Olympic Swimming Fans and fishes, here we go!

Long ago, I know the US broke the WR in the medley relay in the prelims, then it was rebroken in the finals by the “A” team who won the gold. This was before prelim swimmers also got medals, so not only did they lose the world record, they didn’t even get a medal!

Where did everyone go? 😂

Anyway…I’m thrilled for Dressel’s comeback, and Katie’s “being like the furniture”. (Who the fuck 4-peats?)

And Katie Grimes! Correct me if I got this wrong, but she goes to Paris for 400IM, 1500, and…er…10km? 😂 That’s insane!!

I just caught up after 10 hours on the poker tables, and so stoked for Dressel and the US. That 100 fly puts him on possibly two more relays, so now he could have 5 events once again and a shot at his PR of 5 gold medals…And I see no reason he would not be favorite in those events, and the relays are stacked too…

Ledecky looked pissed, still wondering if she was in full taper here. There really was no reason to be, and if I were her coach, would have had her swim just a bit tired. She had no threats in any of her events, and all her competition did full tapers for their meets because they had to. Well Summer didnt have to, but from her 400IM WR, think she was plenty rested…

Great to see the Walsh sisters getting to go together too, they looked really happy and it was a long held family dream…

Next big meet, the Olympic Games baby!!!

And I will be curious how the tapers go from here for all the countries. Those that went earlier had to get back to full training mode again, but with such a short time left now for the US and others that were this week, just some fast tune up stuff and try to just get a tiny bit better from this meet, except for Ledecky of course…She gets her first rest and taper finally (-;

Katie Grimes! Correct me if I got this wrong, but she goes to Paris for 400IM, 1500, and…er…10km? 😂 That’s insane!!

Yes, and the schedule is good for her in that the 10km is more than a week after the 1500.

One more evening and only two more races left to go for these Trials!

I have this crazy feeling that in a few weeks from now Dressel will be at his best ever.

I ordered Katie’s book. I can’t wait. The released intro is fantastic. She is of course her own biggest critic. 10sec/20sec off her WR 800/1500 in the Trials when she is clearly winning? Oh the humanity!! 😂

The released intro is fantastic. She is of course her own biggest critic. 10sec/20sec off her WR 800/1500 in the Trials when she is clearly winning? Oh the humanity!! 😂//

Well in those two particular events, it has only been the clock that has been her competition since she burst onto the scene. And I’m afraid the clock is going to win this one, her records of 8;04 and 15;20 seem to be unbeatable competitors now. And I’m not sure why either. She is still young and has been training so well all these years, she should be a lot closer to those times and possibly even beat them. Perhaps we will see something special at the games when she is fully rested, that would be fun to see, as we usually dont even see 2nd in those races in the same shot as her…

According to her post race interview after the 1500 she said she was tapered when asked “who doesn’t taper for trials” She was very disappointed with the 15:37 esp. when the 15:39 the day before felt so easy. She felt her stroke got sloppy and looking at her splits that confirmed it. She said she has lots to work on for Paris.

Looking at Titmus’s time from Oz Trials in the 800 she went 06/100 sec faster than Ledecky so should make for good racing if she was actually fully tapered.


Popovici 1:43:13 in the 200 free… getting close.


According to her post race interview after the 1500 she said she was tapered when asked “who doesn’t taper for trials” She was very disappointed with the 15:37 esp. when the 15:39 the day before felt so easy. She felt her stroke got sloppy and looking at her splits that confirmed it. She said she has lots to work on for Paris.

Looking at Titmus’s time from Oz Trials in the 800 she went 06/100 sec faster than Ledecky so should make for good racing if she was actually fully tapered.

It would be much clearer if you simply said “0.06” faster. As it stands it reads as “6 sec/100” faster. In any case, nice catch, I had not noticed that their times were so close, and neither had Swimswam. As you said, this should be a great race at the Olys. TBH, despite being American, I’m rooting for Ariarne in her matchups against KL. She just seems like a very personable girl. :slight_smile:

6 sec / 100 is 48 seconds for the race so definitely not that. .06 = 06/100 of a second.

Would really love Ariarne to take gold in the 800. It would be a really nice final FU to KL for giving Ariarne her back and not congratulating her after she beat her for the first time in the 400 in 2019 and making up BS about having a cold etc. Coincidentally it was the last time Ledecky was even close in the 200 and 400.

6 sec / 100 is 48 seconds for the race so definitely not that. .06 = 06/100 of a second.

Would really love Ariarne to take gold in the 800. It would be a really nice final FU to KL for giving Ariarne her back and not congratulating her after she beat her for the first time in the 400 in 2019 and making up BS about having a cold etc. Coincidentally it was the last time Ledecky was even close in the 200 and 400.

Please don’t beat around the bush. Tell us how you really feel. 😂

I read zuckerzeit’s post as 6/100 of a sec. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Did Ledecky really not congratulate Titmus? I know she was not doing that right away - it looks bad right after the finish.

According to her post race interview after the 1500 she said she was tapered when asked “who doesn’t taper for trials” She was very disappointed with the 15:37 esp. when the 15:39 the day before felt so easy. She felt her stroke got sloppy and looking at her splits that confirmed it. She said she has lots to work on for Paris.

Looking at Titmus’s time from Oz Trials in the 800 she went 06/100 sec faster than Ledecky so should make for good racing if she was actually fully tapered.

It would be much clearer if you simply said “0.06” faster. As it stands it reads as “6 sec/100” faster. In any case, nice catch, I had not noticed that their times were so close, and neither had Swimswam. As you said, this should be a great race at the Olys. TBH, despite being American, I’m rooting for Ariarne in her matchups against KL. She just seems like a very personable girl. :slight_smile:

The post literally states:

“Looking at Titmus’s time from Oz Trials in the 800 she went 06/100 sec faster than Ledecky so should make for good racing if she was actually fully tapered.”

It does NOT state “6 sec/100” faster.

(Clearly, I have too much time on my hands today.)

6 sec / 100 is 48 seconds for the race so definitely not that. .06 = 06/100 of a second.

Would really love Ariarne to take gold in the 800. It would be a really nice final FU to KL for giving Ariarne her back and not congratulating her after she beat her for the first time in the 400 in 2019 and making up BS about having a cold etc. Coincidentally it was the last time Ledecky was even close in the 200 and 400.

Wow, I did not know these details from 2019, interesting. Ariarne just seems like a genuinely nice person.

I hate to quibble about the 0.06 but in all my years of math, science, and engineering, I’ve just never seen anyone write 0.06 as “06/100”. That is all. :slight_smile:

So two very nice swims to conclude the trials. Fan favorite and legend Simone takes the 50 and astonishes everyone, including herself. Two faster earlier times, but you have to do it in the finals and that what counts. Huske has to be devastated at this too, she gave up the 200IM to just be able to to get into this race…And our fastest swimmer did not even race it, choosing other events as well…

And super stoked to see Finke go 14;40. I’m sure the world and he himself were in a bit of doubt about if he could go toe to toe again with the best. This solo time settled it, for sure he is on the right track. The 14;59 qualifying time must have been so easy now looking back…Stoked for the kid too that got 2nd, talk about holding on by a fingernail!!!

Super happy for Simone!

Now on to track and field.

Super happy for Simone!

Now on to track and field.

What is this “track and field” that you speak of?

I still think it stinks that only 2 swimmers per event go to the Olympics when 3 go in track and field !
How many go in each event in gymnastics ?

It used to be 3 swimmers back in my day(old days) but there was a lot of pressure to make the meet smaller, thus the 2 swimmer limit. I think each sport runs its own qualifying procedures, so comparing to the other sports is pointless, especially since we already had 3 and had that cut…

But yes it does suck for the US, as we have 3rd swimmers that could actually medal. Which is also a perceived problem by everyone but us, the world does not want us sweeping events anymore…

I’ve thought the same thing.

Track and field represents the biggest sport at the Olympics, with 48 events: 24 men’s events, 24 women’s events.

There are 35 total Olympic pool swimming events: 14 individual events per gender, three relay events per gender, and the mixed medley relay.

The gymnastics team is 5 women and 5 men.

It used to be 3 swimmers back in my day(old days) but there was a lot of pressure to make the meet smaller, thus the 2 swimmer limit. I think each sport runs its own qualifying procedures, so comparing to the other sports is pointless, especially since we already had 3 and had that cut…

But yes it does suck for the US, as we have 3rd swimmers that could actually medal. Which is also a perceived problem by everyone but us, the world does not want us sweeping events anymore…

The point about keeping the meet smaller is lost on people. I get a chuckle when its suggested to add 50 strokes to the program. That will never happen unless they cut out the 100’s and make it 50 / 200 of strokes because they are not expanding the field.

In the end I dont really think it was so much about the bigger meet, as it was not letting the US dominate an entire podium, just my gut feeling…

Because they have expanded the meet, and recently. Adding in the womens 1500, the mixed relays, that has all been very recent. So it would not surprise me for them to adopt the WC format someday and include the 50’s of the strokes. they are short and exciting races, and wouldn’t really add too many more swimmers as most would qualify in the 100’s too. I mean for 3 years the WC’s seem to do fine with that format, so what really is holding them back??