Liz Cheney endorses Harris

I love the logic… You didn’t provide enough protection from my rioters so its your fault there was an issue?

Sorry you should have built your house better against fire, its not the arsonist fault it burned down.

Not bizarro to me. He will never admit it in public, but I think that Dick Cheney knows quite well that his actions directly helped trump gain power. So Cheney is (very weakly) trying to absolve his own guilt.

my theory is cheney has a lot invested in middle east, and trump will pull out of deals over there. Did we already forget the movie “Dick” ?

Slightly different take, Dick knows the play, ran for “good” in his mind, but now see’s how easy it is to run it for “evil” and is worried.

Yeah, right, “for good”. I hope you are kidding.

In what f*cking universe is well over half a MILLION dead Iraqis (nearly all innocent civilians) fall into the “good” category??

If he is trying to absolve guilt he would give all his assets he made profit off back to Iraq/Afghanistan people, and local war vets

I don’t think that’s the title of the movie you’re thinking of

Ugh, sorry “Vice” … 4 letters is what I remembered

You got the middle two right!!! That’s 50%

Good point, but l very much doubt he feels even a shred of guilt for the mass murder he caused, but maybe a little bit for the fact that he helped destroy our country and also for totally annihilating his own tribe.

W is not endorsing a candidate, nor will he say who he is voting for.

Bush’s office said on Saturday that neither he nor former First Lady Laura Bush would endorse a candidate or publicly share how they would vote, according to NBC News.

Wasn’t Cheney a greater threat, to the public or public good, in our 248 year history, than Donald Trump? This COG stuff goes way back.



Not whitewashing what Cheney did, but I don’t recall him calling his supporters to DC and sending them to attack the Capitol so that Cheney could work with the Republican congressmen to overturn the election. I don’t recall Cheney being accused of stealing boxes of top secret documents that he left lying around, even sharing some of them with foreign nationals. I don’t recall Cheney attacking judges, prosecutors or election workers. If Cheney had been tried for any crimes, I don’t believe that a judge would have needed to warn the jurors not to tell anyone that they had sat on the jury that convicted him of crimes.

In case that wasn’t clear - the answer to your question is that No. Cheney was not a greater threat in our 248 year history than trump.

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I agree that Trump (or, more precisely, his followers) is a greater danger than Cheney.

But Cheney and his minions repeatedly broke multiple laws and also deliberately subverted the constitution. So Cheney (and previous presidential criminals, both democratic and republican) paved the very road to help trump and his minions dismantle and destroy our weak democracy.

Improve reading comprehension.

Improve exposition ability.

Trump is right about Dick Cheney being the king of advancing useless wars. I was reading Wendell Barry the other day. Politicians never ask citizens to make sacrifices to advance the republic but are okay with sending young men to make the ultimate sacrifice.

And Trump would also just give the Ukraine to Putin. So there’s that.