JD Vance

She was born in a wealthy suburb of San Diego, and there’s nothing hot about Trump’s handler, I mean wife.

She was born in a wealthy suburb of San Diego, and there’s nothing hot about Trump’s handler, I mean wife.

I get the impression Trump’s wife has as little to do with him as possible.

She was born in a wealthy suburb of San Diego, and there’s nothing hot about Trump’s handler, I mean wife.

I get the impression Trump’s wife has as little to do with him as possible.

And it has probably been 18 years since she handled anything of his.

Speech last night criticizing Biden for voting for NAFTA. NAFTA negotiated by George Bush.

I’m reading the latest Gabriel Allon spy novel by Danial Silva. In it the villain says ‘‘truth doesn’t matter any more, only money and power’’.

He sure hit the Republican nail right on the head!

Speech last night criticizing Biden for voting for NAFTA. NAFTA negotiated by George Bush.

These guys aren’t the Rebuplicans of the Reagan/Bushes type. The ones that are, are all are being cuckholded by Trump and his groveling cronies.

I’m reading the latest Gabriel Allon spy novel by Danial Silva. In it the villain says ‘‘truth doesn’t matter any more, only money and power’’.

He sure hit the Republican nail right on the head!

I wonder how much the postmodernism that seemed to rule the universities (and still does) in the last part of the 20th century has eroded the idea that truth of any sort matters.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone bodied this hard by a community note. Ooof.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone bodied this hard by a community note. Ooof.


Same as it ever was, people love scapegoats.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone bodied this hard by a community note. Ooof.


Same as it ever was, people love scapegoats.

So, is he saying that it’s Biden’s fault that his mother was a drug addict and almost OD’ed?!

And is anyone stupid enough to buy that BS?!

I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone bodied this hard by a community note. Ooof.


Same as it ever was, people love scapegoats.

So, is he saying that it’s Biden’s fault that his mother was a drug addict and almost OD’ed?!

And is anyone stupid enough to buy that BS?!

Remember the good ol’ days when Republicans were the champions of liberal democracy, personal responsibility, and family values.

Vance tops my list of the many intelligent/sane people who completely sold their soul for Trump.

I loved his interviews when his book came out.

Then he became a politician, and now…this.

Why aren’t the Dems playing his old comments about Trump on repeat?

I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone bodied this hard by a community note. Ooof.


Same as it ever was, people love scapegoats.

So, is he saying that it’s Biden’s fault that his mother was a drug addict and almost OD’ed?!

And is anyone stupid enough to buy that BS?!

Can’t be the manufacturers of the drugs that, checks notes, Vance’s law firm employer lobbied for and the Chinese manufacturers they represented. Or the manufacturers that, according to his non-profit, had no role in overprescribing opioid pain killers (according to studies his non-profit touted that happened to be funded by Purdue).


Regarding Mrs. Vance, she has been discussed on the big law section of being the brains behind him and very power hungry.


Sounds very DeSantis.

Odds on how long Butter Boy lasts?


Odds on how long Butter Boy lasts?


I’m sure that the same people ranting about how un-democratic the Democrats are by running with VP Harris would have no problem with trump switching after declaring that Vance is his running mate.

It would be hilarious to see Vance revert back to his “trump is hitler” position after getting dumped.

Odds on how long Butter Boy lasts?


I’m sure that the same people ranting about how un-democratic the Democrats are by running with VP Harris would have no problem with trump switching after declaring that Vance is his running mate.

It would be hilarious to see Vance revert back to his “trump is hitler” position after getting dumped.

See, Trump screwed this up by not naming Vance as “Acting Vice-President Nominee” so that he could replace him without Vance ever being approved or having to be fired.

“I like acting. It gives me more flexibility. Do you understand that? I like acting. So we have a few that are acting. We have a great, great Cabinet,” Trump said.

Vance tops my list of the many intelligent/sane people who completely sold their soul for Trump.

I loved his interviews when his book came out.

Then he became a politician, and now…this.

Why aren’t the Dems playing his old comments about Trump on repeat?

Elise Stefanik gets an honorable mention. I’ve enjoyed her fading back into obscurity (where she’ll hopefully remain).

I’m reading the latest Gabriel Allon spy novel by Danial Silva. In it the villain says ‘‘truth doesn’t matter any more, only money and power’’.

He sure hit the Republican nail right on the head!

I wonder how much the postmodernism that seemed to rule the universities (and still does) in the last part of the 20th century has eroded the idea that truth of any sort matters.


This is a super important observation.

I suppose postmodernist criticism of power had its place.

I suppose intelligent people have mostly moved on from this idea and have adopted some kind of game game theory approach to life

Perhaps - “truth” is unknowable.

That the best we can do is to build probability models of likely and less likely “facts.”

Most people seem incapable of this however.

Their thought process is as undisciplined as their health and diet regimen.

It is truly ironic that a leftist criticism of knowledge would lead to a state were most people whole heatedly believe whatever the most dishonest elite might say.
And ignore the highest quality information available.