The MAGA mind

Downright fascinating.

It shows how many, many, many people make emotional choices first and then come up with all the rationalizations afterwards. It’s all just cognitive dissonance.

It shows that for some people. And when you talk about a population of a few hundred millions, perhaps many, many people.

But Kimmel clips of three interviews tells me little if anything about how representative they are of Trump supporters. That doesn’t say that a large portion of Trump supporters, including some who post here, are like that. But this isn’t evidence.

I guess I don’t know how it works, but do those people have to give consent for the use of the video after the fact or do they do it by agreeing to answer the questions when first asked?

Consent may not be required when you responding in public to someone holding up a microphone and with a camera recording everything. It may be a different matter if the clip were used commercially to promote a product, but for news or even comedy purposes, I think they’re probably fine.

This also shows how a lot of people are just completely out of touch. Who wouldn’t know that the “bright light” and porn star payoff were not Trump?

It could also show how people act when answering questions in front of a camera, especially when they’re not prepared for it. I suspect there may be a natural response, perhaps out of eagerness to be on camera, to respond. And that that inclination may outweigh any introspection.

While I think these videos are amusing, I don’t think they tell us that much.

My wife wasn’t aware of that COVID UV light bleach press conference either. But she isn’t a Trumper and doesn’t watch or listen to the news. I have to assume Fox just didn’t cover it for more than a nanosecond so it isn’t on these people’s radar.

Makes you wonder how much these people actually know about the facts of his indictments and recent court losses beyond Joe Biden Deep State Witch Hunt.

I wouldn’t know Biden’s gaffs if someone asked me about them. Although I’m not sure he’s made any bone-headed statements (i.e. not gaffs) like Trump.

But there’s a decent chance that a die hard Trump supported who consumes Newsmax and OANN would be able to cite them religiously. And I get that there may be a distinction between gaffs and bone-headed statements, but I’m not sure where that line is.

“(Pause)……my sister has flat feet…”


It’s a great video.

But it’s not that amazing. Because it’s how the **majority of humans **come to cognitive decisions.

Including you and me. We’re not immune.

Downright fascinating.

It shows how many, many, many people make emotional choices first and then come up with all the rationalizations afterwards. It’s all just cognitive dissonance. shows that for some people. And when you talk about a population of a few hundred millions, perhaps many, many people. But Kimmel clips of three interviews tells me little if anything about how representative they are of Trump supporters. That doesn’t say that a large portion of Trump supporters, including some who post here, are like that. But this isn’t evidence.

Of course the clip is not a scientific study, no one is claiming that it is.

And, fyi, this is not just trump supporters, it is the way the majority of human beings are wired/conditioned, we are a very tribal species. You can see this (cognitive dissonance) a lot on this very forum. There have been countless well controlled scientific studies on cognitive dissonance and nearly all have shown similar phenomena as the Kimmel clip. I am sure one could do a very similar type of video spoof with Biden supporters (although, admittedly, AFAIK, Biden has done a lot less crazy things.)

We need an intelligence test for voting.

You’re such a right winger. :slight_smile:

Roger is right that Kimmel (or the Daily Show) can pick any topic he wants and do man on the street videos that make people look like idiots. There was a great one a while ago with every one saying that we need to end women’s suffrage. But this a good one at showing cognitive dissonance at work.

Speaking of cognitive dissonance:

What’s really sad is America will have more such people in the future, not less as one would expect.

If you want to know why talk to a teacher. Ask them about their classroom kids.

We need an intelligence test for voting.

Seems like an easy one to have. If you’re going to vote for Trump, you’re too dumb to be allowed to vote

Downright fascinating.

It shows how many, many, many people make emotional choices first and then come up with all the rationalizations afterwards. It’s all just cognitive dissonance.

It shows that for some people. And when you talk about a population of a few hundred millions, perhaps many, many people.

But Kimmel clips of three interviews tells me little if anything about how representative they are of Trump supporters. That doesn’t say that a large portion of Trump supporters, including some who post here, are like that. But this isn’t evidence.

Exit polls show that 87% of Trump voters in the South Carolina primary believe that Joe Biden did not win the 2020 election legitimately. The numbers for the New Hampshire exit polls were about the same.

It is pretty clear that a large portion of Trump supporters are out of touch with reality.

Not necessarily.

What it really tells you is that if you repeat a lie over and over and over again, people will start to believe it.

Not necessarily.

What it really tells you is that if you repeat a lie over and over and over again, people will start to believe it.

I agree that propaganda works but usually for it to work on such a broad scale it needs to be a complicated topic with limited information sources.

The big lie has been debunked in courts. It has been debunked by media and experts from across the political spectrum. No reasonable person believes it. The folks who still believe it either live in a very dark echo chamber, are intellectually challenged, or not honest.

Not necessarily.

What it really tells you is that if you repeat a lie over and over and over again, people will start to believe it.

I agree that propaganda works but usually for it to work on such a broad scale it needs to be a complicated topic with limited information sources.

The big lie has been debunked in courts. It has been debunked by media and experts from across the political spectrum. No reasonable person believes it. The folks who still believe it either live in a very dark echo chamber, are intellectually challenged, or not honest.

This is exactly how large scale political or ideological propaganda works. It’s the entire premise of the propaganda form of communications. If you repeat something enough times, it will take hold with some group that wants to believe it, or that wants to fit in with the people who believe it. If you continue to expand on that propaganda, it builds and reinforces the original lies. The longer you speak it into existence, the further you get from the original debunking, and the more easily you can just pretend that never happened. You lie, the core audience believes, the lie is debunked, you wait awhile and then reinvigorate the lie while adding layers of new lies and lies about the debunking, rinse and repeat…

It really is rich how the circle jerk has seized on propaganda here.

What does it mean when someone is asked if the election was won legitimately?




in a way that conforms to the law or to rules.

Citing an anticipated surge in voter turnout and potential U.S. Postal Service delays, the state Supreme Court ruled mail ballots could be counted as long as they were received by the Friday after Election Day, despite the fact that the law states ballots must arrive by 8 p.m. on the day of the election. (About 10,000 arrived in that extended window, according to Boockvar.)

In another case, the high court ruled that although the law says voters “shall fill out, date, and sign” the outer envelope of a mail ballot, not doing so is a technical defect and those ballots shouldn’t be disqualified. Republicans had sought to throw out several thousand votes because of technical issues with the outer envelope in Philadelphia and Allegheny County.

While the state Supreme Court considered those issues a “minor irregularity” that didn’t disqualify a ballot, the justices took a perhaps counterintuitive approach to another part of the Election Code that they considered a “weighty interest.” They sided with Republicans on “naked” ballots, ruling the law was clear that a ballot must be placed in a secrecy envelope, which then has to be placed in an outer envelope.

The court said it was clear lawmakers meant the secrecy envelopes to be “mandatory” because they protected the privacy of a voter’s choice.

It’s unclear how many naked ballots were thrown out across the state, but in Philadelphia, about 4,000 ballots lacked a secrecy envelope and were rejected.

“You’re talking about thousands of ballots that aren’t going to count. It’s a problem that we need to correct,” said state Rep. Kevin Boyle (D., Philadelphia), the minority chair of the House committee that handles election legislation. “The wording of Act 77 was extremely problematic in relation to that.”

That’s just an example in PA…parts of the election that did not conform to law or rules. That is not legitimate, by definition.

So, yeah, the propaganda machine works both ways. You can both think the election had problems with legitimacy and that Biden is the duly elected President. There are Republicans who think election laws were broken in 2020 who don’t think there was some grand conspiracy against Trump. But, when you ask that person if the election was legitimate, they’re going to say no. Then, you can use that answer to paint all Republicans as crazy. It’s propaganda.

About half of Americans continue to feel that it is at least somewhat likely that elected officials will successfully overturn the results of a US election if their party does not win (50%). That view has been fairly stable since CNN began polling on the question in summer 2021. There has been an uptick in the share of political independents who feel that it’s at least somewhat likely, though, from 42% who felt that way last summer to 53% now.

From the above, I conclude that 50% of Democrats think our elections are illegitimate.

Legitimate is a loaded word. Ask a better question.

What does it mean when someone is asked if the election was won legitimately?

It is a very simple question that does not require convoluted sematic games to deflect from the fact that a large portion of the GOP base believes the lies and conspiracy theories their leaders feed them.

Trump lost, get over it.

What does it mean when someone is asked if the election was won legitimately?

It is a very simple question that does not require convoluted sematic games to deflect from the fact that a large portion of the GOP base believes the lies and conspiracy theories their leaders feed them.

Trump lost, get over it.

in a way that conforms to the law or to rules.

Trump lost and lost and lost. How many lawsuits must the man lose before they call him a loser?

Your quoted article presents an interesting perspective.

In your view, do you think the wildfire that was covid, did that also highly, highly affect the 2020 election?

Trump in 2012:

On election night in 2012, when President Barack Obama was reelected, Trump said that the election was a “total sham” and a “travesty,” while also making the claim that the United States is “not a democracy” after Obama secured his victory.
Trump even wrote on Twitter, “We can’t let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!”

Trump in 2016:

“Ted Cruz didn’t win Iowa, he stole it. That is why all of the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated. Bad!” Trump wrote on Twitter at the time.
He also wrote, “Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa Caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified.”

Again in 2016:

In October 2016, just weeks before the general election, Trump wanted to cast doubt on the results by tweeting, “The election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary - but also at many polling places - SAD,” without providing any evidence for the claim.

Every time Trump loses anything it’s because it’s rigged.

He was going to claim it was rigged before he lost 2020. You know that.

Every time Trump loses anything it’s because it’s rigged.

He was going to claim it was rigged before he lost 2020. You know that.

Get ready for 2024.