Olympic Swimming Fans and fishes, here we go!

I guess in theory at the end of 100 back you finish the race touching wall with hand so the archaic rule may just be you are finishing a legal 100back event and then starting the 100 breast with an wall push off start that you do starting every length of breast that is not started from a dive

Hmmm…but the IM races are NOT indy back races, so why regulate as if they were??? I guess I just have a longstanding hatred of that rule going back to Kristine Quance’s DQ in 1996. It just seems so nonsensical to me b/c it results in world class swimmers being DQ’d. I mean, if they have a problem complying with it, how are we amateurs supposed to???

I’m all for the rule staying as it is.
Finish your backstroke before you start your next stroke.
I actually dislike most of the recent (are some of these really 30 years ago?) rule changes.
It seems to me that most of these changes happened just because they couldn’t enforce the existing rules.
Oh, we can’t tell if you touched on your back, screw it, throw in a bit of freestyle at the end of a backstroke lap.
Oh, we can’t tell if your kick is breaststroke or dolphin, screw it, dolphin away.
It does suck to be DQ’d, but you gotta do it correctly.
I have seen a few DQ’s for flutter in butterfly.
And a woman was DQ’d I think in the 200 free. How do you do that? Maybe a false start that they didn’t recall?

Summer raced the final 50 free like she was smelling golden blood. Very nice chase and pass.

I’m all for the rule staying as it is.
Finish your backstroke before you start your next stroke.
I actually dislike most of the recent (are some of these really 30 years ago?) rule changes.
It seems to me that most of these changes happened just because they couldn’t enforce the existing rules.
Oh, we can’t tell if you touched on your back, screw it, throw in a bit of freestyle at the end of a backstroke lap.
Oh, we can’t tell if your kick is breaststroke or dolphin, screw it, dolphin away.
It does suck to be DQ’d, but you gotta do it correctly.
I have seen a few DQ’s for flutter in butterfly.
And a woman was DQ’d I think in the 200 free. How do you do that? Maybe a false start that they didn’t recall?

OK, we’ll have to agree to disagree. I remember the Aussie Stephanie Rice who won the women’s 400 IM at the '08 Oly did an OPEN turn on the back to breast, and I remember thinking she wants to be sure not to get DQ’d. Smart girl!!!

1500 is up…

Yeah, I said yesterday that his nine month lead up was not enough time. Feel bad for him that he had to go through everything that he went through mentally.

And I very much agree about that turn rule needing to be changed. So bummed for Alex.

P.S. Another IM fan here.

Gold and a WR for Bobby Finke in the 1500!

Wow. Bobby Fink, swim of this Olympics. Prevents the US men from an embarrassing gold shut out. Greatest US IS male distance swimmer ever. WR!!!

Nice way for the women to wrap it up with a gold medal and a world record!

King went out a Queen. What a final swim for her and the rest of the women just wrecking the WR.

Dressel the only one to deliver the goods on the 400 medley relay.

In the end the us had the best team. The only difference between this and the glory days a few years back was Bowman’s protege swims for the wrong country.

That was a lot of fun.

Can’t wait for LA in 4 years.

In the end the us had the best team. The only difference between this and the glory days a few years back was Bowman’s protege swims for the wrong country.

Maybe we can count him for half since he’s been an Arizona State Sun Devil the past 3 years.

So crazy race in the 1500 from Bobby, swam the exact opposite strategy from all previous races over the years. Wiffen shouldn’t have opened his mouth about how he was going to come in a break the WR and crush everyone, not a good look to begin with, and just pisses off your competitions. And what a great swim from Palenteri too, only reason Bobby gets that WR having his shadow the entire race…14;20+ in a decent pool for sure, so new standard in that race to now chase…

Pan swims the fastest relay sprint ever breaking Lezak’s crazy time by a little over a tenth of a second, but first man to break 46 flat to win that relay for China. Not sure what anyone could do there, but to be further ahead before that leg. Dressel represented himself well, haven’t seen Marchand split as of yet. But good on them for getting a bronze in a race where they dont usually even final…

Womens relay was pure USA relay magic. Loved all the talk of this or that team fighting for the win, but when you have 3 WR holders on your team(albeit one a long time ago) this is what you get when they all are on fire. Lily King was her old self finally, probably pissed about that hundredth of a second that kept her off the podium in the individual…And what a great meet for Huske, really stoked for her after the last time around. She just focused all of her energy into this one big meet(after trials of course) and swam out of her head…

Dont know what happened to the Oz backstroker, set a bad tone for the rest of the relay for sure, but good on them for fighting for that podium spot…And Smith sets a new OR in the backstroke split, probably wishes she did that in the individual… (-;

Dressel the only one to deliver the goods on the 400 medley relay.//

Yes that swim in the individual would have had him fighting for the gold for sure. I said it earlier, I really think that all out 50 really hurt him and his chances, otherwise most his swims were pretty good, but especially that relay split…

Looking over all the splits, yes the US should have won that race if not for two swims from Fink and Hunter. They weren’t horrible splits, but Fink’s was especially slow compared to his other relay swims, and Hunter was several 1/10’s off his free relay split. That .8 would have had them on the wall first, but such is competition.

And you were right in that Armstrong did anchor that relay, as he should have in the end. Gualiano was a real disappointment from the trials, was hoping he would hold or get better in this much bigger stage.,Was also hoping Alexy was going to do something special, he just kind of held his own…Think you were hoping too… (-;

Yeah, I still believed he’d win at the 50. Then. No

(For those wondering: I had a sizable bet at more basically +820 on him).

Watched the 4 x 100 Women’s Medley Relay and was thinking we had a medal when Maggie gave us a lead, and wondered after if perhaps Penny had done a better job in the prelims than Summer did in the finals. Any splits out there to see? I’m a big Summer fan, but an equally big Penny fan.

I saw some splits and the Canadian woman in breast was a high 1;06 and summer a low 53. So summer had a great swim for her in a sprint, the breast was a bit slow compared to the other teams… Fly was outstanding, just need a breastroke finalist to round out that relay and a true freestyle sprinter…

You guys came through by the skin of your teeth for the medal count. Kate Douglas’s 200 breast and Bobby’s 1500 were not exactly locked up. Bit sad its all over now.

Unfortunately Penny had a great swim and went mid 52 in the prelims (as was reported, I haven’t seen a breakdown)…so question answered.

My money says that the CEO (Tim Hinchey) and National Team Director (Lindsey Mintenko) will both be out before the end of the year. Hinchey for taking a $10M+ bath on trials in Indy and Mintenko for overseeing the worst men’s performance in 120 years. I was talking with some friends before Bobby’s swim if we could just not name a male swimmer of the year this year to send a message that this shit was not acceptable.

Armstrong anchoring the relay was emblematic of the problem - our second best backstroker should not be on the finals relay above the guys who actually made the team in the 100 free.

USA Swimming has a huge reckoning on their hands now that the NCAA is about to implode. USA-S hasn’t had to do anything to develop men, as the NCAA took care of that for them. And now our best coaches are either old or focusing on foreign athletes.