JD Vance

Are you saying he wanted to change the tax code to what he knew already exists?

Did he state that he wanted to change the tax code? Or was he making comments in support of those with children paying lower taxes (such as a Child Tax Credit), presumably to account for the significant expense associated with raising those children?

IMO, he was doing the latter.

Your support is appreciated…every little bit helps!


Higher taxes on non-breeders as well: Vance argued for higher tax rate on childless Americans in 2021 interview

It’s basically just the Child Tax Credit which is entirely reasonable.

Why do people think it’s ok to basically just lie about opposing candidates?

Yeah I think what he is going for is trying to develop policy ideas that promote people having kids, which is a fine and normal policy objective to have given our decreasing birth rate, but the way he speaks about it and goes about trying to implement that policy goal is very poor.

Both parties essentially want more people to have children because they listen to the economists and we could be in for a major shock if we drop below replacement levels for a few generations (What some european and asian countries are facing down now.) Dems want to make it easier for parents to keep living their lives while raising children (i.e. child tax credit, universal pre-k, daycare funding, etc.) while Reps seem to want to force as many children to be born without the extra govt help that people are saying they need (i.e. abortion and contraception bans.) To be fair to JD, in presenting this policy and the voting policy idea its more carrot than stick in getting americans to bare more children, but again, the way he talks about it puts me off.

One can arrive at the idea that people with more kids get more leverage in a democratic society via the left or the right. After all kids are one of the last constituencies to not have the vote. Why are disenfrancised.? Maybe kids as young as 12 or even younger should be able to vote given all the old boomers who are consuming so many resources. Maybe their parents should be enabled to vote on their behalf.


An article published by deputy Prime Minister of Canada about giving kids the vote back when she was a reporter

After all kids are one of the last constituencies to not have the vote. Why are disenfrancised.?

I think the biggest argument against allowing children to vote is that I don’t really want politicians and lobbying groups targeting children. Children have enough to worry about figuring out how to grow up and get through school and make friends and have fun, without being preyed on by politicians, lobbying groups, special interests, etc. who are all willing to lie and cajole and buy the votes of kids.

This is aside from the premise that we haven’t provided them with sufficient education opportunity yet to be able to comprehend the range of policy and character issues that should inform voting.

After all kids are one of the last constituencies to not have the vote. Why are disenfrancised.?

I think the biggest argument against allowing children to vote is that I don’t really want politicians and lobbying groups targeting children. Children have enough to worry about figuring out how to grow up and get through school and make friends and have fun, without being preyed on by politicians, lobbying groups, special interests, etc. who are all willing to lie and cajole and buy the votes of kids.

This is aside from the premise that we haven’t provided them with sufficient education opportunity yet to be able to comprehend the range of policy and character issues that should inform voting.

That’s why we let their parents vote for them! LOL.

I agree I was being flippant I guess. One irony is that if Vance wants to give people with kids more power it may fall to all sorts of ethnic folk which replace white people. I don’t think he has thought this out or it is just deliberate demagoguery. (Boy that is a tough word to spell)

When Bill O’Reilly calls you the biggest Putin enabler, that’s something.

Just listen at the about the 20 minute mark.


Interesting to listen to OReilly on Jan 6. He tries to absolve Trump of any blame except for taking 3.5 to step in and tell the rioters to stop. And he admits that when he went public with even that blame, he lost 10% of his subscribers. Well no wonder he won’t go further than that in blaming Trump, because it would lose him even more of his audience (and income). Another who has hitched his money wagon to the right, and is beholden to Trump if he wants to keep his income.

Stewart also calls OReilly out for blaming all the bad things that happened to the economy under Trump on COVID (including the massive increase in our debt, much of which was the result of Trump’s tax cuts before COVID), while saying all the bad things that happened while Biden was in office were just because Biden has been a terrible president. Real wages up 8% under Trump = great! Real wages down 2% under Biden = Biden bad (and nothing to do with global inflation that followed covid). It’s all so disingenuous, and I don’t know how Stewart doesn’t get more frustrated talking to him. He’s a better man than me.

Turns out Mrs. Vance is also not a fan of the leader of the GOP.

Usha Vance told friends Trump appalled her. Now she’s working to elect him. (msn.com)

“Usha found the incursion on the Capitol and Trump’s role in it to be deeply disturbing,” the friend recalled. “She was generally appalled by Trump, from the moment of his first election.”

Her husband now calls the Jan 6th terrorists “Political Prisoners”

Given how the Vance family has capitulated to Trump it is understandable that JD’s vague Ukraine “policy” is essentially Ukraine capitulating to Putin.

One of the biggest problems with the MAGA-infested GOP is that it is absolutely rife with people who have a vacuum where integrity, principles and ethics are in a normal person.

Romney and Cheney were probs all the last two GOP members to buck that trend. Now it’s filled with rapacious fuckheads. The sooner it devours itself and allows the grown ups to reconstruct it, the better.

Turns out Mrs. Vance is also not a fan of the leader of the GOP.
Usha Vance told friends Trump appalled her. Now she’s working to elect him. (msn.com)
“Usha found the incursion on the Capitol and Trump’s role in it to be deeply disturbing,” the friend recalled. “She was generally appalled by Trump, from the moment of his first election.”
Her husband now calls the Jan 6th terrorists “Political Prisoners”
Given how the Vance family has capitulated to Trump it is understandable that JD’s vague Ukraine “policy” is essentially Ukraine capitulating to Putin.

Damn, that is one absolutely wild article. Vance’s wife is, unfortunately, a world-class contortionist. And this part is super interesting:

*Other Trump supporters were less enthused . An outpouring of racist bile directed against Usha Vance from the far right has erupted online. Nick Fuentes, a white supremacist and antisemite who visited the former president at his Mar-a-Lago resort in 2022, questioned the wisdom of having JD Vance on the ticket, asking, “What kind of values does a man have to marry somebody that far outside your race, who isn’t even a Christian?” *

Turns out Mrs. Vance is also not a fan of the leader of the GOP.
Usha Vance told friends Trump appalled her. Now she’s working to elect him. (msn.com)
“Usha found the incursion on the Capitol and Trump’s role in it to be deeply disturbing,” the friend recalled. “She was generally appalled by Trump, from the moment of his first election.”
Her husband now calls the Jan 6th terrorists “Political Prisoners”
Given how the Vance family has capitulated to Trump it is understandable that JD’s vague Ukraine “policy” is essentially Ukraine capitulating to Putin.

Damn, that is one absolutely wild article. Vance’s wife is, unfortunately, a world-class contortionist. And this part is super interesting:

*Other Trump supporters were less enthused . An outpouring of racist bile directed against Usha Vance from the far right has erupted online. Nick Fuentes, a white supremacist and antisemite who visited the former president at his Mar-a-Lago resort in 2022, questioned the wisdom of having JD Vance on the ticket, asking, “What kind of values does a man have to marry somebody that far outside your race, who isn’t even a Christian?” *

I said right after Vance was picked as Trump’s VP candidate that I would love to hear the private conversations between Vance and his wife. I find it highly unlikely that their private views of Trump have changed from their initial feelings. The pursuit of power can be hard to resist, and some appear happy to compromise their morals to achieve it.

Who would have imagined that Nazi memorabilia would be sold at a gun show?



agreed, i’ll be impressed if trump dumps him. trump sees to be more of the kind of d-bag that likes to keep yes men and people that stroke his ego around.

only chance i see this happening if there was a bombardment of ads showing vance saying trump was bad from years past and it gets to trump. for the democrats, it seems like it’s probably better to keep vance considering he’s quite unlikeable.

Most Americans think Vance is a wacko…but he was not picked to appeal to most American, he was picked to inspire the base.

When he says that the Feds should track women traveling for abortions reasonable people are shocked…but the base cheers. When he talks about Soros flying 747s filled with pregnant black women to California for abortions reasonable people are disgusted, but the base giggles.

The base loves it when he calls Democrats “Crazy cat ladies”, especially when he is referring to a gay guy who adopted kids. They think he is a policy genius when he says Ukraine should lay down to Putin.

Vance will continue to say stupid shit. The base will love him for it while the rest of America will shake it’s head and say “what a moron”.

unfortunately, the base matters in the states that elects the next POTUS

Listened to a little radio on both sides this morning, and apparently the can Vance thought is not just from Dems. Seems a lot of pubs with voices are saying the same thing. They feel he is taking all the good oxygen out of the last week, and replacing it with smoke.

Here is the thing, think the dems are doing what the pubs did to Biden, and I believe they are regretting that they started so far out that he actually did get replaced. SO they better be careful here, because as a winning strategy, it would be best if Vance stays on the ticket, cannot imagine a worse pick really. I dont think he gets Trump one more vote than he already was, and will certainly lose him some that were potentials.

I know it would kill Trump to do this, but really, he would just make up some reason that makes him look good and smart, so as usual there would be no push back from the base…Even over at FOX their polls are calling it even now, and Kamala ahead in a couple battleground states. And she hasn’t even picked Mark Kelly yet as her VP!! I think that seals the deal here, momentum, money, have all turned an about face as well as enthusiasm.

I think the first signs of panic have set in on those over there paying attention, and the first alarm bells are going off to which no one can hear at the moment…Slow your roll dems on Vance, he will be the gift that keeps on giving.

And as to who would replace him, I give even odds on Tim Scott or Candice Owens, and not kidding…

Who would’ve guessed that JD is a N.W.A. fan? 5 Excerpts From JD Vance’s Emails to a Transgender Classmate


outside of pressuring biden to drop out in favor of harris (even if that wasn’t the intention), the dems have been awful with strategy for the past decades. so it wouldn’t surprise me if they supported the dump vance movement.

but, they proved me wrong with the biden/harris switch. so i’ll have to just watch how this plays out.

Who would’ve guessed that JD is a N.W.A. fan? 5 Excerpts From JD Vance’s Emails to a Transgender Classmate


That article is quite the jaw-dropper.

One of the biggest problems with the MAGA-infested GOP is that it is absolutely rife with people who have a vacuum where integrity, principles and ethics are in a normal person.

Romney and Cheney were probs all the last two GOP members to buck that trend. Now it’s filled with rapacious fuckheads. The sooner it devours itself and allows the grown ups to reconstruct it, the better.

Don’t forget Kinzinger.