Slowtwitch...what is happening? What am I looking at

What is everyone else seeing?

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This Is Not Normal Bernie Sanders GIF by Election 2020

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Jeepers creepers, Yeeper. Even my snarky gifs don’t post correctly.

I’m seeing that they assigned the Lavender Room a lime green icon. Outrageous!

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I’m not sure what the new overlords are trying to pull

Way too much white space! Too much like Reddit. Don’t like.

ETA: Really dislike being greeted by a “discobot”.

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The better to advertise to you, my dear…[insert cackling witch, which I’d do if I could figure out how to post a gif]

Also, not sure if/how the ‘quote response you’re responding to’ function works.

You’d think they’d pick a colour closer to… Uh… (Checks notes)… Lavender?

Your gif is not displaying.

FUCK! My eyes!

IT took me forever to finally get logged back in.

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Yea this is way too much. I dont think all thread posts are there. All messages gone.


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I know it’s not. A material portion of my communication (such as it is) in this joint is gif-based. I am neither delighted nor amused.

Good news: If you were logged in on your mobile device, it is still the old forum. Hope that stays.

Bad news: A certain person is still here.

Not to mention it seems the block lists are gone. The one “member” I had blocked I am now seeing again and cannot see where to reblock.

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Yea the bot feature is weird. As are all the pop up notifications. And all these “badges” in the upper right patting me on the back for dumb shit.

This is now like original facebook. What…the…fuck.

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Hahaha, mck414. I shall haunt you forever now!

(Kidding. I’d like to think that I’m innocuous enough to not have made your block list of 1).

I have a bad feeling that these changes will essentially kill the ST forums …

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This is streamlined and easier to use?

I think I may just log right back out.

  • Jeff

We have the LIKE feature!!

I only liked MkSoandSo’s post because I saw the option to like. Love you, dude, and the feature, but not the complaint

This new format is good. It might take us a few hours to get the hang of it, but it’s fun. Also, it’s funny to see people complain, and I’m pretty sure the Overlords are laffing

ETAA if you sort w/o tags, you will see the latest posts & will feel oriented

It’s not just about feeling oriented.

Posts deleted
Messages deleted
IP limitations and difficulties logging in
Whitewashed site
Visually complex
Reply and quoting features requires more clicks and is by no means more streamlined
Formatting seems off
Gif compatible

Like feature is a plus.