Harris V Trump Sept 10.. Lets get ready to rumble

Well, I guess the rules of Coup apply: whoever can muster the most weapons and bodies fastest, wins. In most cases of a breakdown of a civilian government, the military steps in to take “control”. The civil service and the organs of Govt won’t stand against the military because on a practical level they can’t. The Secret Service should - I would think - protect the life of the present/former President rather than the office of the President.

So I guess it would come down to who the JCS swung behind: the defeated incumbent or the victorious challenger. Whoever has the support of the military will hold office, at the military’s pleasure.

One would certainly hope that there are enough senior generals in the US with a sufficiently strong sense of duty and obligation to see the country into the light.

Go away, bot

Yeah. People like you often say that, but get all antsy when other people exercise that exact same freedom, saying shit you don’t like.

Coward. His back has been broken, and he knows it.

Who do you think our American government should serve?

Do you seriously think you prefer a country without a government dedicated to its people?

Do you seriously want to get rid of the department of education, Public Health Service, veterans administration, teachers, justice system, police, fire, postal service?

You must live in la-la land if you think Americans don’t appreciate and love our government. Who do you think risked their lives on 9/11 when our country was attacked by terrorists? It was our police, fire, and other emergency responders, in addition to regular Americans who sacrificed their own lives to minimize the deadly attack against us.

Your fake patriotism is gross.

The worst thing about the fake “individualism” by people like old tri gal is how easily they forget the sacrifices people made for them. In Covid times, fake “individualism” spurred attacks against our health care workers.

Why are you in this community if you reject the benefits and obligations of community?

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I’m not the most internets/AI savvy individual but Im pretty certain you’re talking to an actual bot.

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I saw an ad on Instagram for AI boyfriends, which the ad says are better than the real thing. This wrinkly old tri gal is all we get here? Gosh! That sucks! Let’s get AI BFs, at least

I think there may be an actual person behind it. I got a direct message from it. It was a cut and paste from a reply to a post so not sure. A little suspicious that it was the exact same words so could still be a bot.

It’s not a aging female triathlete from an English speaking country.

It doesn’t work in finance.

well, thank you very much for this research and not resorting to call me an idiot like others in this thread. you have gotten me rethinking things. I wonder why harris did not bring these things up? either way my vote here in california wont count much. It comes down to the swing states.

Harris did bring up the border security and asylum bill, she said she would sign it as soon as it hits her desk. One of the reasons for the flood of people last year was human traffickers and fake asylum seekers taking advantage of loopholes in the law. The bill would close a lot of those loopholes.

Harris also mentioned that working with the Mexican government and getting them to enforce their laws resulted in a big drop in crossings. If Trump starts a global trade war I expect they will stop cooperating.

I think there should be some focus on deporting criminals however I am concerned that with 50% of agricultural labor being undocumented and 20% of construction labor being undocumented we would see a spike in food prices and a slowdown of much needed housing if there was a massive roundup like Trump promises.

That’s a spike we’ll have to live with, I’m all for seeking asylum but you commit a indictable offence while waiting for your hearing, I’m sorry, you go back, period, no negotiation.

100% agree. Sorry, I was not clear. When I wrote about construction and farm workers, I was referring to honest, hard working, non-criminals. Break the law and you are gone.

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I think that Harris could win a lot more votes if she made this abundantly clear and made it clear that she wants it added to the legislation and enforced. We’re not going to stop the criminals from coming over, but we can send them back the first time, and lock them up with no release if they return.

Mr. Anybody, Anywhere, Anytime has said there will not be another debate.

I have to laugh. He called her stupid and incompetent for months and then she completely owned him. I often wonder if he believes his own bullshit, but I have a hard time believing he actually thinks he won.

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What policies of Trump will reduce inflation?

well ok this is complex. the supply chain problem is what caused the recent national inflation, thanks to our reliance on china, but his tarrifs will make us rely less on them. As a nation we need to produce more, and his only card in his pocket is more fossil fuel production, but this is a limited resource. Overall this china-usa partnership is unsustainable. Temu and other junk product sellers are abusing USPS ‘developing nation’ subsidy programs to ship for free.

I guess… maybe its more the state based inflation that is hitting me harder thanks to increased wages, prices are being passed to the customer

There was a good interview on Bloomberg’s Odd Lot podcast about Biden’s trade policy. Based on your post, I think you would like their policy, it is focused on China and working with other countries to prevent a race to the bottom.

I think that targeted approach to China and investment in US infrastructure makes a ton of sense. Broad 20% tariffs will be inflationary and anger those we are partnering with against China.

I would be interested in any more conservative podcast on dealing with China’s dumping/systemic overproduction. It’s not going to change my vote this year but would be interested in learning more.

You are 100% correct to be pissed about China exploiting the Universal Postal Union. Back in 2018 Trump pushed back on the rates and threatened to pull the US out of the Union. In the end he got a 16% annual increase, good but not great.

Tariffs are one of the economic levers the President controls but Trump’s pledge to put tariffs on everything is lazy, inefficient, and will be a great cost to the American consumer. It will also piss off our allies.

Against the advice of his economic advisors Xi has promoted a strategy of manufacturing overcapacity. I fully support targeted tariffs on specific market segments but Trump’s blanket 60% tariff on everything from China is absurd.

As for oil, the President has little control over it. OPEC starts increasing capacity at the end of this month, oversupply could get ugly next year.

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