Worth noting, Trump has been a full bore fucking moron on race as far back as anyone can remember. Here’s a clip from 1993 arguing that members of a native tribe didn’t deserve special status because “they don’t look like Indians to me.”


Worth noting, Trump has been a full bore fucking moron on race as far back as anyone can remember. Here’s a clip from 1993 arguing that members of a native tribe didn’t deserve special status because “they don’t look like Indians to me.”


He wanted the Central Park 5 executed. After they were exonerated.

Fake is an unhelpful term in this context. It’s like saying the cadence of a preacher is fake. It’s not how they talk at the dinner table, but it’s clearly an established way of communicating in some contexts, and doing so in that context isn’t fakery—unlike with Iggy Azalea, who adopted the affect to sound inner city. If you or I recorded a reggae album and affected a Kingston accent, that’d be fake. If you or I walked up to a pulpit not being preachers and did our best MLK Jr impersonation, that’d be fake. But a preacher talking in the cadence of a preacher, not fake. Kamala speaking to other black Americans in that manner, not fake.

Being part of the culture is the key to authenticity. Kamala is, Azalea was not. Hillary was not.

Stretching the analogy there… It’s fake and it’s cringe. I know people realise politicians are fake, but accepting and defending them talking differently to you is really taking the cake. Be genuine, be consistent, be you… Crazy concept. The bar has been set low.

Re: your last sentence…The list is long and not difficult to articulate. I shan’t make the attempt because a) I’ve got more useful things to do, and b) I fear the bulk of my fellow LR denzians should suffer the vapors (not that the LR is left leaning or anything).

personally, i would find this a worthwhile investigation. you are a californian are you not? i ask for this reason: during the last 2 cycles i voted R for my california state senator, and i voted D during the last 2 cycles for my federal options. your point above bears in this, because I see Ds in california differently than i see Ds in washington, because every D i vote for in my district is a swing district D and it’s the same for president.

so, setting aside all the campaign horseshit i see real concerns with the Ds in calif and the very last thing i want is a supermajority here. but i don’t see that in washington. i would probably vote for an R if my other option was, say, jayapal, or ilhan omar, unless the R was a MAGA (and of course that’s highly likely).

the world looked very different in 2019 and 2020 than it does today, if you’re kamala harris. her problem in 2020 was not that she was a liberal. it’s that she was a centrist trying on some liberal pantsuits and she looked about as comfortable doing that as trump did today speaking to black journos.

pardon my droning on. my point is, you took issue with this: “anyone who thinks the d party has gone too far left typically have difficulty articulating why they think that.” the fact that you didn’t articulate reasons kind of validates the point of the person making that statement, does it not? i would like to see someone like you who appears - if i could venture a guess - a non-MAGA conservative to place pen to paper and on the hyper-leftiness of the ruling cabal of Ds on the national level. (if you want to complain about california’s Ds on the state level, i’ll probably be right there with you.)
Well articulated commentary, especially the differences between Ds in CA and nationally (in general). Dang, we agree on a lot!
I was just (somewhat randomly) thinking about the Respite worker for our disabled daughter; she’s busting her butt working 3 jobs to repay her student loans because, she knowingly took them out. I haven’t asked her, but I’d feel a bit peeved at the various forgiveness programs. Likewise if I paid to attend a trade school because I couldn’t afford college.
VP Harris I would guess would have to defend those actions, which depending on the audience could be easy, or impossible.

And this is yet another example of how people get hysterical and read into words whatever they want. If the script was flipped and KH said all jobs are black jobs you would be saying right on…

Any thoughts on Trump’s event today or are you just here to lash out at the critics?

Nah, I’m just pointing out the sillyness that gets overlooked in echo chambers.

Harris isnt really black that she is Indian WHO BECAME BLACK.

How exactly does this happen?

He may be suggesting that she identified primarily by her Indian ethnicity through her mom, until it became politically expedient for her to identify more as a black woman, and that at some point she started presenting herself more in that light.

(not endorsing this line of thought, just trying to frame it in terms that might make sense)

He isn’t that thoughtful. And unless he knew her when she was 12 it doesn’t work. Having gone to an HBCU for undergrad. That change would have had to happen awfully early.

Sure, but it’s exactly the kind of thing he might have been told by an adviser, or overheard listening to a podcast, or saw in a meme on social media, and then it just partially stuck in his head and now he repeats it.

It is fake when you’re not part of the culture, and that culture exists within a larger Anglo culture and black Americans routinely and historically communicate differently depending on the context. You can dislike it all you want but that doesn’t make it any less true. That is who she is and she’s got the bone fides to back it up.

Fake is an unhelpful term in this context. It’s like saying the cadence of a preacher is fake. It’s not how they talk at the dinner table, but it’s clearly an established way of communicating in some contexts, and doing so in that context isn’t fakery—unlike with Iggy Azalea, who adopted the affect to sound inner city. If you or I recorded a reggae album and affected a Kingston accent, that’d be fake. If you or I walked up to a pulpit not being preachers and did our best MLK Jr impersonation, that’d be fake. But a preacher talking in the cadence of a preacher, not fake. Kamala speaking to other black Americans in that manner, not fake.

Being part of the culture is the key to authenticity. Kamala is, Azalea was not. Hillary was not.

Stretching the analogy there… It’s fake and it’s cringe. I know people realise politicians are fake, but accepting and defending them talking differently to you is really taking the cake. Be genuine, be consistent, be you… Crazy concept. The bar has been set low.

Vernacular can be culture specific. My Italian cousins sound different at home then they do at work. People alter their tone and speech for their audience. Elementary school teachers sound way different taking to their class than their kids. Same goals, to guide and educate, but different delivery.

My point is why do some people care so much if Kamala is talking “black”? Who defines when that is? Does it change her message?

Is it my agenda, or theirs?

It is odd that Trump makes a complete fool out of himself and all some folks want to talk about is Harris’ supposed accent and throw rocks at anyone who mocks Dear Leader.

I think I mentioned that I met her many years when she was dating Willie Brown. I certainly perceived her as black. The idea that she only recently decided to be black is just absurd.

Fake is an unhelpful term in this context. It’s like saying the cadence of a preacher is fake. It’s not how they talk at the dinner table, but it’s clearly an established way of communicating in some contexts, and doing so in that context isn’t fakery—unlike with Iggy Azalea, who adopted the affect to sound inner city. If you or I recorded a reggae album and affected a Kingston accent, that’d be fake. If you or I walked up to a pulpit not being preachers and did our best MLK Jr impersonation, that’d be fake. But a preacher talking in the cadence of a preacher, not fake. Kamala speaking to other black Americans in that manner, not fake.

Being part of the culture is the key to authenticity. Kamala is, Azalea was not. Hillary was not.

Stretching the analogy there… It’s fake and it’s cringe. I know people realise politicians are fake, but accepting and defending them talking differently to you is really taking the cake. Be genuine, be consistent, be you… Crazy concept. The bar has been set low.

Vernacular can be culture specific. My Italian cousins sound different at home then they do at work. People alter their tone and speech for their audience. Elementary school teachers sound way different taking to their class than their kids. Same goals, to guide and educate, but different delivery.

My point is why do some people care so much if Kamala is talking “black”? Who defines when that is? Does it change her message?

Is it my agenda, or theirs?

I don’t care, I know politicians are fake and will say whatever it takes in whatever fashion it takes depending on the audience.

It doesn’t mean though I want to see Trump for example putting on a thick New Yorker accent when in NYC and then swapping it for southern drawl when down south etc…

Harris isnt really black that she is Indian WHO BECAME BLACK.

How exactly does this happen?

He may be suggesting that she identified primarily by her Indian ethnicity through her mom, until it became politically expedient for her to identify more as a black woman, and that at some point she started presenting herself more in that light.

(not endorsing this line of thought, just trying to frame it in terms that might make sense)

He isn’t that thoughtful. And unless he knew her when she was 12 it doesn’t work. Having gone to an HBCU for undergrad. That change would have had to happen awfully early.

Sure, but it’s exactly the kind of thing he might have been told by an adviser, or overheard listening to a podcast, or saw in a meme on social media, and then it just partially stuck in his head and now he repeats it.

Or. It is the kind of thing an old racist says

Based on past performance I know where I am placing my bets.

Stop putting things through the magic decoder and finding rationalizations for bad behavior. I know you would never say something like that. Or that people without kids are deranged, sociopathic psychopaths. But then you aren’t a complete shit. Unfortunately, some people are.

And this is yet another example of how people get hysterical and read into words whatever they want. If the script was flipped and KH said all jobs are black jobs you would be saying right on…

Any thoughts on Trump’s event today or are you just here to lash out at the critics?

Nah, I’m just pointing out the sillyness that gets overlooked in echo chambers.

The reason this place looks like an echo chamber from the right is that so few on the right are willing to contribute thoughtful content. Maybe do your part. Convince us the GOP should be put in charge again.

I think you should give it a try. This room is loaded with open minded folks ripe for convincing.

Harris isnt really black that she is Indian WHO BECAME BLACK.

How exactly does this happen?

He may be suggesting that she identified primarily by her Indian ethnicity through her mom, until it became politically expedient for her to identify more as a black woman, and that at some point she started presenting herself more in that light.

(not endorsing this line of thought, just trying to frame it in terms that might make sense)

He isn’t that thoughtful. And unless he knew her when she was 12 it doesn’t work. Having gone to an HBCU for undergrad. That change would have had to happen awfully early.

Sure, but it’s exactly the kind of thing he might have been told by an adviser, or overheard listening to a podcast, or saw in a meme on social media, and then it just partially stuck in his head and now he repeats it.

Or. It is the kind of thing an old racist says

Based on past performance I know where I am placing my bets.

Stop putting things through the magic decoder and finding rationalizations for bad behavior. I know you would never say something like that. Or that people without kids are deranged, sociopathic psychopaths. But then you aren’t a complete shit. Unfortunately, some people are.

FFS, I’m not rationalizing any fucking thing. I guess we’re at the point where we’re not allowed to try to figure out what the other side meant by their words anymore.


Again, Trump is not part of Southern culture. Not the same thing.

Re: your last sentence…The list is long and not difficult to articulate. I shan’t make the attempt because a) I’ve got more useful things to do, and b) I fear the bulk of my fellow LR denzians should suffer the vapors (not that the LR is left leaning or anything).

personally, i would find this a worthwhile investigation. you are a californian are you not? i ask for this reason: during the last 2 cycles i voted R for my california state senator, and i voted D during the last 2 cycles for my federal options. your point above bears in this, because I see Ds in california differently than i see Ds in washington, because every D i vote for in my district is a swing district D and it’s the same for president.

so, setting aside all the campaign horseshit i see real concerns with the Ds in calif and the very last thing i want is a supermajority here. but i don’t see that in washington. i would probably vote for an R if my other option was, say, jayapal, or ilhan omar, unless the R was a MAGA (and of course that’s highly likely).

the world looked very different in 2019 and 2020 than it does today, if you’re kamala harris. her problem in 2020 was not that she was a liberal. it’s that she was a centrist trying on some liberal pantsuits and she looked about as comfortable doing that as trump did today speaking to black journos.

pardon my droning on. my point is, you took issue with this: “anyone who thinks the d party has gone too far left typically have difficulty articulating why they think that.” the fact that you didn’t articulate reasons kind of validates the point of the person making that statement, does it not? i would like to see someone like you who appears - if i could venture a guess - a non-MAGA conservative to place pen to paper and on the hyper-leftiness of the ruling cabal of Ds on the national level. (if you want to complain about california’s Ds on the state level, i’ll probably be right there with you.)

Well articulated commentary, especially the differences between Ds in CA and nationally (in general). Dang, we agree on a lot!
**I was just (somewhat randomly) thinking about the Respite worker for our disabled daughter; she’s busting her butt working 3 jobs to repay her student loans because, she knowingly took them out. I haven’t asked her, but I’d feel a bit peeved at the various forgiveness programs. Likewise if I paid to attend a trade school because I couldn’t afford college. **
VP Harris I would guess would have to defend those actions, which depending on the audience could be easy, or impossible.

these are centrist policies. And ignoring the ruling of the SC which needs to be overhauled by the executive branch is a centrist position as well.

Remember Trump doesn’t have to alienate all of his supporters to lose the election…

He is doomed if…

  1. Low information conservatives lose interest in Trump and forget to vote
  2. Low motivation liberals become especially fearful of Trump and show up and vote
  3. Trump alienates some of the several thousand swing voters that Trump needs to win the swing state’s.

This! I don’t think Trump will ever lose his base, but his base is not enough for him to win. He needs some portion of the electorate to either sit out or vote for him.

It is also why, in my mind, his VP candidate is so perplexing. In an election that is going to be decided by independents he played to the base.


He thought he was running against Biden and got over confident. Like Hillary not visiting PA outside of Philly and Pittsburgh in 2016. Hubris.

Also Donnie Jr liked Vance.

George Conway via twitter:

I wish to personally express my sincerest gratitude to whomever it is on the Trump campaign who convinced Trump it was a good idea to have him appear before the @NABJ. Whoever you are, you are a true patriot, and your country is in your debt.

Or he thought it was the National Association of Business Journalists

Second order stupid effects of today’s debacle, Trump Attorney Alina Habba at tonight’s rally:

“Unlike you Kamala, I know who my roots are and where I come.”

Still pronouncing it Ka-MAH-la, intentionally.
