Remember Trump doesn’t have to alienate all of his supporters to lose the election…

He is doomed if…

  1. Low information conservatives lose interest in Trump and forget to vote
  2. Low motivation liberals become especially fearful of Trump and show up and vote
  3. Trump alienates some of the several thousand swing voters that Trump needs to win the swing state’s.

This! I don’t think Trump will ever lose his base, but his base is not enough for him to win. He needs some portion of the electorate to either sit out or vote for him.

It is also why, in my mind, his VP candidate is so perplexing. In an election that is going to be decided by independents he played to the base.


I bet his supporters watching are thinking about how good he’s doing against such nasty, unfair women ganging up on him.

This isn’t moving the needle. At this point the Republicans could run a convicted serial murderer and the sheep will get in line, because to them it’s still better than the alternative.
This. His supporters are a combination of nasty and dumb. The former want the chaos. The latter hear each word but do not understand the meaning of a full sentence, so ofc they think his words are wise. It’s the same demographic that blast Born In The USA over the summer and think its a patriotic song.

The thing is, most Trump supporters I know are not nasty or dumb - they’re well off professionals, middle/upper class families, successful business owners, etc. that the Dems have just gone too far left for. Many are incredibly tolerant, welcoming, generous people. Sure, there may be a subset of the diehard MAGA nuts, but that’s not the group that’s going to make or break him.

Harris isnt really black that she is Indian WHO BECAME BLACK.

How exactly does this happen?

He may be suggesting that she identified primarily by her Indian ethnicity through her mom, until it became politically expedient for her to identify more as a black woman, and that at some point she started presenting herself more in that light.

(not endorsing this line of thought, just trying to frame it in terms that might make sense)

And now for the fact checking.

Lie, upon lie upon lie.

“Everybody wanted abortion rights to go back to the States.”

How dumb does he think people are?

Harris isnt really black that she is Indian WHO BECAME BLACK.

How exactly does this happen?

She was an immigrant… who took a black job … so she herself became black?

Man saying that immigrants are coming to take black jobs is just nuts. Especially when historically immigrants do lower paying jobs + black people typically get paid less (fewer management, executive, ceo positions). His argument here essentially boils down to that immigrants are coming and taking your scraps. Just nuts. And this wasnt even the worst part of the interview.

most of the questions were softball questions, and he just couldnt answer.

“Do you think Harris is a DEI hire?” - response, well…
“What do you think of police immunity for a police office who unjustily killed a black women” - response… well i dont know the facts. just something about water?
“what do you have to say to the black community who may think you are racist” - response… you are a nasty woman. I am the best for the black community.

Jobs aren’t taken they are given. Why are American business owners firing Americans and hiring illegals (if they are, not convinced this is real at all BTW). That needs to be shouted from rooftops.

Also if someone poor and desperate who just walked across a desert with not much more than the clothes on their back is a threat to your job maybe up your jobs skill? Just saying.

Whoever from the Trump camp who thought this was a good idea should get a nice check from the Harris campaign.

How dumb does he think people are?

Over 74 million people answered that question about four years ago.

I bet his supporters watching are thinking about how good he’s doing against such nasty, unfair women ganging up on him.

This isn’t moving the needle. At this point the Republicans could run a convicted serial murderer and the sheep will get in line, because to them it’s still better than the alternative.
This. His supporters are a combination of nasty and dumb. The former want the chaos. The latter hear each word but do not understand the meaning of a full sentence, so ofc they think his words are wise. It’s the same demographic that blast Born In The USA over the summer and think its a patriotic song.

The thing is, most Trump supporters I know are not nasty or dumb - they’re well off professionals, middle/upper class families, successful business owners, etc. that the Dems have just gone too far left for. Many are incredibly tolerant, welcoming, generous people. Sure, there may be a subset of the diehard MAGA nuts, but that’s not the group that’s going to make or break him.
They aren’t Trump supporters though the people you described are Republicans/conservatives and they haven’t got an alternative.

Jobs aren’t taken they are given. Why are American business owners firing Americans and hiring illegals (if they are, not convinced this is real at all BTW). That needs to be shouted from rooftops.

Also if someone poor and desperate who just walked across a desert with not much more than the clothes on their back is a threat to your job maybe up your jobs skill? Just saying.

This is the jist of what trump was saying, and why its ignorant for trump.

The lower level illegals are coming into the country… and taking your low level jobs because black people dont have job skills.

The interview was supposed to be an hour BUT trump cut the interview off at 30 mins because it was soo bad for him.

Harris isnt really black that she is Indian WHO BECAME BLACK.

How exactly does this happen?

He may be suggesting that she identified primarily by her Indian ethnicity through her mom, until it became politically expedient for her to identify more as a black woman, and that at some point she started presenting herself more in that light.

(not endorsing this line of thought, just trying to frame it in terms that might make sense)

She went to Howard University. She was in the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. If she “chose” to be black she did it as a teenager.

I bet his supporters watching are thinking about how good he’s doing against such nasty, unfair women ganging up on him.

This isn’t moving the needle. At this point the Republicans could run a convicted serial murderer and the sheep will get in line, because to them it’s still better than the alternative.
This. His supporters are a combination of nasty and dumb. The former want the chaos. The latter hear each word but do not understand the meaning of a full sentence, so ofc they think his words are wise. It’s the same demographic that blast Born In The USA over the summer and think its a patriotic song.

The thing is, most Trump supporters I know are not nasty or dumb - they’re well off professionals, middle/upper class families, successful business owners, etc. that the Dems have just gone too far left for. Many are incredibly tolerant, welcoming, generous people. Sure, there may be a subset of the diehard MAGA nuts, but that’s not the group that’s going to make or break him.
They aren’t Trump supporters though the people you described are Republicans/conservatives and they haven’t got an alternative.

These are people I personally know. They are absolutely Trump supporters. It’s a little mind blowing and none of it makes sense, but they love him. Most of them started out with a different view but they’re all in at this point.

OK, I see several responses along the lines of “doesn’t move the needle” and “changes nothing.”

I’m going to choose to hold out hope for America.

I know that a large part of his supporters are never going to change. Those are the people who WOULD support him if he shot someone on 5th Avenue. But I do not believe for a second that women are going to be ok with this, or African-Americans, and people like me who know misogyny and racism when they see it.

Trump probably NEEDS to move the needle. He needs to change the direction things are trending. He needs to court more voters. He got washed out by Biden (in the electoral college), and Republicans failed to deliver the red wave in 2022.

He went there to move the needle. If it moved, it moved against him.

And this will be even worse once it is reduced to sound bites and headlines.

The way Harris wins the election is by making the election about Trump, whether it is the threat to democracy, his age, his misogyny, his criminal background, his racism, his stupidity, or any of a number of other things. He just gave the Democratic party a large amount of ammunition that they will blast all over wherever there are people who will react to this disaster of a press conference. What a gift!

I bet his supporters watching are thinking about how good he’s doing against such nasty, unfair women ganging up on him.

This isn’t moving the needle. At this point the Republicans could run a convicted serial murderer and the sheep will get in line, because to them it’s still better than the alternative.
This. His supporters are a combination of nasty and dumb. The former want the chaos. The latter hear each word but do not understand the meaning of a full sentence, so ofc they think his words are wise. It’s the same demographic that blast Born In The USA over the summer and think its a patriotic song.

The thing is, most Trump supporters I know are not nasty or dumb - they’re well off professionals, middle/upper class families, successful business owners, etc. that the Dems have just gone too far left for. Many are incredibly tolerant, welcoming, generous people. Sure, there may be a subset of the diehard MAGA nuts, but that’s not the group that’s going to make or break him.

meh, i call bullshit. you may think they’re lovely people, but it’s a two-party system. they are voting for trump, who’s just objectively a bad person. he’s a felon. he says and does awful things and by supporting him they provide cover for that. if they want to claim that the “dems have gone too far left,” they’re certainly allowed to say that. but they’ve made their choice to support trump and get to carry that stench with them, and no amount of niceness and welcoming washes that stench away.

Harris isnt really black that she is Indian WHO BECAME BLACK.

How exactly does this happen?

He may be suggesting that she identified primarily by her Indian ethnicity through her mom, until it became politically expedient for her to identify more as a black woman, and that at some point she started presenting herself more in that light.

(not endorsing this line of thought, just trying to frame it in terms that might make sense)

I’m sorry you forget who you are speaking about. I doubt trump has an intelligent thought like this in the last 40 years, maybe ever. He is just using his usual dog whistle trying to pander to his base.

How dumb does he think people are?

Over 74 million people answered that question about four years ago.

Several of them on this very board even as we speak.

i’ve tried listening for a little while: i’m really struck by how much the man whines. it’s just a ton of complaining. whining about how people are too mean to him, how the equipment doesn’t work, the interview started late, etc etc.

it’s a trait i find deeply repulsive in anyone, but almost hilariously so in someone who aspires to be president. i wonder why more people are turned off by his whining.

Harris isnt really black that she is Indian WHO BECAME BLACK.

How exactly does this happen?

According to Jesse Waters’ “logic”, it was when she voted for Obama.

How dumb does he think people are?

Over 74 million people answered that question about four years ago.

Several of them on this very board even as we speak.

This is the trump team pulling trump off the stage early. His team knew how bad it was going when Trump was telling the interviewers about illegals taking black jobs.

“The people coming in are taking your jobs… I think we are going to have to leave it there by the trump team”


How dumb does he think people are?

Over 74 million people answered that question about four years ago.

Several of them on this very board even as we speak.

This is the trump team pulling trump off the stage early. His team knew how bad it was going when Trump was telling the interviewers about illegals taking black jobs.

“The people coming in are taking your jobs… I think we are going to have to leave it there by the trump team”


He must have been so pissed that he didn’t get to roll out his MLK assassination comparison.