Taylor Knibb olympic races

Even the mechanic crashed. FFS!!!

this is a nightmare scenario for the tri as well…

bruised and defeated before the tri

I assume a minimum all the spots of the crashes will be known for Dygert

She’s doing wonders for helping with triathlete biking skills jokes.

I see she is 9 seconds down at the 22km time check after all that. Of course the best riders are to come.

I don’t understand roads are not better prepared for Olympics. We see new pavement and paint in small French towns for the TdF


I don’t understand roads are not better prepared for Olympics. We see new pavement and paint in small French towns for the TdF
It looks like they are riding through the heart of Paris. I don’t imagine it would be super easy to close down and repave those streets.

I don’t understand roads are not better prepared for Olympics. We see new pavement and paint in small French towns for the TdF

the rain is the biggest problem… there are no good roads around any city lol

I don’t think this is the roads. I think this is a twisty time trial in rain for someone who isn’t used to it. They’ve only shown one other women crash so far and it was once. You could see her come into a very wet corner on her second crash and was still angling the bike like it was dry. Hardly anyone is crashing so it’s not the roads.

Grace Brown and Dygert on the road.

Once you crash 3 times it’s pretty hard to blame anything/anyone, but yourself.

After all those mishaps she comes across 0.3 seconds ahead of the 7 who started befoe her.

I think the US support team should be practicing bike swaps, new bike ready, get rider going, get the old bike (getting that order wrong cost a few seconds). Also, the mechanic fell multiple times… bad luck or poor shoe choice?

After all those mishaps she comes across 0.3 seconds ahead of the 7 who started befoe her.

Right but she’s a strong rider going against lower ranked riders. I wouldn’t expect anything else besides that. Going down even 3 times on corners isn’t losing a ton of time because they’re low speed. The only reason she didn’t lose more is because they go in reverse order not highest to lowest ranked.

What a disaster. No idea what she was thinking leaning that much on the second crash, especially when you’ve already crashed.

Road is wet and people are crashing all over.

After all those mishaps she comes across 0.3 seconds ahead of the 7 who started befoe her.

Right but she’s a strong rider going against lower ranked riders. I wouldn’t expect anything else besides that. Going down even 3 times on corners isn’t losing a ton of time because they’re low speed. The only reason she didn’t lose more is because they go in reverse order not highest to lowest ranked.

Yeah agreed

lack of experienced - riding a tt bike 30mph+ is not easy and with the rain even worse

What a disaster. No idea what she was thinking leaning that much on the second crash, especially when you’ve already crashed.

That’s what I said to my daughter right after it happened, she went into that corner like it was full dry, you can’t steer by leaning like that especially when you just went down it’s too much of a risk. It’s almost like she thought she as out of it and needed to risk more.

What a disaster. No idea what she was thinking leaning that much on the second crash, especially when you’ve already crashed.

That’s what I said to my daughter right after it happened, she went into that corner like it was full dry, you can’t steer by leaning like that especially when you just went down it’s too much of a risk. It’s almost like she thought she as out of it and needed to risk more.

I see Kopecky also went down. Her and Knibb had a similar split at the first time check