Olympic Swimming Fans and fishes, here we go!

The river is still shit that the race may not be able to take place at all.

In the end I dont really think it was so much about the bigger meet, as it was not letting the US dominate an entire podium, just my gut feeling…

Because they have expanded the meet, and recently. Adding in the womens 1500, the mixed relays, that has all been very recent. So it would not surprise me for them to adopt the WC format someday and include the 50’s of the strokes. they are short and exciting races, and wouldn’t really add too many more swimmers as most would qualify in the 100’s too. I mean for 3 years the WC’s seem to do fine with that format, so what really is holding them back??

As I remember it was definitely to stop the USA from sweeping. (And GDR and later AUS)
Swimming is one of the most popular Olympic sports, probably why 2028 will be in SoFi to sell a lot of tix.


I suspect the relay only quotas will change for 2028. We are about to find out how many swimmers got in with consideration times.

I suspect countries that qualify in both the 4x100/200 Free relays will likely have select relay spares on a combined criteria in 2028 and beyond, no more #5&6 in 100 Free and 200 Free separately. Bringing the best 2 swimmers based on combined FINA points from both events seems like an inevitability. Look at the US women in 4x200, every one in that final except #5 Peplowski has a priority 1 or 2 selection. God forbid Simone has to swim a 200 Free prelim and have another minor medal.

My understanding is that a company keeps checking the water directly after a rain spell when it is known the levels will be off. And then we get this unsafe water report to make the organizers look bad.

If they get a 5 day dry spell the river is safe.

Is this also/still the thread for The Olympics Themselves?

Suturday W400m Free!!! I think Titmus will win in sub 3:55. 😳

I also predict that Titmus finds a way to beat Ledecky in the 800m!!! 😳

But really, I’m hoping that it will be the…er…Summer of Summer.

I have a fair amount of money at good odds on Alexy winning the 100.

I’m heading to London right now and will put a wager on the us men to win the 4 x 1 on Saturday. I’m thinking (maybe incorrectly) that I’ll get decent odds doing it in London.

Aus doesn’t have the best track record of performing well at the Olympics, I’m thinking one of their female stars will lay an egg. So I’m taking summer to win the 400.

I also have a small amount at good odds for Maggie McNeil to win the 100 fly.

I have a fair amount of money at good odds on Alexy winning the 100.//

Interesting bet, what odds, and what were the ones on Guliano?? If they are more on him, that’s my dark horse pick. Of course he could have just blown his wad at trials, but man, what a coming out party that was for him. I think he may have more room too, but he does have a very busy schedule with the 50/100/200 and all the relays too…Let me know and I will send you some $$ and join the club…

Just saw an article on SwimSwam that the the pool is only 2.15 meters deep.
Minimum is 2, 3 is recommended.
More a concern for synchro, but may mean less WR for swimmers.

I saw that too, gonna effect the sprint events for sure. Distance not so much as they really dont have that wave action that sprinters create.

One more day and it is on fishes!!!

So I saw this article about one of the Aussie swim coaches, apparently he is in deep shit for supporting one of his foreign swimmers. It has to be hard, like what if Bob Bowman was seen rooting for his French All Star Leon Marchand? There is so much crossover coaching in the world these days, what says the collective here on this behavior?? Personally I think it is fine in a more private way, telling the media you are actually rooting for the other guy, well says you might just have a little problem with your actual coaching of your countries athletes…


I think for the Olympics they should hold their tongue. What they say in the media isn’t relevant to their athletes

Bowman is coaching on the French team. He isn’t a coach for the US this Olympics. Personally, it rubs me a bit the wrong way considering he just took the head coach position at UT and has US athletes at the Olympics.


I did not know that about Bob, just assumed since he was a previous coach that he would be there again. It kind of just goes to my earlier assertion that sport has become International, and coaching is no different. I’m sure this happens a lot in other sports like cycling, imagine you are on your countries team, and also the lead domestic for someone racing on another team. I have no doubt that those pro alliances often will carry over to one off events like the games…

With swimming, particularly on the US team, you are either on the US team coaching and then not coaching any other country’s athlete or not on the team. He chose to coach Marchand.

That’s a tough choice for sure. No doubt that there are also some funky going ons with these national bodies, rubbing many coaches the wrong way. You see it in other sports, dont imagine swimming any different. And on the other hand, you have a once in a generational swimmer you have nurtured for a long time, and you want to see it through in the biggest meet of his life. Bob could literally have the best two swimmers over a 40 year span, while bringing NCAA titles to different schools, rages to riches… Well not so much rags in Texas, but certainly a fallen angel from their long dynasty of the past couple decades…

Not going to fault him without knowing all the particular’s, doubt any of us here does either. Hell, I’m rooting for Leon myself, so I suppose my fandom has transpired borders also…

A bit of a rookie move from Palfrey it would seem.

He can very well think that and hope his guy goes well but of course that is going to rub people the wrong way. I mean he was quoted speaking to Korean television so of course he was just exited and spoke out of turn.

And he then realised he was speaking completely out of turn and has copped it on the chin.

Low iq moment….

Another coach who causes the Aussie swim illuminati grief is Dennis Cotterell who now coaches with China and had sun yang for a lot of time after 2009

Another coach who causes the Aussie swim illuminati grief is Dennis Cotterell who now coaches with China and had sun yang for a lot of time after 2009 //

Just saw on the latest PTO VID that he also coaches Ashley Gentle. She had a very funny story to tell about him too…

I dont know what it is, are people really this clueless?? I get that the internet has caught a lot of folks off guard and they have fucked up royally, but this was old school fuck up, in front of reporters…

Got a link to that video? I just watched the one where laidlow Anne and gentle are in London but didn’t catch the Cotterell story

Coaches get a bit too much sun, goes to their head sometimes and makes them kookoo

Post #32 on the PTO London thread, during the Gentle interview portion…