Liz Cheney endorses Harris

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Both trump and Cheney are weak, incompetent (republican) gangsters. But, like typical gangster-criminals, they also hate each other.

Nothing to do with democrats.

Yeah. Cheney was bad. But at least his often-fabricated enemies were external to the U.S. - about cleansing the world per a neocon vision. MAGA is about internal cleansing - where we get whoops and cheers and huge grins over stringing up our neighbors.

Cheney is less scary now because we sent the neocons packing, for the most part. They lost.

COG? do you mean Continuity of Government?
If so, then I might concede the Neocon movement led by maybe Cheney was a bit more troublesome than Trump’s meager cozying up to some foreign leaders and being able to be manipulated by them. I would then ask the same question, only bringing it forward. If Trump is elected to a second term, is he then a greater threat than that posed with Cheney? The answer is I’ll take Cheney as the lesser of the 2 threats.