Olympic Swimming Fans and fishes, here we go!

Arienne Titmus. “The Olympic Village isn’t made for high performance swimming” Who would have thought no AC and crummy mattresses leading to poor sleep would impair performance?

Unfortunately Penny had a great swim and went mid 52 in the prelims (as was reported, I haven’t seen a breakdown)…so question answered.

I was wondering why we would not use Penny for the closing 100m. Or Summer for the fly and Maggie for the closing 100m? Maggie has a proven record in the 100m free. yes, Maggie is the Tokyo gold medalist in the 100 fly, but maybe Summer is realtively better at 100 fly than she is in 100 free?

Unfortunately Penny had a great swim and went mid 52 in the prelims (as was reported, I haven’t seen a breakdown)…so question answered.

I was wondering why we would not use Penny for the closing 100m. Or Summer for the fly and Maggie for the closing 100m? Maggie has a proven record in the 100m free. yes, Maggie is the Tokyo gold medalist in the 100 fly, but maybe Summer is relatively better at 100 fly than she is in 100 free?

Maggie went a 55 so it was the right choice to use here there. They went with Summer over Penny because they were hoping for miracle.

This is the golden age for Team Canada. Summer is going to be the hands down best swimmer in the world by next, well, summer (she already is but Marchand takes up so much air that Summer dominating the women’s meet went relatively unnoticed). Liendo and Kharun have good chances to win in LA.

I am good with swimming looking this going forward. I’ll always root for USA first but having it be a global sport with 10 nations (thats a guess?) winning Golds is a good thing.

I’ll always root for USA first but having it be a global sport with 10 nations (thats a guess?) winning Golds is a good thing.

13 Countries winning Gold https://swimswam.com/us-wins-fewest-number-of-gold-medals-during-winning-streak-medal-table-breakdown/

1 United States 8 13 7 28
2 Australia 7 8 3 18
3 France 4 1 2 7
4 Canada 3 2 3 8
5 China 2 3 7 12
6 Italy 2 1 2 5
7 Hungary 2 1 0 3
8 Sweden 2 0 0 2
9 Great Britain 1 4 0 5
10 South Africa 1 1 0 2
11 Ireland 1 0 2 3
12 Germany 1 0 1 2
Romania 1 0 1 2
14 Greece 0 1 0 1
Japan 0 1 0 1
16 Hong Kong 0 0 2 2
Netherlands 0 0 2 2
18 South Korea 0 0 1 1
Switzerland 0 0 1 1

For personal reasons, I hope Hinchey isn’t out; just cuz he was a college teammate.
Did they really lose $10 million on trials?
I know it was super ambitious and pretty well received and attended. But, tix were an absolute fortune, at least initially.

The men’s team did not do well, I thought the women were good.

The NCAA implosion is going to get worse. I bet within 3-5 years only half as many teams will remain, especially men’s.

The former Pac-12 AD’s will not see value in flying the non revenue teams out to the East Coast so much.

That was the word on the street in Indy - biggest 2 nights were only 2/3 full, most sessions were 1/2 or less,. That production couldn’t have been cheap. There’s been a number of other problems during his tenure, and the rumblings were starting before this summer anyway. He pushed out a ton of institutional knowledge from the org, and many felt he doesn’t deserve the salary he’s pulling based on falling revenues and membership that is stagnant.

That was the word on the street in Indy - biggest 2 nights were only 2/3 full, most sessions were 1/2 or less,.//

I said this months and months ago when I was considering goin to the masters champs and watching some events there. Until I saw the $400 a day price tag on tickets!!! It was ridiculous, imagine that came down some to get that place half full at some point. I mean come on, those tickets would be expensive at $40, but that would be reasonable at least. That price actually kept me from going, as that long a trip I really wanted to do both things if I went…Someone should certainly be fired for that, and if you say they lost 10 million on the deal, perhaps borrow a guillotine from the French…

As to the mens team and their performances, was there really anyone that was going in as a gold medal favorite after trials?? I mean we had hopefuls and wishful thinking, but from what I could see around the world, others were the favorites for top honors. Even Finke was not a favorite going in, but he never is even after winning as the underdog over and over.

Now their relays were favored and they performed pretty much to expectations, except for that Medley one. And that was mostly on Finke I would say, we really need a low 58 consistent swimmer there. Many got the minor medals, and if there was any under swimming, it was there. Expected more from Dressel, but he rose to the relay occasions. Guliano was the real disappointment, along with Hunter, but both also got up for relays and had their best swims there. Am I missing something here, did we have a favorite in any of the mens races going in?

My point exactly. Where is the capitalization on the Phelps boom and sustained improvement? Murphy, Dressel hung around a bit too long and none of the other guys stepped up except for Bobby.

The other problem was that Trials was too big of a deal. It’s a big meet by itself, but the production put it over the top and I think sucked the energy out of the team, especially the men.

But, tix were an absolute fortune, at least initially.

I actually looked into going and the ticket prices were high but I was going to buy a package. The reason I ended up not going is because trying to find a hotel that cost less than $500 a night and up, was impossible.

The other problem was that Trials was too big of a deal. It’s a big meet by itself, but the production put it over the top and I think sucked the energy out of the team, especially the men.//

Ya a lot of talk over the years by many countries on when to have trials. I had always though that the US did a good job with the timing, and doing a double taper close together. So you think they need more time nowadays? Has the trials meet gotten so big and the stakes so high(thus full tapers for most) that they now need an extra month maybe? Of course the meet is always going to be a huge one as qualifying for the US team is as hard as it gets other than the games themselves. And not sure you can put the hype back in the bottle around it, just the nature of sport, and the prominence of American swimming with all of our recent superstars who really elevated it among the average fan.

That was the word on the street in Indy - biggest 2 nights were only 2/3 full, most sessions were 1/2 or less,.//

I said this months and months ago when I was considering goin to the masters champs and watching some events there. Until I saw the $400 a day price tag on tickets!!!

I don’t think they lost $10M hosting trials. I think that figure was they were hoping to make $15M and they made $5M. So that’s where the $10M figure is probably coming from. They had 450,000 tickets to sell and they sold something like 300,000 (I don’t remember exactly).

They averaged selling 4,000 more tickets per night on the 4 nights where Ledecky was swimming. So she singlehandedly sold an extra $1,600,000 for team usa if the average price was $100 per ticket.

I don’t think it’s the timing - most US Swimmers come through the NCAA system so are used to double tapers. I think it was the energy level required to get through Indy was just that much more than anything Omaha was capable of producing.

I agree. I think there needs to be a re-working at USA Swimming. This isn’t just happening at the Olympic level. You have more and more clubs that are opting to sign up for AAU instead of USA Swimming. USA Swimming needs to look at using the NCAA system for swimmer development since there will probably be some rough times ahead for a lot of collegiate programs after the House v. NCAA settlement.

Woah, AAU is a thing again?

I just rewatched the womens 800 and I think Titmus could have won that race. I mean it looks like Katie too something like 6 to 8 more breaths ever single length that she did, that has to add up at some point and be a negative factor, doesnt it? I mean just about everyone has figured out how to breath every stroke now, including most in the 100 sprint until the very end. Titmus has this 2/2/4 pattern she uses, and of course takes a lot fewer strokes per lap than Katie too. 8 breaths a lap, something to consider…

I remember back when Yang set the WR for 1500 and he was one of the first pro guys to do the Gary Hall double breaths, and I said way back then, it was probably out of necessity because he only took 28 strokes a lap in LCM. He had to figure out a way to breath more or slow down, and he gravitated to the double in and out of turns, and once or twice in between the walls…What do you think fishes hive mind??

So, the In-Seine Women’s marathon swim is underway. Sun rise in Paris, gives a start in the “golden light”. Looks nice.

I don’t think I realized how long this race is! They finished the first lap in about 30 minutes. Into the fairly strong current, they are hugging the wall. At some points, they were going very slow into the current.

The ravitaillment at the turn around is interesting. Swimmers flip on their backs and chug their feed bottles and then chuck the bottles in the river. Announcer says that there are people responsible to retrieve bottles. Just like bike races, I guess.

Would love to watch this all live - CBC is showing the whole thing live. But, one has got to sleep.

I don’t think I realized how long this race is! They finished the first lap in about 30 minutes.

At typical 10km races, the women finish in around 2 hours or less or about 20 minutes per loop. The current is just that strong. If this were the current at your IM event the swim would be canceled or the majority of the field wouldn’t be finishing.

There’s always a feeding station at the 10km races or you have a kayaker that goes with you with your feeds. At El Cruce, for instance, in Mexico they have group kayakers that basically act like mobile aid stations on the course.


I don’t think I realized how long this race is! They finished the first lap in about 30 minutes.

At typical 10km races, the women finish in around 2 hours or less or about 20 minutes per loop. The current is just that strong. If this were the current at your IM event the swim would be canceled or the majority of the field wouldn’t be finishing.
There’s always a feeding station at the 10km races or you have a kayaker that goes with you with your feeds. At El Cruce, for instance, in Mexico they have group kayakers that basically act like mobile aid stations on the course.

The winner Sharon Van Rouwendaal finished in 2:03:34 so I think that first loop time must be a bit off. Prob first loop was around 20:36 or thereabouts.

That sounds more like it. The current did look pretty strong.


You misread that first loop, it was actually about 21 minutes, and all the subsequent ones were about the same. I found it funny that Rowdy had no clue what was going on when the race started, no idea about what the currents mean and so on. Then he starts getting texts from some swimmers trying to educate him during the race…

And I was really surprised that many of the swimmers didnt have it down either, and were just feeling like blind folks do in a strange room. I mean they had the triathlons to watch but many were just clueless, and unfortunately the two Americans. I mean Katie could have been there, she had the arms to be there, but made soooo many mistakes, including trying to finish up the middle of the Shute(think it was her) while a whole group hugging the lane line swam right past her…

Flora Duffy put them all to shame and she had nothing to see ahead of time… (-;

Bet the mens race is a little more pulled together, they will certainly have watched todays race and made a coherent plan to be competitive…