More gunfire associated with Donald Trump

Yeah, I am sticking with this guy was paid by team Trump for this whole thing.

Only If he ends up getting Jack Ruby’ed while in custody can that conspiracy then hold water.

And which AG’s office has jurisdiction on this? Mark Lapointe who is the first Haitian-born American lawyer to serve as U.S. Attorney. He was nominated by Joe Biden and is a former Marine. He’s a super great guy (and personal friend of clm).


Karma is a motherfucka


It is likely that Routh was using a modern SKS rifle.

Using? Seems more like he was just holding it.

Jim, shouldn’t you be defending Routh’s constitutional right to open carry a firearm? I can’t see what he did that was wrong in your eyes. You seem very supportive of open carry and that nobody should be prevented from possessing a firearm.

I fully expect the NRA to defend this man’s right to enjoy nature while caressing his modern SKS rifle while occasionally looking at birds through his scope. This is clearly and overreach by the Secret Service and FBI.


Pointing a firearm at someone is an assault and the Secret Service was justified in trying to kill Routh.

Routh never pointed the gun at anyone. Crazy Donald was never in his line of sight.

I know Florida is not currently an open carry state, but an incident like this should clearly show a major problem with open carry. In those states there would not be much anyone could do about people just hanging out on public land looking into a golf course owned by trump. Just waiting for him to come by.

Do you have some evidence he pointed a weapon at the someone? He is not being charged by the federal government for that. I would imagine they would charge him if he did.

The Secret Service said that they saw a rifle poking through the golf course’s fence and engaged the threat by firing on that position. It is entirely likely that Routh will be charged for assault.

As of today, Routh has only been charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm and possessing a firearm with an obliterated serial number. I could see him challenging these charges as unconstitutional.

So if you open carry and hold your gun in a horizontal position that is assault and ground for someone else to see you as a threat and fire in your direction? I find it hard to claim that the weapon was pointed at an individual based on the description of the scene thus far.

You don’t get the muzzle of your AK pointing through the fence of a private golf club owned by a candidate for President and protected by the USSS by just open carrying in a horizontal position. There’s not really a good reason to be trying to argue in defense of this gentleman.

How was he supposed to know that the USSS was going to be there, let alone the former President? He was probably just bird watching while exercising his 2nd amendment rights to protect himself bad people.

Is this a joke?

The lengths that people go to to defend American gun culture is a joke.


Trump was a couple of holes away. This guy didn’t attempt to shoot anybody.

This guy should be a right wing hero!

He was clearly there to protect Trump.