Olympic Swimming Fans and fishes, here we go!

that is absolutely outragous fast. i mean swimming fast brs is just so hectic on the body and she did a 108. f - ing hell… we had a breastroke chick chelsea hodges retire before trials because her hips were hammered from the breastroke… she’s a legend mate, she out swam her flat start race at tokyo and (arguably) won the girls the medley gold

Nice swim from Foster tonight, 4;07 400IM. That could put him in contention for silver or bronze, unless some Frenchman gets the flu…

And yes breastroke can be hard on some folks, but others just seem to do the stroke with ease. We have a guy on our team now 52 and he went to trials as an old dude at 41 I believe. He went 1;03 100LCM there, but of course that was a one and done swim for him. Gabby gets her 2nd swim tonight, and hopefully another .5 to .7 drop and maybe even a 3rd!!!

So looks like the womens 100 fly final for the US will be the toughest final ever in the history of womens swimming, perhaps faster than the actual olympics coming up. I had predicted earlier that someone would do a 56 and miss the team, but worse than that. 55.6 missed the team and 4 more 57’s…

But Regan Smith is going to be a monster in the 200 fly. I think maybe even a new WR if this 100 speed of hers is any indication. She dam near ran Huske down at the end, one more stroke and she had her. Glad for how it worked out for our team though, Huske is the true sprinter there…

So looks like the womens 100 fly final for the US will be the toughest final ever in the history of womens swimming, perhaps faster than the actual olympics coming up. I had predicted earlier that someone would do a 56 and miss the team, but worse than that. 55.6 missed the team and 4 more 57’s…

But Regan Smith is going to be a monster in the 200 fly. I think maybe even a new WR if this 100 speed of hers is any indication. She dam near ran Huske down at the end, one more stroke and she had her. Glad for how it worked out for our team though, Huske is the true sprinter there…

As a fellow Minnesotan I was pulling for her. She has had some lows since her first Olympics and seems to be in a good place now. Was really hoping she could snag the second spot for the 100 fly to kick off her trials. Cannot wait to see what she has for her other events!

Ya she is on fire for sure. And that 1/10 of a second cost her 3 events in the games. You dont see that too often…

Our mens 4x200 looks to be really good and able to at least defend for that top spot. Lots of 1;45’s/46’s in the semis, imagine it will take a 1;44 to get top 2 and 1;45+ for a relay consideration.

Gabby took another 1/10 of her lifetime best to get 10th, oh so close!!! But what a great story for her, I think they said only Lily King was even born when she was swimming in the olympics…And speaking of, nice 1;05+ in the semis, so our womens medley relay is getting more and more solid. She would make 2 WR holders on the team with some pretty good other strokes to fill it out…

Well we almost lost a possible gold medal contender in the 100 back, completely slipped off the block and was DFL by over a body length before the first stroke…But Hunter would not be denied, last place at the 50 and 2nd at the finish to make a final time…It really looks like him and Murphy, both of which could win it all. Certainly is nice for our mens medley relay to have those two to open it up with…

Nic Fink did his thing, not a great time as he blew out the first 50 and died a horrible last 20, but barley held on for the win in 59 flat. Think we may be seeing Michael Andrew’s last meet here, he really is the greatest most inconstant swimmer I have ever seen at this level…I believe he is in the 200 IM later and 50 free, so still possible…

And if she does take it, no doubt Huske will be there close behind, and plenty fast enough to be on the prelim swim in the 4x100 medley. How sweet will it be for the coach to have possibly the two fastest in the world to fill out your relay’s. I think maybe the women do the 100 fly on the mixed relays too, so perhaps more medal opportunities for each of them…

Depending on how the 100 free sorts out, the finals medley could be

Smith-King?-Huskie- G Walsh if Gretchen is looking a little ahead of Kate Douglass on form

Yes the final order of that medley relay is really going to be in flux, and time differentials are going to be paid close attention to. As long as Regan does her thing in the 100 back, she will have preserved at lest one of those events she lost out on in the 100 fly, and perhaps two depending on what events they use ladies for in the mixed relay. I think men typically will do the breast as that has the largest differential and it keeps a team out there in smooth water too.

Although when we had a 49+ 100 fly from Dressel, that was a big gap too, but perhaps not as much this time around. Smith is really going to have a pretty full schedule with relays and 200’s of strokes, perhaps the 100 fly squeeze out will be a blessing in the end. But dam, you get within .3 of the old world record and you dont even make your team???

Well we almost lost a possible gold medal contender in the 100 back, completely slipped off the block and was DFL by over a body length before the first stroke…But Hunter would not be denied, last place at the 50 and 2nd at the finish to make a final time…It really looks like him and Murphy, both of which could win it all. Certainly is nice for our mens medley relay to have those two to open it up with…

Nic Fink did his thing, not a great time as he blew out the first 50 and died a horrible last 20, but barley held on for the win in 59 flat. Think we may be seeing Michael Andrew’s last meet here, he really is the greatest most inconstant swimmer I have ever seen at this level…I believe he is in the 200 IM later and 50 free, so still possible…

Saw that happen. That has to be the nightmare sort of scenario all of the swimmers are fearing at the trials and now they all saw it happen in real life. Great for him that he got himself into the finals. I will be really curious to here the relay choices because as you note, some folks will be getting filled up with individual events and does that open the door for one of these “might have been an Olympic medal contender but was third at the trials” sort of folks to get another chance? So much drama!

some folks will be getting filled up with individual events and does that open the door for one of these “might have been an Olympic medal contender but was third at the trials” sort of folks to get another chance? So much drama!//

No that cannot happen, it is against the rules to take a 3rd place swimmer(unless they qualify top 2 somewhere else). Now in the free relays they can and most often go 6 deep if the overall team numbers allow it. But even there you want to be at least 5th to get that relay spot because a full team could leave off 6th…

SO not too bad for the womens 400IM, 4;35’s for both. But still aways from the top contenders.

Great line up for the mens 4x200 relay, basically 6 guys at 1;45 and one under. Big disappointment from Kibler, although he get to focus fully on the relay now. Mens medley still solid with Murphy, dude just keeps it real all these years, 52.2 100 back is solid…

Womens 4x100 medley looks great with Smith knocking on the door of the WR in the semis 100 back, and Lily King back to old form and crushing the field in the 100 breast.Could end up with 3 WR holders all on the same relay!! And how tough is it when you are the defending olympic champion(100 breast, Jacoby) and you come 3rd in your trials!!! Such a fast meet…

Question for the selection experts here, what happens to Ledecky’s 200 spot since she probably gives it up? Does it go to 3rd in the final, or is it just an empty spot to maybe be filled by someone who already made the team in another event??

I guess my question is there roll downs??

I’m sad G. Rose didn’t make it.
You’ve met her personally? Too cool.
I want her autograph! Must find a way to send her some fan mail

Dont be sad for her, she bettered her time each time she swam, and getting 10th was probably beyond her wildest dreams…

And how good are our men in the 100 free. First prelim and already we have 4 x47’s with Alexy going 47 flat for 2nd best time in the world next to the new WR…Dressel looks good with his 47+, he always steps up each prelim, and Guliano is just on fire this meet with a 47.6… We literally could have all 4 swimmers swim a 46+ in the relay, which should get it done in Paris for gold…The way it looks now, it is going to take a good 47+ to make it to top 6 and relay consideration.

Mens relays all around are going to be sitting in good shape to take gold it appears from the trials thus far…And how good would that medley be if Dressel gets back to his fly form and Alexy with a 46 on the end. Finke is the weak link. there for sure, but should be enough to keep the guys in contention with China…

Dont be sad for her, she bettered her time each time she swam, and getting 10th was probably beyond her wildest dreams…

So that’s still all awesome. I think it’s personally I want to see women her age be super super fast :slight_smile: but … she still is super super fast. I still get the role model. My comment was definitely partly selfish.

And if you look at Caleb’s splits in the 100 from prelims, there is a lot more in the tank.


Yes - I believe her 200 individual swim would roll down to Paige Madden (3rd place). Relay alternates wouldn’t be affected because based on prelims, Simone looks good for the 100, and she was 7th in the 200. (i.e. not double dipping and screwing over the 7th place person who would have been 6th and a relay alternate).

And if you look at Caleb’s splits in the 100 from prelims, there is a lot more in the tank. //

He has been back halfing his swims this year, fly and free. Old days he would get out ahead at start and hold on, so new tactic since his comeback. And he better have a lot left in the tank if he wants to beat Alexy, because that dude is on fire and wouldn’t surprise me with a 46+ in the next two swims. I just hope Caleb can’t take the fly and be on that A relay too. Longing for some nostalgia here…(-;

Gonna be really hard just to get that 2nd spot from the looks of it too, 3 guys lined up for one spot, provided Alexy continues on this glide path to the overall win…

Relay alternates wouldn’t be affected because based on prelims, Simone looks good for the 100, and she was 7th in the 200. (i.e. not double dipping and screwing over the 7th place person who would have been 6th and a relay alternate). //

That all makes sense as long as Simone keeps up that prelim swim speed. Really surprised how she did it too, just like Caleb has been doing this year, she back halfed it to perfection. Really nice to see her back in the mix, and not just for a low relay spot too…