Harris V Trump Sept 10.. Lets get ready to rumble

Wondering how people see this playing out.

Does Harris, jump on his lies, does she ignore his name calling, or respond?

Does Trump stay on topic, or go wondering off and into name calling?

What topics do you think they will ask questions on?

I expect that he will try to intimidate her and throw her off of her game. I think that she will mock him when he does that - causing him to lose control of himself.

This is what I hope to see. I hope to hear, can you actually answer the question or if he really goes on a ramble, something like, well not sure how you got there, but back to the question.

Regardless what happens, it should be entertaining.

Literally shit himself? Cause that would be awesome.

What does everyone think the most offensive thing he will utter about Kamala on stage will be? I figure he will for sure call her “nasty” at least once. I doubt he mispronounces her name though.

What are others thoughts?

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I don’t know. But I’d enjoy being on Kamala’s technical staff on this one. Pouring over thousands of hours of Trump video with AI to detect the most emotional responses he’s had, and then try to correlate that with specific phrases and intonations that occurred prior.

And then coach Kamala to subtly insert those intonations and phrases as frequently as she can without making it obvious.

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I can only hope her team is that smart…

I think she’ll do fine though.

It seems like team T is already jockeying to “appear” presidential/dominant/etc.

The mics-off format and “no lifts” staging seem to favor T. At twice her size, he wants her to look like a little girl standing next to him.

It will be fun to see what her team comes up with to neutralize (neuter?) these gimmicks.

I believe they are not going to shake hands. But, if they did, she could “miss” his hand, give him a “well met” forearm shake, then apologize that she missed his hand because it was so small. :wink:


You do know these are all the rules that were agreed to when first announced when it was to be Biden vs Trump and everyone talked about how the Dems got the rules they wanted to make Joe look goood.

How do I see it playing out?

Trump will do what he usually does, say nothing of substance sprinkled with personal insults.

Kamala will do what she usually does, which will be underwhelming but better than the alternative.

Why anyone would even bother watching is kind of beyond me. This debate isn’t moving the needle for anyone.

Steelers will run an absurdly anemic offense, score the fewest points in the league, blow a chance at a playoff game by losing to a beatable team, but somehow finish one game above.500 and continue Tomlin’s no-losing-seasons streak.

It’s predictable, it’s painful, it’s deeply unsatisfying and I’m here for every minute of it.

Debate, mostly that.

I expect both sides to embarrass themselves, and the world will be watching and laughing.

i was confident Joe would demolish him, and we know how that turned out.

i hope she will project presidential capability. No mocking, no baiting, just short solid answers, humor, and comebacks.

I would love to see her refer to trump as “The Defendant” numerous times, especially when she is mentioning his many crimes. I think that could get him pissed and maybe set him off.

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been reading on past debates. Seems often the “winner” or a “wining” moment is an attack or phrase, that often turns out to be more fiction than fact, but sticks.

I don’t know how we combat some of the flat out stupid lies in politics these days, I go to the Trump one of Dems want to make it legal to kill babies after their born. Just one of many. Vance now telling people, that some foreigners are eating pets in Ohio. Just dumb made up shit.

Oh and I love all our Canadian friends who are so involved and opininated about American politics. Why doesn’t one of the candidates propose we invade Canada and free them from their Overlord King.

Since the trump team insisted that there would be no lifts to stand on during the debate. I would love if the Harris team waited until the last minute and then insisted that trump couldn’t wear lifts in his shoes. If they did that, trump would be done for the whole debate.

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Fools out of yourselves.

I expect Kamala to have >3 word salads during the debate and Trump will respond, “I don’t even know what she just said” similar to his debate with Joe.

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We know both sides will claim victory. We know Trump will tell an enormous number of lies and misstatements.
Trump will likely answer very few if any questions.

I doubt I’ll watch it live, may catch it later.

BTW I’m losing interest in the forum. I can’t login on my laptop (locks up my browser, windows 11 and chrome)
Also my feed is filled up with random threads from years ago.

why are people who are not US citizens interested? well for one it is the political version of a reality show… the outcome means little to the rest of the world, it is 4 years of mayhem or even keel, but in the end it will eventually be over and no big deal. The world will continue to spin. So it is really a popcorn thing for the rest of the world to sit back and watch the show.