Are you folks watching this “Trump Takes Questions from Black Journalists Convention”?

He is DONE.

I have never seen a bigger nose dive IN MY LIFE.

This is non-stop fodder for our “can you believe he said it” thread. Everything out of his mouth is a catastrophe.

Are you folks watching this “Trump Takes Questions from Black Journalists Convention”?

He is DONE.

I have never seen a bigger nose dive IN MY LIFE.

This is non-stop fodder for our “can you believe he said it” thread. Everything out of his mouth is a catastrophe.

You should know by now, it doesn’t matter what he does or says, his cult will continue to worship him.

Are you folks watching this “Trump Takes Questions from Black Journalists Convention”?

He is DONE.

I have never seen a bigger nose dive IN MY LIFE.

This is non-stop fodder for our “can you believe he said it” thread. Everything out of his mouth is a catastrophe.

You should know by now, it doesn’t matter what he does or says, his cult will continue to worship him.

But he’s there to “court the black vote.” This is part of the battle for the undecided voters, to gin up turnout rate, to hold down the black vote for her, etc.

As long as he doesn’t use “black accent” whatever the F that is, he is safe.

Are you folks watching this “Trump Takes Questions from Black Journalists Convention”?

He is DONE.

I have never seen a bigger nose dive IN MY LIFE.

This is non-stop fodder for our “can you believe he said it” thread. Everything out of his mouth is a catastrophe.

You should know by now, it doesn’t matter what he does or says, his cult will continue to worship him.

But he’s there to “court the black vote.” This is part of the battle for the undecided voters, to gin up turnout rate, to hold down the black vote for her, etc.

I turned it on for a minute and that is all I could stand listening to him. When did journalists stop pushing back on known lies. Don’t let him continue to lie without some pushback. Unfreaking believable.


Answering questions poorly can’t be a bigger nose dive than 34 felony convictions and that didn’t even leave a mark.

He made it sounds like Harris “was Indian” and then somehow made a choice to become black.

Now he’s on to pardoning the J6 insurrectionists (“if they are innocent”), and he’s doubling down by talking about “nothing that happened” to BLM protesters.

Are you folks watching this “Trump Takes Questions from Black Journalists Convention”?

He is DONE.

I have never seen a bigger nose dive IN MY LIFE.

This is non-stop fodder for our “can you believe he said it” thread. Everything out of his mouth is a catastrophe.

You should know by now, it doesn’t matter what he does or says, his cult will continue to worship him.

But he’s there to “court the black vote.” This is part of the battle for the undecided voters, to gin up turnout rate, to hold down the black vote for her, etc.

Thought he already has all the votes he needs?


Answering questions poorly can’t be a bigger nose dive than 34 felony convictions and that didn’t even leave a mark.

I saw some clips… and man Trump is coming off as very ignorant. He was asked about Harris being a DEI Hire, and trump asks for a definition, the reporter gives it to him, and he continually asks for a definition … after getting one. THEN, he says that Harris isnt really black that she is Indian WHO BECAME BLACK.

he also said there was an illegal immigrant invasion, and they were taking black jobs. He was asked what is a black job, and trump responded as any job is a black job.

Both times the audience laughed at him.

I bet his supporters watching are thinking about how good he’s doing against such nasty, unfair women ganging up on him.

This isn’t moving the needle. At this point the Republicans could run a convicted serial murderer and the sheep will get in line, because to them it’s still better than the alternative.


Answering questions poorly can’t be a bigger nose dive than 34 felony convictions and that didn’t even leave a mark.

I saw some clips… and man Trump is coming off as very ignorant. He was asked about Harris being a DEI Hire, and trump asks for a definition, the reporter gives it to him, and he continually asks for a definition … after getting one. THEN, he says that Harris isnt really black that she is Indian WHO BECAME BLACK.

he also said there was an illegal immigrant invasion, and they were taking black jobs. He was asked what is a black job, and trump responded as any job is a black job.

Both times the audience laughed at him.

In TFG’s little mind they were laughing with him. Much as the time he spoke at the UN and they laughed at him.

I bet his supporters watching are thinking about how good he’s doing against such nasty, unfair women ganging up on him.

This isn’t moving the needle. At this point the Republicans could run a convicted serial murderer and the sheep will get in line, because to them it’s still better than the alternative.

Man. Trump now said he would pardon all the people who were convicted on J6, saying they were innocent, and only convicted by a dumb system (while also attacking BLM protests and bringing up his own immunity ruling).

I bet his supporters watching are thinking about how good he’s doing against such nasty, unfair women ganging up on him.

This isn’t moving the needle. At this point the Republicans could run a convicted serial murderer and the sheep will get in line, because to them it’s still better than the alternative.
This. His supporters are a combination of nasty and dumb. The former want the chaos. The latter hear each word but do not understand the meaning of a full sentence, so ofc they think his words are wise. It’s the same demographic that blast Born In The USA over the summer and think its a patriotic song.

I bet his supporters watching are thinking about how good he’s doing against such nasty, unfair women ganging up on him.

This isn’t moving the needle. At this point the Republicans could run a convicted serial murderer and the sheep will get in line, because to them it’s still better than the alternative.

Man. Trump now said he would pardon all the people who were convicted on J6, saying they were innocent, and only convicted by a dumb system (while also attacking BLM protests and bringing up his own immunity ruling).

Not moving the needle.
Look, it’s been clear for years that it doesn’t matter what Trump says, what he does, or what he plans to do. He’s consideres entertaining, he hits back, and he can engage the R base like nobody else. That’s it.

The people who could be moved by thoughtfully listening to what people say and forming an opinion about that person based on their words, those people made up their minds in 2016 and I doubt have wavered.

The more trump acts like he is doing on stage here, the more his crowd fist pumps the air and screams for him. And the louder that roar gets, the more deplorables seem to join in on the chorus. This is helping him, not hindering him.

I bet his supporters watching are thinking about how good he’s doing against such nasty, unfair women ganging up on him.

This isn’t moving the needle. At this point the Republicans could run a convicted serial murderer and the sheep will get in line, because to them it’s still better than the alternative.

Man. Trump now said he would pardon all the people who were convicted on J6, saying they were innocent, and only convicted by a dumb system (while also attacking BLM protests and bringing up his own immunity ruling).

Not moving the needle.
Look, it’s been clear for years that it doesn’t matter what Trump says, what he does, or what he plans to do. He’s consideres entertaining, he hits back, and he can engage the R base like nobody else. That’s it.

The people who could be moved by thoughtfully listening to what people say and forming an opinion about that person based on their words, those people made up their minds in 2016 and I doubt have wavered.

Oh completely agree its not moving the needle. There have been so many off ramps, no one is getting off here.

The interview was just off the rails.

He comes to a black journalist conference, gets asks legit questions dealing with black journalists and trump, and he calls them nasty.

Just nuts.

Remember Trump doesn’t have to alienate all of his supporters to lose the election…

He is doomed if…

  1. Low information conservatives lose interest in Trump and forget to vote
  2. Low motivation liberals become especially fearful of Trump and show up and vote
  3. Trump alienates some of the several thousand swing voters that Trump needs to win the swing state’s.

Fool me once, shame on me.

Fool me twice… uh… I won’t get fooled again.

Remember Trump doesn’t have to alienate all of his supporters to lose the election…

He is doomed if…

  1. Low information conservatives lose interest in Trump and forget to vote
  2. Low motivation liberals become especially fearful of Trump and show up and vote
  3. Trump alienates some of the several thousand swing voters that Trump needs to win the swing state’s.

Yeah i think the only thing this interview really did is remind people just how nuts and off putting trump is.

When I saw the subject line of this email I didnt really think it would be that crazy. However, this interview is going to be memed, and on the front pages of news sources, ads, etc. for a while.

Harris isnt really black that she is Indian WHO BECAME BLACK.

How exactly does this happen?

OK, I see several responses along the lines of “doesn’t move the needle” and “changes nothing.”

I’m going to choose to hold out hope for America.

I know that a large part of his supporters are never going to change. Those are the people who WOULD support him if he shot someone on 5th Avenue. But I do not believe for a second that women are going to be ok with this, or African-Americans, and people like me who know misogyny and racism when they see it.

Trump probably NEEDS to move the needle. He needs to change the direction things are trending. He needs to court more voters. He got washed out by Biden (in the electoral college), and Republicans failed to deliver the red wave in 2022.

He went there to move the needle. If it moved, it moved against him.

And this will be even worse once it is reduced to sound bites and headlines.