Liz Cheney endorses Harris

Doubt this moves any needles but here you go.

Better late than never.

Small but important detail: it was Liz Cheney’s father (and his blatant disregard for the rule of law while in power) that got us here. So there’s that.

I too find it difficult to reconcile the fact that she is the daughter of a very dangerous father. On this endorsement though she stands with Adam Kinzinger as a Patriot.

Credit to her. It would have been very easy for her to say that while Trump is awful, she is still a Republican and cannot support a Democrat.

George Bush will be next. These endorsements are important. Not every Republican is a maggot. Each one of these peals off a few more votes, and soon some of today’s R leaders will see the maggot ship is sinking and head for the Harris lifeboats.

I can hear them now ‘‘Save the R party, vote D’’!

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IDK… it would be hard to reconcile that with her previous comments that she will do “anything to stop Donald Trump from being President again”.

I hope you are right but I think that W will remain silent on the issue.

It won’t move the needle for MAGA because they believe one or all of the following:

  • She was upset because trump said something negative about her father
  • She is owned by the deep state warmongers who prefer Harris
  • She was never conservative anyway in spite of the fact that she voted with Trump over 95% of the time.

Yeah, I don’t foresee him doing anything. Not necessarily because he supports Trump, he just hasn’t done anything out in the open politically since he left office that I can recall.

I read an article a day or two ago that the Trump campaign id panicking because they think Bush will come out for Harris. They must be thinking it for a reason.

I hope you are correct, but I’d be very surprised to see W make the endorsement.

I would welcome it if it happens.

Looking back at GWB, I disagree with a lot of what he did and I think he made plenty of mistakes, but I think the vast majority of the time he was doing what he thought was the right thing for the country. Some of the people under him not so much, but I think he did things for the right reasons.

Hundreds of thousands of people died in his war in Iraq. But, endorse Harris? That’s just too risky. I’d be quite happy for W to prove me wrong. These endorsements may not move lots of votes, but in a close race it all helps.

Cheney (KBR/$39.5b) GHWB’s good ol’ boys from the Carlysle Group made W think he was doing things for the right reason. GWB, although generally accepted as a “good guy” to have a beer with, was a half-wit stooge.
Still waiting for Rudy and a 10-year-old laptop to prove that Hunter was $40b worth.

Well I think that would be a game changer, Liz coming out is another step in the process, and it makes it a bit easier for the next one. Enough of these and then W will come out, I think that would be a big one for a lot of people, I hope Pence comes out soon for Harris.

Has Trump responded to Liz coming out? His silence might encourage others to follow here.

Nope. A large majority of Trump supporters are locked in, and nobody will change their faith in the Orange One. The politicians who sold their mythical souls and who are still in the game (and W and Cheney are not in the game any longer) know that their future depends on remaining hitched to Trump (Cruz, Lady Lindsey, Rubio, etc.) , and won’t risk their own bases.

There are no game changers as long as Trump is still “campaigning.” There are things that move the line: vote suppression and election interference on the right, and voter enthusiasm and turnout on the left.


Speaking to the latter: new info on PA new registrations in 2024 compared to 2020, after Harris became the top Democratic candidate:

New registrations among women increased by 49%. Black voters… 110%. Not a typo. It gets even harder to believe though.

New registrations among Black women under 30 increased by 262% compared to the same week in 2020. That is more than a 3.5x increase.

That’s one state, but a very important one, and likely similar to other states.

Harris was the game changer.

Thanks captain obvious.

Yes we all are aware there is a diehard trump base about 33% NOTHING will move them.

But there is still a large RINO group out there who are voting party despite the man, For every 1 of those who decides to not vote that is a slight gain, for everyone of those who flip and actually vote Harris thats a 2 pt swing. There is only 1 way you move those voters, and that is the politiicans they support, start to support Harris.

Yes there are other things Harris is doing to add more Dem voters, she has invigorated the base, But this could be a big swing if current repuclican politiicans start to support her. But to get there, you need some of their hero’s to lead the way, the more past Rep. step up and support her, the easier it gets for the next one and then the next one. W going would have sway with lots of them. If W supports Harris, Mitch will be in an even tighter spot.

This is a multipranged war, and many fronts need to be worked, this is a new front that is opening, and could if it opens up be the death call for the Don.

Mostly, yes. But I do give GWB some credit for the period when he “resigned” Rumsfeld, effectively fired Cheney (Cheney was livid about being largely cut off from major war decisions at that point), and ejected the neocon “think tanks” that had infiltrated the Pentagon and State Dept. That doesn’t make him a good President, but it was preferable to letting the non-stop war gaslighting that Rumsfeld/Cheney had engaged from continuing for the rest of his term.

“Neoconservatism” has never recovered from November, 2006. And good riddance. Even though the neopopulism that’s replaced it on the right is worse.

Despite your snark, there is no set of Trump supporters who will be dissuaded from continuing their support of Trump by an endorsement of Harris by anyone. Well, maybe Melania. Why would you think that anyone would be more influential than everything that Trump has done over the past four (or nine) years? He’s locked in ~45% of the voting population. There are no Republican “heroes” to this base to whom the base looks for guidance.

So, I was just recently back home. Was embarrassed for my Mom after we had this conversation (which I really tried to avoid). She wanted to talk about Kamala. About three sentences into my thoughts, she interrupts me to say “I think she is an idiot!” I tried to engage and explore, but only got “She babbles, she’s an idiot and I am terrified that people could actually vote for her”

Now, I know I don’t have to explain this irony or insanity. It speaks purely to ignorance and personal insecurity.

But, this is where the elite Republican support for Trump is so craven. Because there are so many that could just as easily be led away if they had unified against him.