Harris V Trump Sept 10.. Lets get ready to rumble

This is another good podcast from the WSJ about why China is risking a trade war

Why China Is Risking a Trade W - The Journal. - Apple Podcasts

A weak China scares me more than a strong China.

This is like saying, “that is not a dog, it is a Labrador retriever.” In other words, just nonsense.

I would love you to tell people in France or Korea that they don’t live in democracies. It would just be funny to see how stupid would correctly guess you are.

France is a Republic within a semi-presidential system (President and Prime Minister).

Although both France and the United States are representative democratic republics, there are important differences between their political systems. In the U.S., the executive power is held by a president, while in France it is shared between a directly elected president and a prime minister elected by the legislature. In France the lower legislative chamber, the National Assembly, is more powerful than the Senate, while the American legislative chambers have roughly equal powers.

but the US system was fashioned after the French system for the obvious reason they both hated England… Andrew Jackson was well acquainted with France

We are both.