JD Vance


After graduating from Middletown High School in 2003, Vance enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps and served in Iraq as a combat correspondent for six months in late 2005. He was part of the Public Affairs section of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing and said that his service “taught me how to live like an adult” and that he was “lucky to escape any real fighting”.

Can someone who actually knows about this sort of thing (I don’t) explain what a “combat correspondent” is and does?

I see Vance is proclaiming that he went to Iraq for his country. Most people might take that to have involved some form of combat role (I admit that I did when I read it).

A combat correspondent is a journalist. In this case, the Marine Corps as well as the other services, have their own correspondents who cover events ranging from the mundane everyday type stuff in garrison to being right in the thick of fire fights in combat. They produce audio and visual materials that are provided to audiences within and outside the military branches.

I knew a couple during my time. Good Marines who provided great service covering some interesting stories.

Best thing the Democrats can do is stand back and let him talk.

JD Vance defends Marjorie Taylor Greene promoting QAnon, 9/11 conspiracy theories, and Jewish space lasers: “Believing crazy things is not the mark of whether somebody should be rejected”


I like how he managed to agree that she’s crazy and defend her in the same breath.

It’s not just women. He believes that anyone without children should have less voting rights because they have less of a stake in the future of the country. I guess that makes me a 2nd class citizen.

What does that even mean? How do you have less voting rights? As in, they shouldn’t be allowed to vote?

Higher taxes on non-breeders as well: Vance argued for higher tax rate on childless Americans in 2021 interview

It’s basically just the Child Tax Credit which is entirely reasonable.

Why do people think it’s ok to basically just lie about opposing candidates?

JD Vance on Fox yesterday trying to deflect from his comments by lying about Harris’ position on the Child Tax Credit

Acyn on X: “Vance defends his comments on childless Americans by claiming Kamala Harris called for an end to child tax credit which is something she did not do https://t.co/8eBUlYJwUj” / X

Why does JD Vance think it’s OK to basically just lie about opposing candidates?

Why does JD Vance think it’s OK to basically just lie about opposing candidates?

It was a job requirement.

Turns out Mrs. Vance is also not a fan of the leader of the GOP.
Usha Vance told friends Trump appalled her. Now she’s working to elect him. (msn.com)
“Usha found the incursion on the Capitol and Trump’s role in it to be deeply disturbing,” the friend recalled. “She was generally appalled by Trump, from the moment of his first election.”
Her husband now calls the Jan 6th terrorists “Political Prisoners”
Given how the Vance family has capitulated to Trump it is understandable that JD’s vague Ukraine “policy” is essentially Ukraine capitulating to Putin.

Damn, that is one absolutely wild article. Vance’s wife is, unfortunately, a world-class contortionist. And this part is super interesting:

*Other Trump supporters were less enthused . An outpouring of racist bile directed against Usha Vance from the far right has erupted online. Nick Fuentes, a white supremacist and antisemite who visited the former president at his Mar-a-Lago resort in 2022, questioned the wisdom of having JD Vance on the ticket, asking, “What kind of values does a man have to marry somebody that far outside your race, who isn’t even a Christian?” *

I said right after Vance was picked as Trump’s VP candidate that I would love to hear the private conversations between Vance and his wife. I find it highly unlikely that their private views of Trump have changed from their initial feelings. The pursuit of power can be hard to resist, and some appear happy to compromise their morals to achieve it.

I said exact thing to my wife . There is almost zero chance that Usha - with her family background and intelligence is a Trumper . I detected uncomfortable body language as she sat in the box at the convention watching the parade of misfits on stage . My wife’s best friend co-authored some research papers with Ushas mom few years ago and she definitely didn’t see any Maga leanings from the mom . I mean whos kidding who , JD not even a true Maga! Bet he’s a pretty good guy when he’s not playing the charade. As you say , power truly is corrupting

Picking Vance just asks for ads like these:

Vanz Can’t Danz

I mean whos kidding who , JD not even a true Maga! Bet he’s a pretty good guy when he’s not playing the charade. As you say , power truly is corrupting

Yeah, I get what you’re saying…but if he was a good guy who really doesn’t believe the MAGA bullshit, then he would NEVER go along with it. That’s called “integrity” and he has none of it.

I mean whos kidding who , JD not even a true Maga! Bet he’s a pretty good guy when he’s not playing the charade. As you say , power truly is corrupting

Yeah, I get what you’re saying…but if he was a good guy who really doesn’t believe the MAGA bullshit, then he would NEVER go along with it. That’s called “integrity” and he has none of it.

That seems worse than sincerely held beliefs.

I mean whos kidding who , JD not even a true Maga! Bet he’s a pretty good guy when he’s not playing the charade. As you say , power truly is corrupting

Yeah, I get what you’re saying…but if he was a good guy who really doesn’t believe the MAGA bullshit, then he would NEVER go along with it. That’s called “integrity” and he has none of it.
I cannot think of any politicians with integrity, just varying degrees of how far they’re willing to push the envelope.

I cannot think of any politicians with integrity, just varying degrees of how far they’re willing to push the envelope.

Simply not true. Typical dogma of the “both sides suck” crowd so they can feel justified voting for whoever they like.

Yes, there are some low integrity people in every political party. But that doesn’t mean every politician lacks integrity; nor does it mean that low integrity politicians are equally proportionally present in both major parties.

They are an interesting bunch. I have met a few politicians, most of them after then finish their political careers. They almost always seem like very kind people who are doing things for the greater good. All good strong leaders. Of course they would seem that way otherwise they couldn’t get people to vote for them. At the same time, there is something about a person who has such a massive ego as to say that they would win a major election.

Haven’t you seen Full Metal Jacket? Only difference is that Vance never went to the front lines to get the story or learn about required leads on various targets from a helo.

Haven’t you seen Full Metal Jacket? Only difference is that Vance never went to the front lines to get the story or learn about required leads on various targets from a helo.

Simple, you just don’t lead them as much.

Curious if Vance would ask such a hard hitting question.

It’s not just women. He believes that anyone without children should have less voting rights because they have less of a stake in the future of the country. I guess that makes me a 2nd class citizen.

What does that even mean? How do you have less voting rights? As in, they shouldn’t be allowed to vote?

Higher taxes on non-breeders as well: Vance argued for higher tax rate on childless Americans in 2021 interview

It’s basically just the Child Tax Credit which is entirely reasonable.

Why do people think it’s ok to basically just lie about opposing candidates?

After claiming he is for the child tax credit, lying about Harris being against it, Vance doesn’t even show up to vote on it.

VP nominee Vance a likely no-show for kid tax break vote - Roll Call



That is some unity right there.