Harris V Trump Sept 10.. Lets get ready to rumble

Wow he is good, and that was funny

You have a very high view of American’s if you think he is the worst thing we could produce. I am sure some of those proud boys and other followers of his would do far more damage than he did / could

You have a good point, but I would put him right there on the deplorable scale with the proud boys and others of their ilk.

you’re one of those serious posters in Blep’s mind right?

Well I will not be voting for trump so that makes me more serious than you. So I have that going for me.

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You know what I mean. Restore title 45, deport job/welfare err “asylum seekers”, many executive orders are possible

I think that this is where a compromise could be had that could help Harris gain some supporters. “If you are coming to America to work and abide by our laws, we will welcome you. If you are coming to break laws or to live off of the country, we will return you to your country”.

It would ease the fear of those who are worried about immigrants taking advantage of our system.

Last night I had a talk with my son after hearing him say something in anger about a right-wing video that he watched on Youtube. He was upset because he had heard them talking about Harris wanting to give welfare and pay for gender reassignment. He believed the talk that that the Dems are going to let immigrants take over our country.

I reminded him that our ancestors were immigrants just like these people, and came over seeking a better opportunity - like these people. I also reminded him that when we had some work on our house, that the hardest working people were the ones who had come here from South America (and had permits) and the ones that did the lousiest job when they showed up were the two guys born and raised here.

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I just spotted this in an opinion piece by Hugh Hewitt (never previously heard of him) on Fox News, commenting on the presidential debate:

“And not one, single fleeting question about the People’s Republic of China, and its genocide against the Uyghurs, its oppression of Hong Kong, its threat against Taiwan or the Philippines, or its military buildup, the largest, most expensive peacetime military buildup in history?

Perhaps ABC’s parent Disney put the kibosh on questions that would upset the People’s Republic of China and endanger the company’s theme parks in the country or the release of its movies in China? Who knows?”

The stench of desperation is overpowering!



talked with a former co-worker. Voted Trump in the past, not sure if both elections or only 2016.

We had talked politics and was clear, he does not really follow politics but I am guessing his parents are Rep and he gets his info from them (my feelings, he never said it).

He brought up the border, so I asked how did he feel about Trump killing the bipartisan bill the Republicans were going to sign to secure the boarder till Trump so no… He had not heard of it, said well there must have been a reason trump didn’t want it signed, I said yes it would help Biden get re-elelcted. I told him, look google it, read the stories online for yourself and decide. Now I am sure he doesnt totally trust any news sources, so I doubt it will have an impact.

But this is how many Trump voters are, not well informed, See the Dems and their Liberal polices as a true threat to destruction of this country. Because everything in society has to be elevated, its now gotten to any liberal policy will destroy America.

I think there are a lot of folks on this Forum, who are Anti-Trump and don’t care about the policies of the next 4 yrs, vs the long term damage Trump could do if in office. I for one, don’t believe if he is elected he will step down in 4yrs. One way or another, he will run again or something else (I believe he can get Scotus to throw out term limits as most agree its probably not supported by the constitution, but both sides like it so no one has bothered to challenge it). Somewhere in the past Trump said he would possibly look into its legality.

Been following US politics since Ford. and where we are now is bizzare and crazy. The level of mistrust and out right lies is amazing (Harris should NEVER had opened calling his Tarrif’s a sales tax… just dumb playing into misinformation)

Another thing he said, and I wonder about. If Harris had just played the straight card, and never attacked trump used the term weird any of that, if it would have worked. It was one of his comments that he was sick of both sides slinging mud. And the thing is less is not enough, she had to go to zero.

The presidential term limit of two terms is found in the 22nd amendment, no? It’d be tricky to strike that down, I’d imagine.

What’s the mechanism whereby a President who refuses to relinquish his office (or vacate the White House) is forcibly removed?

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Debate-adjacent… this is quite the sight.


The President doesn’t relinquish his office. It expires on the 20th of Jan after the election. After that, he’s a former President.

The question still stands: who is gonna physically remove him from office and the White House? Who will countermand any Executive Order he signs while still officially the President that he thinks allows him to remain as President? Who will stop him from arresting the presumptive Presidential election winner on some trumped up (pun intended) charges?

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Title 45? Do you mean Title 42? Trump cannot restore title 42 as the pandemic is over. The term refers to Title 42 of the 1944 public health law allowing curbs on migration in the name of protecting public health. With the pandemic being downgraded the executive branch can no longer use it to restrict asylum applications. What would have been useful is the bipartisan border security and asylum bill that Trump killed because he put party over country.

You seem confident that Trump will deport lots of people. He promised a mass deportation program in 2016. Like most of his promises it went nowhere, why is this time different?
Trump promises wall and massive deportation program - POLITICO

In fact Obama deported more people than Trump.

It was odd to hear Trump wail about Venezuelan immigrants during the debate. He must think his followers are too stupid to remember this
Trump grants Venezuelans temporary legal status on his way out - POLITICO

You will be happy to know that last months border encounters were lower than Trump’s last month in office. In fact they were lower than 11 out of 12 months in 2019.

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He won, everyone says so, taking his ball and going home.

So fragile.

He can’t take everyone mocking him.

It’s probably the best decision he’s made in a while. He shouldn’t have bothered debating Harris in the first place.

did we miss the announcement of the “fox debate” where she was a no-show?

America is messed up because of this not-so-new progressive left ideology that everything goes all the time and the government is here to help you. Total loss of morals from the Left. I want minimal tax burden, freedom to say what i say in public, freedom to own a gun and shoot fireworks and last but not least America First mentality.