JD Vance

I think you understand Trump. It is all transactional.

I think you understand Trump. It is all transactional.

Trump has no ideology. If you love him, he loves you, to the extent that can apply to him. If he thinks it suits him to be racist, he’ll be racist, which I’d say to most makes him a racist, but it’s not based on any sort of principles.

I think you understand Trump. It is all transactional.

Trump has no ideology. If you love him, he loves you, to the extent that can apply to him. If he thinks it suits him to be racist, he’ll be racist, which I’d say to most makes him a racist, but it’s not based on any sort of principles.

It is a kind of Nietzsche will to power ideology. Absent any power over ones own character though.

I think you understand Trump. It is all transactional.

Trump has no ideology. If you love him, he loves you, to the extent that can apply to him. If he thinks it suits him to be racist, he’ll be racist, which I’d say to most makes him a racist, but it’s not based on any sort of principles.

Oh Bullshit. Trump has been a racist his whole life, since he was afraid to cross the street and go where those other people lived.

If it’s to his advantage Donnie might act like he’s not a racist, but under all the bluster, he’s still the scared little kids from the well-to-do part of Queens.

I think you understand Trump. It is all transactional.

Trump has no ideology. If you love him, he loves you, to the extent that can apply to him. If he thinks it suits him to be racist, he’ll be racist, which I’d say to most makes him a racist, but it’s not based on any sort of principles.

Oh Bullshit. Trump has been a racist his whole life, since he was afraid to cross the street and go where those other people lived.

If it’s to his advantage Donnie might act like he’s not a racist, but under all the bluster, he’s still the scared little kids from the well-to-do part of Queens.

That could very well be true as well.

There is one nice thing about picking Vance as VP.

Vance is younger than Idiot Son # 1 and Idiot Son # 2. If those two had half a brain between them they would realise that they’ve been passed over as heirs apparent. Because even Trump recognises that he had bred idiots.

There is one nice thing about picking Vance as VP.

Vance is younger than Idiot Son # 1 and Idiot Son # 2. If those two had half a brain between them they would realise that they’ve been passed over as heirs apparent. Because even Trump recognises that he had bred idiots.

I at one point thought about posting in the Who’s Trump going to pick as his VP thread, his daughter.

There is one nice thing about picking Vance as VP.

Two nice things.

With minimal Sharpie action that Trump-Pence sign can be easily changed to read Trump-Vance. People can pull the duct tape off the Pence part of those lawn signs and never need to buy new ones.

Here’s a little hillbilly humor for your Tuesday afternoon:

What’s the difference between a Pence and a Vance?


There is one nice thing about picking Vance as VP.

Two nice things.

With minimal Sharpie action that Trump-Pence sign can be easily changed to read Trump-Vance. People can pull the duct tape off the Pence part of those lawn signs and never need to buy new ones.

Here’s a little hillbilly humor for your Tuesday afternoon:

What’s the difference between a Pence and a Vance?


On the bright side, if things don’t go well I could see this guy writing a tell-all book about just how fucked up it was behind the scenes working with Trump.

That’s a genre unto itself by now.

Vance is angling for the big boy chair. He won’t do anything to jeopardize that.

I would also suspect that his wife agreed with his 2016 take on Trump. I wonder what she really thinks about him taking the potential VP spot in his administration.

Let’s hope if it comes to it, she can be the voice of reason in his ear.

You’re delusional.

I would also suspect that his wife agreed with his 2016 take on Trump. I wonder what she really thinks about him taking the potential VP spot in his administration.

Let’s hope if it comes to it, she can be the voice of reason in his ear.

You’re delusional.

Yup probably. But she is a very well educated (including Uni of Cambridge) woman of Indian descent whom I would hope wouldn’t totally sell her soul for power. Yeah, never mind.

I do wonder what their private conversations sound like though…

They obviously made a conscious decision to go down this route. They know what they are getting into, or ought to. I will have little sympathy when he ends up in prison at a later date.

Yup probably. But she is a very well educated (including Uni of Cambridge) woman of Indian descent whom I would hope wouldn’t totally sell her soul for power. Yeah, never mind.

** I do wonder what their private conversations sound like though**…

“Send four or five Big Macs to his office every day for both lunch and for dinner.”

Really, I’m surprised. Mrs. Vance is the daughter of Indian immigrants and not blonde, blue eyes.

I think that’s a presumptively insulting comment. There are so many legitimate reasons to question JD Vance about. Going first after his wife’s race and feigning surprise that he might marry her is pretty low.

I don’t think that is what Scorpio did. I think he was surprised that trump chose Vance because Vance’s wife is the daughter of Indian immigrants. If you remember, trump was sure to point out Nikki Haley’s birth name since it was Indian (IIRC).

I think that’s exactly what he did and what other posters are doing. They’re feigning surprise that Trump picked a running make who’s married to someone with Indian ancestry. I can’t see who that’s surprising at all.

That’s not to say that Trump wouldn’t make a deal of it if he could or if he thought it might make a good insult. (See, e.g., Elaine Chao.) But I truly don’t think he cares. He’ll use race and ethnicity if it will help him. But it’s not about how he really feels about race. He doesn’t care. It’s all transactional.

I just think it’s in bad taste for posters her to point out race as if it’s something troubling for the MAGA core.

I tend to think he picked Vance because Trump loves celebrities. And Vance wrote a best seller that was turned into a movie. It’s way Trump supported Oz.

Are you suggesting that posters are assuming that her race is problematic for MAGA?

Are you aware that some in MAGAland have expressed how troubling her race is for them? Like these- literally two seconds.


Nick Fuentes- trump’s dinner buddy- was particularly vocal.


Wait… MAGAts are racist?!? WTF?

I just think it’s in bad taste for posters her to point out race as if it’s something troubling for the MAGA core.

I think you must be completely out of touch with the MAGA crowd or the quality of their dialogue, and Donald Trump’s words, about immigrants. The idea that this might not be optimal from a MAGA perspective could only surprise you if you’d been paying absolutely zero attention over the past 5-10 years.

I think you’re all barking up the wrong tree worrying about Vance’s wife.

Trump’s wife was an illegal emigrant when he met her. He bribed someone to get her an ‘‘Einstein Visa’’ for her contributions in naked modeling. That didn’t bother the magas at all.

I’ve been saying it for years but it’s still true ‘‘It takes a lot of hypocrisy to be a Republican’’!

I think you’re all barking up the wrong tree worrying about Vance’s wife.

Trump’s wife was an illegal emigrant when he met her. He bribed someone to get her an ‘‘Einstein Visa’’ for her contributions in naked modeling. That didn’t bother the magas at all.

I’ve been saying it for years but it’s still true ‘‘It takes a lot of hypocrisy to be a Republican’’!

I don’t know if it will move the needle on voting, but I would offer that there might be a difference in the minds of some of the MAGA crowd between a hot white European model immigrant and a brown immigrant who had Vance dressed up in funny clothes with a dot on his forehead. (describing from the perspective of the racist)


I think you’re all barking up the wrong tree worrying about Vance’s wife.

Trump’s wife was an illegal emigrant when he met her. He bribed someone to get her an ‘‘Einstein Visa’’ for her contributions in naked modeling. That didn’t bother the magas at all.

I’ve been saying it for years but it’s still true ‘‘It takes a lot of hypocrisy to be a Republican’’!

I don’t know if it will move the needle on voting, but I would offer that there might be a difference in the minds of some of the MAGA crowd between a hot white European model immigrant and a brown immigrant who had Vance dressed up in funny clothes with a dot on his forehead. (describing from the perspective of the racist)

People also make exceptions for people in their tribe or just don’t have any real ideology when it comes to racism. Sure there are probably lots of MAGAs who don’t want Indians here, will say racist things about them, but at the same time wouldn’t really get worked up if a friend or family married someone from India.