Done, says you!

“The questions were Rude and Nasty, often in the form of a statement, but we CRUSHED IT!”

  • Trump via Truth Social

They aren’t Trump supporters though the people you described are Republicans/conservatives and they haven’t got an alternative.

Of course they have an alternative. If you’re a patriot and a supporter of the U.S. Constitution, you vote for Kamala Harris to save the republic. You put your “conservative beliefs” and your misplaced loyalty to the Republican Party aside for the survival of our democracy. Anything else is unamerican.

Done, says you!

“The questions were Rude and Nasty, often in the form of a statement, but we CRUSHED IT!”

  • Trump via Truth Social

Who is the “we”? Did he have a mouse in his pocket?

I bet his supporters watching are thinking about how good he’s doing against such nasty, unfair women ganging up on him.

This isn’t moving the needle. At this point the Republicans could run a convicted serial murderer and the sheep will get in line, because to them it’s still better than the alternative.
This. His supporters are a combination of nasty and dumb. The former want the chaos. The latter hear each word but do not understand the meaning of a full sentence, so ofc they think his words are wise. It’s the same demographic that blast Born In The USA over the summer and think its a patriotic song.

The thing is, most Trump supporters I know are not nasty or dumb - they’re well off professionals, middle/upper class families, successful business owners, etc. that the Dems have just gone too far left for. Many are incredibly tolerant, welcoming, generous people. Sure, there may be a subset of the diehard MAGA nuts, but that’s not the group that’s going to make or break him.

meh, i call bullshit. you may think they’re lovely people, but it’s a two-party system. they are voting for trump, who’s just objectively a bad person. he’s a felon. he says and does awful things and by supporting him they provide cover for that. if they want to claim that the “dems have gone too far left,” they’re certainly allowed to say that. but they’ve made their choice to support trump and get to carry that stench with them, and no amount of niceness and welcoming washes that stench away.

I think most of the intelligent middle class voters for Trump simply tune out any information that would ordinarily challenge their moral compasses, or would otherwise normally disqualify him as a candidate for them. They are well aware that his a “weird” guy, that does immoral things, but they rationalize it away as him being not your usual politician.

And many of them genuinely believe the 2020 election was fraudulent, although if you dig deep with the most intelligent of them, they will only point to the PA election as being “unfair” because the rules were changed not by the state legislature, which is how election changes should be amended. They also ignore the fact that this was contested in the courts and the changes were accepted by the courts.

The bottom line is that they identify as Republicans and will only vote for a Republican, all other information be damned.

Yeah. It looks like his left hand is on top. Will test it out later

How dumb does he think people are?

Over 74 million people answered that question about four years ago.

Tyler is lining up in the dumb line.

I bet his supporters watching are thinking about how good he’s doing against such nasty, unfair women ganging up on him.

This isn’t moving the needle. At this point the Republicans could run a convicted serial murderer and the sheep will get in line, because to them it’s still better than the alternative.
This. His supporters are a combination of nasty and dumb. The former want the chaos. The latter hear each word but do not understand the meaning of a full sentence, so ofc they think his words are wise. It’s the same demographic that blast Born In The USA over the summer and think its a patriotic song.

The thing is, most Trump supporters I know are not nasty or dumb - they’re well off professionals, middle/upper class families, successful business owners, etc. that the Dems have just gone too far left for. Many are incredibly tolerant, welcoming, generous people. Sure, there may be a subset of the diehard MAGA nuts, but that’s not the group that’s going to make or break him.

meh, i call bullshit. you may think they’re lovely people, but it’s a two-party system. they are voting for trump, who’s just objectively a bad person. he’s a felon. he says and does awful things and by supporting him they provide cover for that. if they want to claim that the “dems have gone too far left,” they’re certainly allowed to say that. but they’ve made their choice to support trump and get to carry that stench with them, and no amount of niceness and welcoming washes that stench away.

I think most of the intelligent middle class voters for Trump simply tune out any information that would ordinarily challenge their moral compasses, or would otherwise normally disqualify him as a candidate for them. They are well aware that his a “weird” guy, that does immoral things, but they rationalize it away as him being not your usual politician.

And many of them genuinely believe the 2020 election was fraudulent, although if you dig deep with the most intelligent of them, they will only point to the PA election as being “unfair” because the rules were changed not by the state legislature, which is how election changes should be amended. They also ignore the fact that this was contested in the courts and the changes were accepted by the courts.

The bottom line is that they identify as Republicans and will only vote for a Republican, all other information be damned.

Yeah … I think a big part is lack of diversity in news sources. If all you listen to is CNN you will have a completely different viewpoint as someone who only listens to Fox. It is too bad that many of the major news organizations have lost the plot and only reinforce their circles.

Having said that, the r party is off the rails. I wish they would actually listen to constituents and form a coherent message that keeps them relevant. But anyone who thinks the d party has gone too far left typically have difficulty articulating why they think that.


He is shook.

“Crazy Kamala is saying she’s Indian, not Black. This is a big deal. Stone cold phony. She uses everybody, including her racial identity!”

Photo of her Indian mother and her together accompanied his post.


Harris campaign wasted no time responding:

Statement on Donald Trump Showing Exactly Who He Is at NABJ

"The hostility Donald Trump showed on stage today is the same hostility he has shown throughout his life, throughout his term in office, and throughout his campaign for president as he seeks to regain power and inflict his harmful Project 2025 agenda on the American people.

Trump lobbed personal attacks and insults at Black journalists the same way he did throughout his presidency while he failed Black families and left the entire country digging out of the ditch he left us in. Donald Trump has already proven he cannot unite America, so he attempts to divide us.

Today’s tirade is simply a taste of the chaos and division that has been a hallmark of Trump’s MAGA rallies this entire campaign. It’s also exactly what the American people will see from across the debate stage as Vice President Harris offers a vision of opportunity and freedom for all Americans. All Donald Trump needs to do is stop playing games and actually show up to the debate on September 10."

I scratch my head every time Trump is portrayed as the tough guy. See his response to the “horrible” question posed by the journalist. Man, what a crybaby snowflake.


I scratch my head every time Trump is portrayed as the tough guy. See his response to the “horrible” question posed by the journalist. Man, what a crybaby snowflake.


The term you’re after is WATB: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=watb

I scratch my head every time Trump is portrayed as the tough guy. See his response to the “horrible” question posed by the journalist. Man, what a crybaby snowflake.


Yeah I’ll never get that. He makes excuses for everything. Always plays the victim and cowtows to actual strongman leaders.

If you described Trumps qualities to any MAGA person without saying his name and asked them what they thought of people like that, every one of them would say they hate people like that.

I bet his supporters watching are thinking about how good he’s doing against such nasty, unfair women ganging up on him.

This isn’t moving the needle. At this point the Republicans could run a convicted serial murderer and the sheep will get in line, because to them it’s still better than the alternative.
This. His supporters are a combination of nasty and dumb. The former want the chaos. The latter hear each word but do not understand the meaning of a full sentence, so ofc they think his words are wise. It’s the same demographic that blast Born In The USA over the summer and think its a patriotic song.

The thing is, most Trump supporters I know are not nasty or dumb - they’re well off professionals, middle/upper class families, successful business owners, etc. that the Dems have just gone too far left for. Many are incredibly tolerant, welcoming, generous people. Sure, there may be a subset of the diehard MAGA nuts, but that’s not the group that’s going to make or break him.

meh, i call bullshit. you may think they’re lovely people, but it’s a two-party system. they are voting for trump, who’s just objectively a bad person. he’s a felon. he says and does awful things and by supporting him they provide cover for that. if they want to claim that the “dems have gone too far left,” they’re certainly allowed to say that. but they’ve made their choice to support trump and get to carry that stench with them, and no amount of niceness and welcoming washes that stench away.

I think most of the intelligent middle class voters for Trump simply tune out any information that would ordinarily challenge their moral compasses, or would otherwise normally disqualify him as a candidate for them. They are well aware that his a “weird” guy, that does immoral things, but they rationalize it away as him being not your usual politician.

And many of them genuinely believe the 2020 election was fraudulent, although if you dig deep with the most intelligent of them, they will only point to the PA election as being “unfair” because the rules were changed not by the state legislature, which is how election changes should be amended. They also ignore the fact that this was contested in the courts and the changes were accepted by the courts.

The bottom line is that they identify as Republicans and will only vote for a Republican, all other information be damned.

Yeah … I think a big part is lack of diversity in news sources. If all you listen to is CNN you will have a completely different viewpoint as someone who only listens to Fox. It is too bad that many of the major news organizations have lost the plot and only reinforce their circles.

Having said that, the r party is off the rails. I wish they would actually listen to constituents and form a coherent message that keeps them relevant. But anyone who thinks the d party has gone too far left typically have difficulty articulating why they think that.

Disclaimer: I’m a Trump hater…
The first sentence in your last paragraph sadly seems mostly true. Re: your last sentence…
The list is long and not difficult to articulate. I shan’t make the attempt because a) I’ve got more useful things to do, and b) I fear the bulk of my fellow LR denzians should suffer the vapors (not that the LR is left leaning or anything).

He is shook.

“Crazy Kamala is saying she’s Indian, not Black. This is a big deal. Stone cold phony. She uses everybody, including her racial identity!”

Photo of her Indian mother and her together accompanied his post.


Wait… Is that Mindy Kailing from The Office?


I don’t know who’s more confused, him or me.

I bet his supporters watching are thinking about how good he’s doing against such nasty, unfair women ganging up on him.

This isn’t moving the needle. At this point the Republicans could run a convicted serial murderer and the sheep will get in line, because to them it’s still better than the alternative.
This. His supporters are a combination of nasty and dumb. The former want the chaos. The latter hear each word but do not understand the meaning of a full sentence, so ofc they think his words are wise. It’s the same demographic that blast Born In The USA over the summer and think its a patriotic song.

The thing is, most Trump supporters I know are not nasty or dumb - they’re well off professionals, middle/upper class families, successful business owners, etc. that the Dems have just gone too far left for. Many are incredibly tolerant, welcoming, generous people. Sure, there may be a subset of the diehard MAGA nuts, but that’s not the group that’s going to make or break him.

meh, i call bullshit. you may think they’re lovely people, but it’s a two-party system. they are voting for trump, who’s just objectively a bad person. he’s a felon. he says and does awful things and by supporting him they provide cover for that. if they want to claim that the “dems have gone too far left,” they’re certainly allowed to say that. but they’ve made their choice to support trump and get to carry that stench with them, and no amount of niceness and welcoming washes that stench away.

I think most of the intelligent middle class voters for Trump simply tune out any information that would ordinarily challenge their moral compasses, or would otherwise normally disqualify him as a candidate for them. They are well aware that his a “weird” guy, that does immoral things, but they rationalize it away as him being not your usual politician.

And many of them genuinely believe the 2020 election was fraudulent, although if you dig deep with the most intelligent of them, they will only point to the PA election as being “unfair” because the rules were changed not by the state legislature, which is how election changes should be amended. They also ignore the fact that this was contested in the courts and the changes were accepted by the courts.

The bottom line is that they identify as Republicans and will only vote for a Republican, all other information be damned.

I’ll tell you what; you put those racist bastards in the electric chair and you hook them up to a lie detector, who do you think they’re going to say won the election. They know it’s all a lie, they just like the fantasy that the Felon won

he also said there was an illegal immigrant invasion, and they were taking black jobs. He was asked what is a black job, and trump responded as any job is a black job.

Both times the audience laughed at him.

In TFG’s little mind they were laughing with him. Much as the time he spoke at the UN and they laughed at him.

Maybe unlike you guys Trump think black jobs ARE all jobs, not just barbers, nails and McDonald’s?

Again reading through this thread the pure level of hatred is palpable, republicans are dumb, nasty, stupid etc… The hate is strong.

How dumb does he think people are?

Over 74 million people answered that question about four years ago.

Tyler is lining up in the dumb line.

Still struggling to keep it civil I see…

Harris isnt really black that she is Indian WHO BECAME BLACK.

How exactly does this happen?

According to Jesse Waters’ “logic”, it was when she voted for Obama.

Damn, a lot of us must be black too if that’s all it takes.

he also said there was an illegal immigrant invasion, and they were taking black jobs. He was asked what is a black job, and trump responded as any job is a black job.

Both times the audience laughed at him.

In TFG’s little mind they were laughing with him. Much as the time he spoke at the UN and they laughed at him.

Maybe unlike you guys Trump think black jobs ARE all jobs, not just barbers, nails and McDonald’s?

Again reading through this thread the pure level of hatred is palpable, republicans are dumb, nasty, stupid etc… The hate is strong.

If “black jobs” = “all Jobs” then there is no reason to ever say “black jobs.”

He meant it as a descriptor, and when pressed to explain what it describes or what kind of jobs those would be, he sees the trap of his own making and tries to pivot to something palatable.

It is bullshit.

“Illegal immigrants are taking black jobs” does not mean they are taking all kinds of jobs.

Don’t even try to gaslight us into thinking that we are the ones demonstrating racist thinking. Ain’t gonna happen.

As long as he doesn’t use “black accent” whatever the F that is, he is safe.

Didn’t Iggy Azaela or whatever he name was get cancelled for using black accent as a white person and ‘black fishing’…

It’s funny watching people pretend to be ignorant when it suits their agenda