Olympic Swimming Fans and fishes, here we go!

Yeah, imagine that and also that he will be cleared to swim by Friday.

And to think they’re worried about a little muck in the Seine.

That’s a whole new topic for here.
What’s the dirtiest swim you’ve ever done in a Triathlon?
(doesn’t count if you’re English).

The AB in my handle is the abbreviation for Alberta… I’ve raced in that pond in Edmonton at least 10 times.

Way to go Daniel Wiffen with an Olympic Record in the 800 free.
First Irish man to make an Olympic swimming final never mind a medal.

Was all set to do Worlds in Edmonton in 2014.
Can’t remember why I didn’t, but I still have the T shirt (really great tech shirt).
What pond did they swim in?

What’s the dirtiest swim you’ve ever done in a Triathlon?

Black Warrior river in Tuscaloosa, for 2009 National AG Olympic…
much like Paris, torrential rains for a couple days before, stiff current and all kinds of nasty debris washing down with it… I consoled myself by hoping the river had been up for a day or more, surely the worst would be flushed out by now :wink:
I didn’t get sick and didn’t hear of any more illness than usual so we got lucky.

Second best/worst is any race in Cherry Creek reservoir here in Denver. There aren’t any more races in there.

The nastiest river I’ve voluntarily gone in or on, is the South Platte in Denver. Our canoe club helps every year with a cleanup day. That fills the canoe with revolting things. My wife refused to pull the dead dog on board… we left it there for the next heavy rains to deal with.

European men carry on their winning ways in the 800. It’s remarkable. Something in the water ? ha.

Yeah, imagine that and also that he will be cleared to swim by Friday.

And to think they’re worried about a little muck in the Seine.

That’s a whole new topic for here.
What’s the dirtiest swim you’ve ever done in a Triathlon?
(doesn’t count if you’re English).

The one where I got my arm right over my mate’s shoulder and got a fantastic pull over the top of him coming around a then bouy 👹.

Oh hang on, you DQ’d me for being English.

GB crushed that and was pretty close to a WR for a 7 minute rave.//

Ya another of the WR’s that should have gone down, except for the doughboy pool…That was a great race, and as I suspected, the US left off their #1 trials finisher since he is just screwing the pooch this meet thus far. The sub ins did great to hold to a 7 flat and silver, about the best they could have hoped for against the Brits. Aussies were stellar, especially with a guy that just swam the 800 on board. One of the advantages the US has of having so many that can swim relays.

Great ladies 100 back, clear winner in the ending few meters from Oz. Us sweeps the minor medals and the women just keep on chugging along. Will be interesting in that 100 free, dont think we have a shot, but both got lanes so anything can happen.

So I guess I got my answer to the Marchand question, and looking at the finals, they may have had a great shot at Bronze had he swam. I guess they are just resting him for his individual events, but this was end of day, last event, and he gets to sleep in. I guess they dont want to waste him on a Bronze medal, but that would have been huge for France…

200fly for men is going to be spectacular, the greatest of all time vs the greatest of all time in everything else. Probably a good thing this event is first for Leon, think the 200 breast after is a bit easier final for him. He looked so good and that last 50 breast was just long strokes and gliding, and no one was catching up!!

Hey AB, what do you think about the Canadian womens medley? They got some horses for sure, will Summer swim fly on it you think, or will they rest her like France is doing with Leon?

Hawrlek Park

Dirtiest swim for me has to be in the early 80’s, swimming from Statue of Liberty to shore. Water back then was some of the worst anywhere, and we had to get 3 shots with papers to just get into the race before hand. Typhoid, Tetanus, and Gamagloublin. I recall putting my hand onto raw feces and having it explode with my catch and pull. There were all sorts of dead animals, and it was not uncommon to have dead bodies floating around too. Some of you old NY locals probably recall that old water body from back then, not pretty or safe…

Close 2nd was a lake in Bakersfield also early 80’s. Lake was closed everyday of the year due to excessive pollution, but for one day a year they opened it up so they could have their triathlon…Cow piss and shit central, with 100 degree weather cooking it into a nice potty soup.

I have no recollections of getting sick though, probably some did. We just dealt with it, the race was the important thing and water quality was not even talked about. I would imagine the Seine to us would be drinking water today, but everything has gotten soft since then… (-;

I didn’t DQ you for being English, I’m originally English, it’s just that English Wastewater treatment plants appear to have no qualms in polluting just about every river and lake in England (eeee… where’s there’s muck there’s money")…if you swim there you are already immune to anything the Seine has to offer and the “numpty” guy will win.

Aaah quite the pond, did they race around the islands…At least you would be well fertilized right next to the golf course and all.

Yuck…the worst I might have swum in was the Olympic Rowing Course for the Montreal Esprit (IM distance) in the nineties. Thanks to a previous mayor Montreal was still dumping raw sewage into the St Lawrence in those days and the Rowing course was fed by the river. But then 60 plus years of swimming in public pools has probably made me immune to just about everything.

All swimming involves drinking water…I really should have showered more often.

Covid is tearing through the swimmeet.

Heilman, Fallon, Johnson, Urlando, Whitlock are all sick.

I’ve heard (I’m sure it’s just a rumor) that athletes" mingle"…:0)

Leon got Mono in December / coincidentally so did Regan Smith

Wow…Ledecky 15:30.

Sometimes we hear rumblings that she is slipping. And then this!

Wow…Ledecky 15:30.

Sometimes we hear rumblings that she is slipping. And then this!

The first 3 golds for the night were achieved by 3 of the top 10 or so swimmers of all time.

I’ve got to think Leon is going to win the 200 breast.

Did my eyes just deceive me in that M100m FS Final???

I mean, are those chefs back in town? 🤷🏼‍♂️

(I stole that from swimswam comments.)

Did my eyes just deceive me in that M100m FS Final???//

Ya that was other worldly, I dont know what I think about that swim. It will likely be the only WR at this meet too, figure around 46 flat in a decent pool too. Just cannot fathom someone an entire body length ahead in an Olympic final 100, and the rest of the field were all in the 47’s+. Most off their trials and or best times, which was to be expected in this pool. I suppose he just got his smooth water right away and then took advantage of that…

Leon was awesome, defeating the best in both the 200 fly and then 200 breast. I said this a year ago, this guy could win just about every event there is if he focused. Still dont know why he wasnt in France’s relay last nite, could have fought for Bronze. Perhaps they didnt have any confidence in the other guys, but they really stepped up and did well.

Super stoked in that womens 100, old lady kicks ass, American outside lane gets 2nd, and the favorite is shut out all together. Some Aussies crying in their beers tonight for sure… No worries mates, you’ll get your revenge in the 4x100!!! (-;