Slowtwitch...what is happening? What am I looking at

Not to mention it seems the block lists are gone. The one “member” I had blocked I am now seeing again and cannot see where to reblock.

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Yea the bot feature is weird. As are all the pop up notifications. And all these “badges” in the upper right patting me on the back for dumb shit.

This is now like original facebook. What…the…fuck.

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Hahaha, mck414. I shall haunt you forever now!

(Kidding. I’d like to think that I’m innocuous enough to not have made your block list of 1).

I have a bad feeling that these changes will essentially kill the ST forums …

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This is streamlined and easier to use?

I think I may just log right back out.

  • Jeff

We have the LIKE feature!!

I only liked MkSoandSo’s post because I saw the option to like. Love you, dude, and the feature, but not the complaint

This new format is good. It might take us a few hours to get the hang of it, but it’s fun. Also, it’s funny to see people complain, and I’m pretty sure the Overlords are laffing

ETAA if you sort w/o tags, you will see the latest posts & will feel oriented

It’s not just about feeling oriented.

Posts deleted
Messages deleted
IP limitations and difficulties logging in
Whitewashed site
Visually complex
Reply and quoting features requires more clicks and is by no means more streamlined
Formatting seems off
Gif compatible

Like feature is a plus.


Our tech group pulled everything that had been posted as of about 5 AM this morning. Anything post that might be in limbo.

IP address fun is being worked on.

Unfortunately yes you need to re-mute users. Plus side: it should also mute threads they start.

For those talking ads, you’ll note there aren’t any at the moment. Future state. But let’s not pretend this was money motivated, because we’d have a thousand ads up already if it were.

That’s what I’m thinking.

Wasn’t the old site white background as well ?

I found the user mute. I will say adding in duration options is a cool feature if you want to block someone temporarily.

Profile → Preferences → Users

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We fixed it!

Lavender lives.

PS: if you enable dark mode it makes the site a more familiar gray…but darker.

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You earned my very first ST Forum “like”.

I am now selling “Make ST Forums Great Again” hats and “We’re Not Going Back” (with round ST logo thingy) t-shirts at imnotactuallydoingthat(dot)com


For the love of God don’t give Eric any ideas.

Do like it has a like button though and at least we didnt lose everything like last time

THIS IS AMAZING!!! Thank you for moving the forum over to something that functions like a modern website.

I don’t think that’s quite right because I was in a few threads yesterday and those recent posts are all gone.

I tried to find the threads again but it looks like all google result links and links from emails are now broken.

The data exists, the tech team is working to restore it.

I don’t know whether the old email notifications will work. The redirect map was…uh…massive.

If you are tying to find old threads, posts, or info, try the mobile version of the old forum on your phone. For now, that info is all accessible there, to the best of my knowledge. Not sure for how much longer,

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Gotcha, thanks. Probably not a huge deal if email links no longer work but you may want the google links fixed to avoid the SEO hit :slight_smile: Perhaps you already know this one too but while I am adding reports it looks like there was some character encoding issues with your DB move over, for e.g. Taupō shows as Taupō in old posts.