The MAGA mind

Every time Trump loses anything it’s because it’s rigged.

He was going to claim it was rigged before he lost 2020. You know that.

Get ready for 2024.

Goes without saying.

What will be interesting is how the bootlickers in the GOP leadership respond. On one hand they’ll know his political career is effectively over so their fealty to him should wane; on the other, they’ve committed to the Big Lie in perpetuity so how can they not take the position of “stolen election” again if he loses? It will be a close election and the MAGAts will be on fire, and Trump will be stoking it even harder than 2020.

I think it gets a whole lot worse before it gets better.

It really is rich how the circle jerk has seized on propaganda here.

I’m not sure who you’re talking about when you say “circle jerk,” but I’m not part of any liberal lefty group. If I could stomach the state of the party right now, I’d probably be more likely to vote GOP than Democrat. However, I simply see what is repeated again and again by members of the MAGA movement and its leadership.

They are not parsing the subtlety of whether “legitimate” means 100% in conformance with every rule at every level. They are repeating, transparently and openly, that Pres Biden was not legitimately elected, that Donald Trump should be the president, that the vote was stolen, etc. They’re not walking a fine line. They’re way over the line and down in the abyss.

You can try to pretend that the respondents to these often repeated questions, and the people who choose to speak on the topic unprompted, are just concerned with minor irregularities here and there, but that is simply not reflective of reality.

About half of Americans continue to feel that it is at least somewhat likely that elected officials will successfully overturn the results of a US election if their party does not win (50%). That view has been fairly stable since CNN began polling on the question in summer 2021. There has been an uptick in the share of political independents who feel that it’s at least somewhat likely, though, from 42% who felt that way last summer to 53% now.

From the above, I conclude that 50% of Democrats think our elections are illegitimate.

Congratulations, the exact propaganda trick I described earlier has worked. The MAGA wing of the GOP has repeated its accusations of stolen elections so many times, and it has placed MAGA adherents in so many key positions, and those adherents have repeated the lies and talked about ways to skirt around election laws or change them so that the vote can be disregarded so many times,…that other people have now had to concede that our electoral processes are at risk.

After the next cycle, if we see that the votes are counted and the results tallied, and the winners take office, confidence in our processes will return. If we see the votes counted, and the results tallied, and then a MAGA appointee or elected official do an end-run around those results to put someone else in office, then people will continue to feel that our electoral processes are at risk or broken.

The difference is that this belief will be based on actual plain evidence of wrongdoing, instead of based on disproven and baseless accusations hurled as part of a massive propaganda machine.

I conclude that 50% of Democrats think our elections are illegitimate.

I conclude you are wrong. 91% of Democrats say Biden was legitimately elected

They seem to outright believe what some media type on the street tells them. These are not high information voters. I would think you could do the same and find some people who want free Obama phones for instance. It’s funny kinda and also sad.

I conclude that 50% of Democrats think our elections are illegitimate.

I conclude you are wrong. 91% of Democrats say Biden was legitimately elected

I’d like to hear from that 9%. Are they just general loons, MAGAs that are still registered as Democrats, etc.

I conclude that 50% of Democrats think our elections are illegitimate.

I conclude you are wrong. 91% of Democrats say Biden was legitimately elected

If Trump was elected 90 percent of Republicans would think he was legitimately elected. Your guy wins in close election it is legit. He loses it is not. That is generally how it goes.

I conclude that 50% of Democrats think our elections are illegitimate.

I conclude you are wrong. 91% of Democrats say Biden was legitimately elected

If Trump was elected 90 percent of Republicans would think he was legitimately elected. Your guy wins in close election it is legit. He loses it is not. That is generally how it goes.

I’d don’t remember ever thinking Trump wasn’t the legitimately elected president.

Saved by electoral college, which many say should be tossed.

Your guy wins in close election it is legit. He loses it is not. That is generally how it goes.

Both sides!

I remember how Biden barely escaped when Hillary sent the mob after him in the Capitol.

If Trump was elected 90 percent of Republicans would think he was legitimately elected. Your guy wins in close election it is legit. He loses it is not. That is generally how it goes.

No, that is most definitely not “how it goes.”

I conclude that 50% of Democrats think our elections are illegitimate.

I conclude you are wrong. 91% of Democrats say Biden was legitimately elected

If Trump was elected 90 percent of Republicans would think he was legitimately elected. Your guy wins in close election it is legit. He loses it is not. That is generally how it goes.

Can you find anyone here that said Trump lost in 2016?

I conclude that 50% of Democrats think our elections are illegitimate.

I conclude you are wrong. 91% of Democrats say Biden was legitimately elected

If Trump was elected 90 percent of Republicans would think he was legitimately elected. Your guy wins in close election it is legit. He loses it is not. That is generally how it goes.

Can you find anyone here that said Trump lost in 2016?

He lost the popular vote, but won the Electoral College.

I conclude that 50% of Democrats think our elections are illegitimate.

I conclude you are wrong. 91% of Democrats say Biden was legitimately elected

If Trump was elected 90 percent of Republicans would think he was legitimately elected. Your guy wins in close election it is legit. He loses it is not. That is generally how it goes.

You’re actually trying to “both sides” election denierism? Based on? And don’t give me Hillary Clinton or Stacey Abram. Clinton conceded and Abram cited potential voter suppression efforts, and did not claim the actual election was conducted illegally. Clinton said Trump was “illegitimate” based on voter suppression, purging voter rolls, etc… But neither of those two election claims are championed by the Democratic Party or most Democratic voters. Meanwhile efforts continue to make elections more fair and representative of voters’ will (eg undoing gerrymandering).

Election revisionism is just a modern version of: if only Pickett’s charge went around the flanks instead of down the middle toward the cemetery hill and the stone wall.

I conclude that 50% of Democrats think our elections are illegitimate.

I conclude you are wrong. 91% of Democrats say Biden was legitimately elected

I’d like to hear from that 9%. Are they just general loons, MAGAs that are still registered as Democrats, etc.
Nah. Not how public polls work. Many of the people they reach have no clue what’s going on, or troll on purpose, or get anxiety and blurt out the first thing that comes to their mind. There are ALWAYS garbage results. 91% is an overwhelming majority and that’s all that matters.

When I was young and naive I worked for a marketing firm. (Don’t judge me.) We sent out questionnaires and polls. About 10-15% of the responses were unusable.

What does it mean when someone is asked if the election was won legitimately?

It is a very simple question that does not require convoluted sematic games to deflect from the fact that a large portion of the GOP base believes the lies and conspiracy theories their leaders feed them.

Trump lost, get over it.

Is Barry Bonds the legitimate HR leader?

What does it mean when someone is asked if the election was won legitimately?

It is a very simple question that does not require convoluted sematic games to deflect from the fact that a large portion of the GOP base believes the lies and conspiracy theories their leaders feed them.

Trump lost, get over it.

in a way that conforms to the law or to rules.

Trump lost and lost and lost. How many lawsuits must the man lose before they call him a loser?

I didn’t say he didn’t lose. What I did do is give two concrete examples where election laws were not followed in PA. And one of those examples even broke against Trump.

My point stands that if you ask some people on the right if Trump won, you’ll get a “No”. But if you ask them if the election was legit, you’ll also get a “No”. I know this is hard because you guys have been conflating from the beginning the ideas that questions with the election procedure = Trump won. Just like questions about the Covid shot = vaccine denial. There are grey areas.

It’s your nature, though. I get it. I forgive you.

What does it mean when someone is asked if the election was won legitimately?

It is a very simple question that does not require convoluted sematic games to deflect from the fact that a large portion of the GOP base believes the lies and conspiracy theories their leaders feed them.

Trump lost, get over it.

Is Barry Bonds the legitimate HR leader?

Don’t know, don’t care.

Why is it that when today’s GOP is confronted with inconvenient facts the response is whataboutism, deflection, and semantic games?

What does it mean when someone is asked if the election was won legitimately?

It is a very simple question that does not require convoluted sematic games to deflect from the fact that a large portion of the GOP base believes the lies and conspiracy theories their leaders feed them.

Trump lost, get over it.

Is Barry Bonds the legitimate HR leader?

Don’t know, don’t care.

Why is it that when today’s GOP is confronted with inconvenient facts the response is whataboutism, deflection, and semantic games?

Is anything I posted about the PA election laws being ignored not true?

I said nothing about whataboutism.

I deflected nothing.

I played no semantics. I literally used the definition of legitimate. I’m sorry if words scare you, but I do have the best words.

On Bonds, your non-answer is an answer.

For the record, you can still call me racist to try to save face. You haven’t played that greatest hit yet.

Trump lost the 2020 election. The results were legit

He lost by just a hair under 43,000 votes spread over 3 key states

He lost to a man who claimed to be a bridge to the future of the Dem party and to the first female black Asian heir apparent to the Dem party

The circle jerk here touted he and his VP as the adults in the room who would unite and heal the country. Would be competent and decent. Would return us to respect on the world stage.

The man he lost to now has a 3 year track record of running the country and the world into about 6 different ditches. His mental and physical competence is non existent. And the world has figured out his heir apparent loves yellow school buses, Venn diagrams, word salads, and avoiding any real responsibilities.

And his Willy Horton moment just happened in GA one of the 3 key states above when an illegal alien hunted and killed a nursing student

Meantime Trump hasn’t lost a single supporter from 2020

So the circle jerk is here talking about the MAGA mind while the man Trump lost to sucks on ice cream cones and tries to quote Lincoln.