JD Vance

Vance said bad things about Trump. He didn’t agree with Trump. Then he listened and he watched and he changed his mind.

If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you. Thanks for the laugh.

Trump rival Nikki Haley to speak at Republican convention (msn.com)

something tells me you will have another bridge to sell me later today.

It has nothing to do with listening and changing their minds you simpleton.

It’s about being desperate to advance their political careers.

Musk and Peter Thiel are trying to bring apartheid to America thru MAGA. The MAGA racists are freaking out because Vance’s wife is Hindu not white American. Hilarious!

Vance said bad things about Trump. He didn’t agree with Trump. Then he listened and he watched and he changed his mind.

If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you. Thanks for the laugh.

Trump rival Nikki Haley to speak at Republican convention (msn.com)

something tells me you will have another bridge to sell me later today.

It has nothing to do with listening and changing their minds you simpleton.

It’s about being desperate to advance their political careers.

He’s well aware. But when you’re so embarrassed by your sides lack of moral character, all you’re left with are lies, gaslighting and jokes about Liz Cheney.

Back on topic, it interesting that the response to a long list of Vance’s odd behavior is to promote a fake claim about Harris. It is surprisingly easy to come up with a long list of Vance’s questionable behavior but questions about why Harris is so bad are usually met with silence or tepid, content free, “Leftist!” posts.

Interesting that two people came up with the exact same response on the same day considering that VP exchange happened a long time ago. You have to admire the right’s ability to get a talking points out quickly and consistently. Is there a newsletter or something?

Also interesting that the many of the folks giddy about Vance say that Harris was an unqualified DEI hire. Vance has only been an elected official for 1 year, 6 months and 12 days. He has never led a government, organization, or even a company.

The contrast with the “unqualified” Harris is stark.

Kamala Harris - Wikipedia

Harris graduated from Howard University and the University of California, Hastings College of the Law. She began her career in the office of the district attorney (DA) of Alameda County, before being recruited to the San Francisco DA’s Office and later the city attorney of San Francisco’s office. In 2003, she was elected DA of San Francisco. She was elected attorney general of California in 2010 and re-elected in 2014. Harris served as the junior U.S. senator from California from 2017 to 2021; she defeated Loretta Sanchez in the 2016 Senate election to become the second African-American woman and the first South Asian American to serve in the U.S. Senate.

What’s with the eyeliner?


What’s with the eyeliner?


I thought that was the sort of shit that the evil Dems were trying to foist on our children?

I am very curious how he landed on eyeliner as an image enhancer. How does a guy stumble on to that?

The beard, I can understand. It’s the push-up bra for men.


Really, I’m surprised. Mrs. Vance is the daughter of Indian immigrants and not blonde, blue eyes.

Irrespective of his wife’s ethnicity, HE’S a total arsehole that talks total bollox. Doubly so whe it comes to countries he doesn’t have a clue about.

Still, the right wing rhetoric continues to stoke division, then wonders why there are assassination attempts.


I am very curious how he landed on eyeliner as an image enhancer. How does a guy stumble on to that?

Maybe the only part of the dress up he plays with his wife that he thought he could get away with in public?

I am very curious how he landed on eyeliner as an image enhancer. How does a guy stumble on to that?

The beard, I can understand. It’s the push-up bra for men.


I would imagine people chasing the public spotlight would hire someone who would give them guidance on ways to improve their look. Men and women have makeup applied all the time when going on camera. If your job entails being photographed or recorded publicly on a daily basis, I can see why one might adopt some of those measures as part of their daily routine.

Personally, I think it is ridiculous and shows insecurity, but I can see the rationale behind it.

I am very curious how he landed on eyeliner as an image enhancer. How does a guy stumble on to that?

The beard, I can understand. It’s the push-up bra for men.


I would imagine people chasing the public spotlight would hire someone who would give them guidance on ways to improve their look. Men and women have makeup applied all the time when going on camera. If your job entails being photographed or recorded publicly on a daily basis, I can see why one might adopt some of those measures as part of their daily routine.

Personally, I think it is ridiculous and shows insecurity, but I can see the rationale behind it.

It will be hilarious when dudes wearing make up become normalized by MAGA so they can look good when ranting about drag queens.

What’s with the eyeliner?


He does have small squinty eyes and the eyeliner helps a bunch. I would love to see him asked directly in an interview if he wears eyeliner to see if he would admit it.

What’s with the eyeliner?


He was groomed by Drag Queens? I have been told they are everywhere and can be very convincing.

What’s with the eyeliner?


He does have small squinty eyes and the eyeliner helps a bunch. I would love to see him asked directly in an interview if he wears eyeliner to see if he would admit it.

That would blow up in the interviewer’s face if he’s got even a quarter of the smarts his resume suggests.

Comedian Trae Crowder came to prominence with and around J.D., doesn’t sound like he’s much of a fan.


Well damn.

Continuing, this hypocritical fellow fits perfectly for the trump party.

Really, I’m surprised. Mrs. Vance is the daughter of Indian immigrants and not blonde, blue eyes.

I think that’s a presumptively insulting comment. There are so many legitimate reasons to question JD Vance about. Going first after his wife’s race and feigning surprise that he might marry her is pretty low.

Really, I’m surprised. Mrs. Vance is the daughter of Indian immigrants and not blonde, blue eyes.

I think that’s a presumptively insulting comment. There are so many legitimate reasons to question JD Vance about. Going first after his wife’s race and feigning surprise that he might marry her is pretty low.

I don’t think that is what Scorpio did. I think he was surprised that trump chose Vance because Vance’s wife is the daughter of Indian immigrants. If you remember, trump was sure to point out Nikki Haley’s birth name since it was Indian (IIRC).

Really, I’m surprised. Mrs. Vance is the daughter of Indian immigrants and not blonde, blue eyes.

I think that’s a presumptively insulting comment. There are so many legitimate reasons to question JD Vance about. Going first after his wife’s race and feigning surprise that he might marry her is pretty low.

I don’t think that is what Scorpio did. I think he was surprised that trump chose Vance because Vance’s wife is the daughter of Indian immigrants. If you remember, trump was sure to point out Nikki Haley’s birth name since it was Indian (IIRC).

I think that’s exactly what he did and what other posters are doing. They’re feigning surprise that Trump picked a running make who’s married to someone with Indian ancestry. I can’t see who that’s surprising at all.

That’s not to say that Trump wouldn’t make a deal of it if he could or if he thought it might make a good insult. (See, e.g., Elaine Chao.) But I truly don’t think he cares. He’ll use race and ethnicity if it will help him. But it’s not about how he really feels about race. He doesn’t care. It’s all transactional.

I just think it’s in bad taste for posters her to point out race as if it’s something troubling for the MAGA core.

I tend to think he picked Vance because Trump loves celebrities. And Vance wrote a best seller that was turned into a movie. It’s way Trump supported Oz.

I would also suspect that his wife agreed with his 2016 take on Trump. I wonder what she really thinks about him taking the potential VP spot in his administration.

Let’s hope if it comes to it, she can be the voice of reason in his ear.