison, he will just run again in 2028. And he will be the nominee… again… in 2028.

What does it mean when someone is asked if the election was won legitimately?

It is a very simple question that does not require convoluted sematic games to deflect from the fact that a large portion of the GOP base believes the lies and conspiracy theories their leaders feed them.

Trump lost, get over it.

Is Barry Bonds the legitimate HR leader?

He didn’t technically cheat. While I hate what he did and that MLB allowed it, he legitimately hit more balls over the fence than any other baseball player.

Meanwhile, Trump still lost. Legitimately.

What does it mean when someone is asked if the election was won legitimately?

It is a very simple question that does not require convoluted sematic games to deflect from the fact that a large portion of the GOP base believes the lies and conspiracy theories their leaders feed them.

Trump lost, get over it.

Is Barry Bonds the legitimate HR leader?

Don’t know, don’t care.

Why is it that when today’s GOP is confronted with inconvenient facts the response is whataboutism, deflection, and semantic games?

Because everyone does that?

Then an investigation was started trying to implicate Russian help which eventually didn’t hold water.

Not the case. The investigation found that Russia DID interfere with the 2016 election, but they did not collude with the GOP.

Yup, and it was the GOP Senate Intelligence committee investigation that found that Trump’s campaign manager was in regular contact with Russian intelligence throughout the campaign and shared with them confidential, swing state, microtargeting data.

I said nothing about whataboutism.

I deflected nothing.

I played no semantics.

WTF does Barry Bonds have to do with the fact that a large portion of the GOP believes, and repeats, lies and conspiracy theories?

Define large portion.

Address my questions about the PA election laws that were not followed. Am I factually incorrect?

Barry Bonds is an example where you have to be specific about your language.

Did Trump win the 2020 election? Answer “No”. Clear and unambiguous.

Did Biden win the 2020 election? Answer “Yes”. Clear and unambiguous.

Do people have questions about the election’s legitimacy? “Yes”.

Have I offered those questions to you using facts and the meaning of words? “Yes”.

Can someone both believe Biden is President but the election was flawed? “Yes”.

It’s not too hard, unless you are in the camp who needs to always deny we have problems with our elections.

I said nothing about whataboutism.

I deflected nothing.

I played no semantics.

WTF does Barry Bonds have to do with the fact that a large portion of the GOP believes, and repeats, lies and conspiracy theories?

Define large portion.

Address my questions about the PA election laws that were not followed. Am I factually incorrect?

Barry Bonds is an example where you have to be specific about your language.

Did Trump win the 2020 election? Answer “No”. Clear and unambiguous.

Did Biden win the 2020 election? Answer “Yes”. Clear and unambiguous.

Do people have questions about the election’s legitimacy? “Yes”.

Have I offered those questions to you using facts and the meaning of words? “Yes”.

Can someone both believe Biden is President but the election was flawed? “Yes”.

It’s not too hard, unless you are in the camp who needs to always deny we have problems with our elections.

We started with cases of ballots under tables, Chavez, fraudulent voting machines and satellites changing votes. We are now down to, “states changed the rules”.

This goes well beyond, “illegitimate” or, “problems with elections”. According to a Monmouth poll, 68% of Republicans believe Biden only won because of, “fraud”.

He lost to a man who claimed to be a bridge to the future of the Dem party and to the first female black Asian heir apparent to the Dem party

He lost to a man who stood as a bulwark against a dangerous con artist and the country owes him a debt of gratitude for that. I don’t know who was calling Harris the heir apparent, especially considering she got drummed out of the primaries early on.

The circle jerk here touted he and his VP as the adults in the room who would unite and heal the country. Would be competent and decent. Would return us to respect on the world stage.

There’s no healing while a third of it remains under the spell of a cult leader. But he has been competent and rather productive, as Presidencies go. He doesn’t struggle with decency, either, from what I’ve seen.

And his Willy Horton moment just happened in GA

It’s not a Willy(sic) Horton moment if no one knows what the fuck you’re talking about.

Meantime Trump hasn’t lost a single supporter from 2020

I’m not sure if we’re supposed to take you literally, or just seriously. Neither is probably the safe bet.

Map shows Joe Biden’s approval ratings in every American state with majority disapproving (

Based on previous election trends, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina and Pennsylvania are expected to be potential key swing states in the 2024 voting. Cumulatively, Biden currently has a net disapproval rating in the states, but it is less pronounced than in many traditionally red states.
In Florida, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, the President has a net approval rating of 27%, where close to a third view him positively, contrasted with the 60% who view Biden unfavorably.
Biden has a similar net approval rating in Michigan, but young voters in the area have expressed disapproval of his handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict. Meanwhile, in Nevada and North Carolina, the President has a net approval rating of 23% and 22% respectively.

seems not everybody has the same rosy view of Biden’s Presidency as you do… go figure. Perhaps you should review just who is in a cult…

We started with cases of ballots under tables, Chavez, fraudulent voting machines and satellites changing votes. We are now down to, “states changed the rules”.

This goes well beyond, “illegitimate” or, “problems with elections”. According to a Monmouth poll, 68% of Republicans believe Biden only won because of, “fraud”.

Well sure. He never left his basement and didn’t have yuge rallies filled with cult members like trump did. Those two things always determine elections.

Can someone both believe Biden is President but the election was flawed? “Yes”//

But here is the thing, yes your statement is true, but incomplete. And there in lies the confusion and outright misinformation. Every election since the dawn of time could have your statement said about it. But this election and others held here in the US should also have said with that, but the flaws were so small and insignificant, that it had no bearing whatsoever on the outcome. We are talking about a fly on an elephant, not a Lion. It is a hole that we will certainly attempt to plug in the future, although it 100% did not affect any outcomes.

These are the things you do not hear from the right, and they take your talking point and then extrapolate it to have actually done something nefarious. And funny that most of these flaws, benefited Trump anyway, but that gets left out too…