JD Vance

The more interviews and speeches I see from Vance, the more I like the guy. Very well spoken and obviously highly intelligent.

The more interviews and speeches I see from Vance, the more I like the guy. Very well spoken and obviously highly intelligent.

Heā€™s well-spoken, sure, but heā€™s a fucking moron. Just one example: consider his views on how the USA can broker a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine. The conditions he sees as part of the deal include 1) Ukraine ceding all territory that Russia has occupied, and 2) enforced Ukrainian neutrality. Both of those are complete non-starters. ā€œHighly intelligentā€? Heā€™s ill-informed and delusional.

The more interviews and speeches I see from Vance, the more I like the guy. Very well spoken and obviously highly intelligent.

Heā€™s well-spoken, sure, but heā€™s a fucking moron. Just one example: consider his views on how the USA can broker a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine. The conditions he sees as part of the deal include 1) Ukraine ceding all territory that Russia has occupied, and 2) enforced Ukrainian neutrality. Both of those are complete non-starters. ā€œHighly intelligentā€? Heā€™s ill-informed and delusional.

And either a fool or OK with Putinā€™s project.

The more interviews and speeches I see from Vance, the more I like the guy. Very well spoken and obviously highly intelligent.

Heā€™s well-spoken, sure, but heā€™s a fucking moron. Just one example: consider his views on how the USA can broker a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine. The conditions he sees as part of the deal include 1) Ukraine ceding all territory that Russia has occupied, and 2) enforced Ukrainian neutrality. Both of those are complete non-starters. ā€œHighly intelligentā€? Heā€™s ill-informed and delusional.

Your post assumes that those are sincerely held positions. I think heĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢s highly intelligent. Just disingenuous.

The more interviews and speeches I see from Vance, the more I like the guy. Very well spoken and obviously highly intelligent.

Heā€™s well-spoken, sure, but heā€™s a fucking moron. Just one example: consider his views on how the USA can broker a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine. The conditions he sees as part of the deal include 1) Ukraine ceding all territory that Russia has occupied, and 2) enforced Ukrainian neutrality. Both of those are complete non-starters. ā€œHighly intelligentā€? Heā€™s ill-informed and delusional.

What do you think is the most realistic outcome in Ukraine?

It seems inevitable that what Vance proposes will be the ultimate outcome unless the US is willing to significantly escalate their involvement.

maybe we wait it out and Putin drops dead. Who knows what could happen?

maybe we wait it out and Putin drops dead. Who knows what could happen?

Russia has the GDP of Spain. As long as the West gives Ukraine the economic support, and Ukraine maintains the manpower and will power, Russia will be bled dry. They have already run through in large part the large stock pile of Soviet era equipment they have been relying on to keep the army going. By next year that should be almost gone and western production of artillery shells should be outpacing them. For months now they have been using Chinese ā€œgolf cartā€ and motorcycle attacks because presumably they donā€™t have the armored personel carriers any longer to use. Increasingly antique tanks and artillery are showing up at the front.

At this point I think itā€™s largely about getting to an advantageous position to open negotiations.

Putin is doing everything possible to avoid another mobilization because heā€™s worried about the political implications of that. Putin just keeps up the meat wave attacks of low value soldiers and is waiting for Trump to get elected.

So I think at this point itā€™s basically a stalemate and we are waiting to see who blinks first.

I guess there is always the chance that some one will come up with an innovation that allows for offensive operations to succeed on a large scale. Or something goes terribly wrong in the Russian military. Those guys on the front seem to be fighting with attrociously low morale in very bad situations with little support but they just keep going into the meat grinder. and getting killed.

I continue to maintain that the Biden administrative and the west in general has just been too passive and allowed the situation to get to a point where Putin may be able to negotiate a favorable end to this war, rebuild and then come again, either in Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova or even one of the Baltic countries.

maybe we wait it out and Putin drops dead. Who knows what could happen?

Russia has the GDP of Spain. As long as the West gives Ukraine the economic support, and Ukraine maintains the manpower and will power, Russia will be bled dry. They have already run through in large part the large stock pile of Soviet era equipment they have been relying on to keep the army going. By next year that should be almost gone and western production of artillery shells should be outpacing them. For months now they have been using Chinese ā€œgolf cartā€ and motorcycle attacks because presumably they donā€™t have the armored personel carriers any longer to use. Increasingly antique tanks and artillery are showing up at the front.

At this point I think itā€™s largely about getting to an advantageous position to open negotiations.

Putin is doing everything possible to avoid another mobilization because heā€™s worried about the political implications of that. Putin just keeps up the meat wave attacks of low value soldiers and is waiting for Trump to get elected.

So I think at this point itā€™s basically a stalemate and we are waiting to see who blinks first.

I guess there is always the chance that some one will come up with an innovation that allows for offensive operations to succeed on a large scale. Or something goes terribly wrong in the Russian military. Those guys on the front seem to be fighting with attrociously low morale in very bad situations with little support but they just keep going into the meat grinder. and getting killed.

I continue to maintain that the Biden administrative and the west in general has just been too passive and allowed the situation to get to a point where Putin may be able to negotiate a favorable end to this war, rebuild and then come again, either in Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova or even one of the Baltic countries.

But all of this is based off of information which has likely been ā€œselectedā€ with purpose to guide and influence western opinion.

Iā€™m 100% sure that Russia is using propaganda with itā€™s people.

Why wouldnā€™t I assume that the same thing is being done by western sources of information? Itā€™s not like any of us have actual first hand information.

Even when we have direct video evidence of speeches or interviews, there are some who work diligently to misrepresent and twist things to fit their biased narrative. There are many people in the LR who do just that EVERY DAY.

maybe we wait it out and Putin drops dead. Who knows what could happen?

Russia has the GDP of Spain. As long as the West gives Ukraine the economic support, and Ukraine maintains the manpower and will power, Russia will be bled dry. They have already run through in large part the large stock pile of Soviet era equipment they have been relying on to keep the army going. By next year that should be almost gone and western production of artillery shells should be outpacing them. For months now they have been using Chinese ā€œgolf cartā€ and motorcycle attacks because presumably they donā€™t have the armored personel carriers any longer to use. Increasingly antique tanks and artillery are showing up at the front.

At this point I think itā€™s largely about getting to an advantageous position to open negotiations.

Putin is doing everything possible to avoid another mobilization because heā€™s worried about the political implications of that. Putin just keeps up the meat wave attacks of low value soldiers and is waiting for Trump to get elected.

So I think at this point itā€™s basically a stalemate and we are waiting to see who blinks first.

I guess there is always the chance that some one will come up with an innovation that allows for offensive operations to succeed on a large scale. Or something goes terribly wrong in the Russian military. Those guys on the front seem to be fighting with attrociously low morale in very bad situations with little support but they just keep going into the meat grinder. and getting killed.

I continue to maintain that the Biden administrative and the west in general has just been too passive and allowed the situation to get to a point where Putin may be able to negotiate a favorable end to this war, rebuild and then come again, either in Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova or even one of the Baltic countries.

But all of this is based off of information which has likely been ā€œselectedā€ with purpose to guide and influence western opinion.

Iā€™m 100% sure that Russia is using propaganda with itā€™s people.

Why wouldnā€™t I assume that the same thing is being done by western sources of information? Itā€™s not like any of us have actual first hand information.

Even when we have direct video evidence of speeches or interviews, there are some who work diligently to misrepresent and twist things to fit their biased narrative. There are many people in the LR who do just that EVERY DAY.

I base it off of what I hear the military pundits say, political scientists and philosophers who are Russian experts, what I see in the multitude of videos posted on reddit daily.

Certainly some of my their interpretations could be wrong and my synthesis of it could be off.

The question is what part of it is wrong? We can see the depleted Russian storage yards with satellites. We have the visually confirmed loss data. Putin hasnā€™t exactly kept it a secret what he is doing. Russians post their videos asking the Tsar to address the problems at the front. We see daily at this point Russian soilders killing themselves.

Also, almost none of that information is coming from government sources. I guess they could be operating covertly as government propagadists, more likely if they are wrong, I would think it comes from wanting Ukraine to win.

The more interviews and speeches I see from Vance, the more I like the guy. Very well spoken and obviously highly intelligent.

Heā€™s well-spoken, sure, but heā€™s a fucking moron. Just one example: consider his views on how the USA can broker a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine. The conditions he sees as part of the deal include 1) Ukraine ceding all territory that Russia has occupied, and 2) enforced Ukrainian neutrality. Both of those are complete non-starters. ā€œHighly intelligentā€? Heā€™s ill-informed and delusional.

What do you think is the most realistic outcome in Ukraine?

It seems inevitable that what Vance proposes will be the ultimate outcome unless the US is willing to significantly escalate their involvement.

I donā€™t know what the outcome will be. It seems to be something of a stalemate right now.

Those terms that Vance proposes are terms that Ukraine would never accept unless they were losing the war badly. And unless NATO discontinues its support or Ukraine runs out of soldiers, there is no reason to believe that Ukraine will be in a position where they need to accept terms like that.

Russiaā€™s GDP may be ten times Ukraineā€™s, but NATOā€™s GDP is roughly ten times that of Russia. There is no way Russia can effectively compete with a committed NATO unless Ukraine runs out of troops. Iā€™m pretty confident that wonā€™t happen.

The more interviews and speeches I see from Vance, the more I like the guy. Very well spoken and obviously highly intelligent.

Heā€™s well-spoken, sure, but heā€™s a fucking moron. Just one example: consider his views on how the USA can broker a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine. The conditions he sees as part of the deal include 1) Ukraine ceding all territory that Russia has occupied, and 2) enforced Ukrainian neutrality. Both of those are complete non-starters. ā€œHighly intelligentā€? Heā€™s ill-informed and delusional.

What do you think is the most realistic outcome in Ukraine?

It seems inevitable that what Vance proposes will be the ultimate outcome unless the US is willing to significantly escalate their involvement.

I donā€™t know what the outcome will be. It seems to be something of a stalemate right now.

Those terms that Vance proposes are terms that Ukraine would never accept unless they were losing the war badly. And unless NATO discontinues its support or Ukraine runs out of soldiers, there is no reason to believe that Ukraine will be in a position where they need to accept terms like that.

Russiaā€™s GDP may be ten times Ukraineā€™s, but NATOā€™s GDP is roughly ten times that of Russia. There is no way Russia can effectively compete with a committed NATO unless Ukraine runs out of troops. Iā€™m pretty confident that wonā€™t happen.

Even with the shell hunger of late winter, early spring the Russians were barely able to make gains and none of any signficance. Itā€™s criminal that we are still not allowing the Ukrainians to use our weapons to strike into Russia.

Really, Iā€™m surprised. Mrs. Vance is the daughter of Indian immigrants and not blonde, blue eyes.

The new meritocracy or aristorcracy depending on your viewpoint maybe. College educated, get and stay married. Not too fussy about pairing with same race of person perhaps. Marrying an Asian person more likely to stay married. Not so surprising.

Does anyone understand Vanceā€™s weird hang up with women who donā€™t have children?

Does anyone understand Vanceā€™s weird hang up with women who donā€™t have children?

Just a wild ass guess. First, I will admit that I donā€™t know a lot about him, havenā€™t read his book but have seen a couple of articles referencing sections from that book. If he grew up in a rural area, it is likely that he saw people denigrate girls/women that didnā€™t want to have children because ā€œeveryone should have childrenā€. It very likely could be a cultural thing.

It isnā€™t right, but it may be something that is so ingrained that he refuses to see any other viewpoint. But since this is Vance, it could very well just be a position that he adopted because he thinks it will help his career.

Does anyone understand Vanceā€™s weird hang up with women who donā€™t have children?

Proper women should be barefoot and pregnant while the manly men support them, or something like that.

Imagine the attacks on Harris if she had 5 kids from 3 different husbands.

Does anyone understand Vanceā€™s weird hang up with women who donā€™t have children?

Just based on quotes that others have posted here it seems to me like heā€™s playing to ā€œfamily valuesā€ for the base. Family values = save the children = women without children are the devil.

Does anyone understand Vanceā€™s weird hang up with women who donā€™t have children?

Proper women should be barefoot and pregnant while the manly men support them, or something like that.

Imagine the attacks on Harris if she had 5 kids from 3 different husbands.

They would do it in a heartbeat without even considering the irony.

Does anyone understand Vanceā€™s weird hang up with women who donā€™t have children?

Just based on quotes that others have posted here it seems to me like heā€™s playing to ā€œfamily valuesā€ for the base. Family values = save the children = women without children are the devil.

Iā€™m Harrison Butker and I approve of this message.

Does anyone understand Vanceā€™s weird hang up with women who donā€™t have children?

Just a wild ass guess. First, I will admit that I donā€™t know a lot about him, havenā€™t read his book but have seen a couple of articles referencing sections from that book. If he grew up in a rural area, it is likely that he saw people denigrate girls/women that didnā€™t want to have children because ā€œeveryone should have childrenā€. It very likely could be a cultural thing.

It isnā€™t right, but it may be something that is so ingrained that he refuses to see any other viewpoint. But since this is Vance, it could very well just be a position that he adopted because he thinks it will help his career.

this is it to me. he may have some strongly held personal beliefs, but in terms of policy/political values, my impression is thaylt he is first and foremost a careerist. heā€™ll believe in what he has to, up to a point, to get ahead.

If he grew up in a rural area

He says otherwise, but he grew up in metro Cincinnati. From 1990 to 2013 it was the Cincinnati-Middletown CSA, Middletown was almost on equal footing as Cincy if 1/6th the size.