
Oh god. Everything just gets worse.

In this clip, he waits for the journo to turn away, takes the journos water bottle and tightens it - like a child - because he doesnt like the questions.

Wow. This is going to get memed.


Oh god. Everything just gets worse.

In this clip, he waits for the journo to turn away, takes the journos water bottle and tightens it - like a child - because he doesnt like the questions.

Wow. This is going to get memed.

I saw that in real time and thought he made a mistake, not seeing that he had his own bottle to his right, because he was looking at the journalists to his left the whole time. But he clearly tightens it pretty hard.


Oh god. Everything just gets worse.

In this clip, he waits for the journo to turn away, takes the journos water bottle and tightens it - like a child - because he doesnt like the questions.

Wow. This is going to get memed.

I saw that in real time and thought he made a mistake, not seeing that he had his own bottle to his right, because he was looking at the journalists to his left the whole time. But he clearly tightens it pretty hard.

Well as hard as he could with those tiny hands of his.


Oh god. Everything just gets worse.

In this clip, he waits for the journo to turn away, takes the journos water bottle and tightens it - like a child - because he doesnt like the questions.

Wow. This is going to get memed.

I saw that in real time and thought he made a mistake, not seeing that he had his own bottle to his right, because he was looking at the journalists to his left the whole time. But he clearly tightens it pretty hard.

It’s either one of two things. 1) he tightened it hard. Just look at way he is twisting or 2) he couldn’t open an already opened water bottle with all of his might.

I bet his supporters watching are thinking about how good he’s doing against such nasty, unfair women ganging up on him.

This isn’t moving the needle. At this point the Republicans could run a convicted serial murderer and the sheep will get in line, because to them it’s still better than the alternative.
This. His supporters are a combination of nasty and dumb. The former want the chaos. The latter hear each word but do not understand the meaning of a full sentence, so ofc they think his words are wise. It’s the same demographic that blast Born In The USA over the summer and think its a patriotic song.

The thing is, most Trump supporters I know are not nasty or dumb - they’re well off professionals, middle/upper class families, successful business owners, etc. that the Dems have just gone too far left for. Many are incredibly tolerant, welcoming, generous people. Sure, there may be a subset of the diehard MAGA nuts, but that’s not the group that’s going to make or break him.
They aren’t Trump supporters though the people you described are Republicans/conservatives and they haven’t got an alternative.

These are people I personally know. They are absolutely Trump supporters. It’s a little mind blowing and none of it makes sense, but they love him.** Most of them started out with a different view but they’re all in at this point**.


you lost everybody posting here with “these are people I personally know”. their bubbles don’t include this

i’ve tried listening for a little while: i’m really struck by how much the man whines. it’s just a ton of complaining. whining about how people are too mean to him, how the equipment doesn’t work, the interview started late, etc etc.

it’s a trait i find deeply repulsive in anyone, but almost hilariously so in someone who aspires to be president. i wonder why more people are turned off by his whining.

This is exactly why many people like him. So many people in today’s society want to blame someone, anyone, for everything that goes wrong in their lives, or everything that isn’t exactly how they want it to be. People don’t want to admit that sometimes the reason their life sucks is because they made bad choices, or they’re an idiot, or sometimes shit just happens. Everything has to be someone’s fault, anyone’s but their own. They relate to him because he blames everyone for everything, nothing is ever his fault, and this is exactly how they feel about their own lives.

I agree that this is a trait I can’t stand. It drives me crazy when people can’t just accept fault and move on, or when they constantly try to blame someone or something else for whatever current situation they’re in. It’s infuriating.


Oh god. Everything just gets worse.

In this clip, he waits for the journo to turn away, takes the journos water bottle and tightens it - like a child - because he doesnt like the questions.

Wow. This is going to get memed.

WTF? – Kamala needs to add a rule to any debate that Mr. Grabby doesn’t touch her water bottle.


Oh god. Everything just gets worse.

In this clip, he waits for the journo to turn away, takes the journos water bottle and tightens it - like a child - because he doesnt like the questions.

Wow. This is going to get memed.

I saw that in real time and thought he made a mistake, not seeing that he had his own bottle to his right, because he was looking at the journalists to his left the whole time. But he clearly tightens it pretty hard.

It’s either one of two things. 1) he tightened it hard. Just look at way he is twisting or 2) he couldn’t open an already opened water bottle with all of his might.

That orange fuckwit can barely drink from an opened water bottle with the combined power of both hands, so failing at opening one himself shouldn’t really come as a surprise.

I cannot stop laughing at how badly this all has gone since JD showed up. Just stand back and let them cook!


Oh god. Everything just gets worse.

In this clip, he waits for the journo to turn away, takes the journos water bottle and tightens it - like a child - because he doesnt like the questions.

Wow. This is going to get memed.

It looks to me like he is rotating that lid anti clockwise?

Now I don’t know if the coriolis effect applies to lids also, but down here that loosens the lid.

So he could have opened it ready for a sip.


Oh god. Everything just gets worse.

In this clip, he waits for the journo to turn away, takes the journos water bottle and tightens it - like a child - because he doesnt like the questions.

Wow. This is going to get memed.

It looks to me like he is rotating that lid anti clockwise?

Now I don’t know if the coriolis effect applies to lids also, but down here that loosens the lid.

So he could have opened it ready for a sip.

Yeah it looks like he went to open the bottle, not tighten it. He may have just changed his mind about drinking it, but this idea that he maliciously tightened it seems like a stretch. There are legitimate reasons to criticize him. This doesn’t seem to be one.

I cannot stop laughing at how badly this all has gone since JD showed up. Just stand back and let them cook!

Side effect of being the oldest candidate to ever run for President. Elder abuse!


Oh god. Everything just gets worse.

In this clip, he waits for the journo to turn away, takes the journos water bottle and tightens it - like a child - because he doesnt like the questions.

Wow. This is going to get memed.

It looks to me like he is rotating that lid anti clockwise?

Now I don’t know if the coriolis effect applies to lids also, but down here that loosens the lid.

So he could have opened it ready for a sip.

Now that I look again, I think you are correct.

So, the meme will be about him being too weak to open a water bottle.

But with so much material to come from this train wreck, I don’t think this will stick. And it shouldn’t.


Oh god. Everything just gets worse.

In this clip, he waits for the journo to turn away, takes the journos water bottle and tightens it - like a child - because he doesnt like the questions.

Wow. This is going to get memed.

It looks to me like he is rotating that lid anti clockwise?

Now I don’t know if the coriolis effect applies to lids also, but down here that loosens the lid.

So he could have opened it ready for a sip.

In the video it looks like his wrists are turning into each other. I dont have a bottle in front of me, but i think thats how you tighten things.

He couldnt be opening it for a sip, if he thought it was his water bottle, there was already a poured glass.

The best case scenario for trump would be that he took a water bottle knowing it wasnt his (not positioned close to him on the table) - across from a poured glass of water, and couldnt open it.

George Conway via twitter:

I wish to personally express my sincerest gratitude to whomever it is on the Trump campaign who convinced Trump it was a good idea to have him appear before the @NABJ. Whoever you are, you are a true patriot, and your country is in your debt.

George Conway via twitter:

I wish to personally express my sincerest gratitude to whomever it is on the Trump campaign who convinced Trump it was a good idea to have him appear before the @NABJ. Whoever you are, you are a true patriot, and your country is in your debt.

I was watching some clips of Trump’s greatest hits today with the NABJ and all I could think was who thought that was a good idea? I’m not sure that could’ve gone any worse for him.


In the video it looks like his wrists are turning into each other. I dont have a bottle in front of me, but i think thats how you tighten things.

You do realize that, depending on which hand you have on top, turning your wrists into each other will twist that bottle top in different directions, right?


Probably, Trump being the creep that he is, went to steal a drink, but then he realized who’s bottle it was and didn’t want to catch the ‘‘Black’’ and turn black like Kamala did.


Oh god. Everything just gets worse.

In this clip, he waits for the journo to turn away, takes the journos water bottle and tightens it - like a child - because he doesnt like the questions.

Wow. This is going to get memed.

It looks to me like he is rotating that lid anti clockwise?

Now I don’t know if the coriolis effect applies to lids also, but down here that loosens the lid.

So he could have opened it ready for a sip.

Yeah it looks like he went to open the bottle, not tighten it. He may have just changed his mind about drinking it, but this idea that he maliciously tightened it seems like a stretch. There are legitimate reasons to criticize him. This doesn’t seem to be one.

Yes. I can envisage being in a meeting, grabbing a bottle and cracking the lid getting ready for a sip later.

His team can easily swing that and say he was getting it ready for that demure woman interviewer.

I can’t believe that the original point had me sufficiently filled with doubt that I climbed out of bed at 4am to test a bottle in the darkness. Myth: Busted.