Harris V Trump Sept 10.. Lets get ready to rumble

Trump literally passed an executive order in 2020 that does the worst part of Project 2025. Why do you think he’s trying to distance himself from it now? Why do you think the book that JD Vance wrote the foreword to has been postponed?

Do you think Trump’s Schedule F executive order, that he passed in 2020, is a good or bad thing for the country?

If you think he won’t immediately pass it again and try to fill tens of thousands of federal jobs with his yes men if he wins re-election, then I have a bridge to sell you.


So am I … if hot glue guns count LOL


Hhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaahhaaahaaaa (gasp) hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Wait when he was asked if he would do anything differently, and he went side ways ranting about Seattle and BLM??? it was a simple yes no, of course a non answer is a no.

Maybe its a MAGA thing, see Jan6th he has tried the Pelosi’s fault there were not enough guards… So when the arsonists burns down your house, its the Fire departments fault for not having enough trucks?

Then there is the oh look they prosecute these people who stormed the capitol and tried to start an insurrection against the country, but what about these other bad people. Sorry that doesn’t forgive or give a pass to inserectuionist.

Yes judge I know a killed a family… but look those people over there are stealing… See I don’t think a judge or jury would buy that arguement. Why does MAGA think its a good respone?

Here you go. You’re welcome.

. https://www.youtube.com/live/lBH7ql34Ex0?si=Q6NFGEMpewQWIFKb

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It must be wonderful to just be able create your own reality like that.

At least Biden stepped down (or was told to step down) when he bombed at a debate.

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No one is making you come onto the site and post. If ya think we are all douches maybe you need to find somewhere else to hang out. Just a thought.


Project 2025 calls for medicare cuts. Trump’s white house budget for 4 years straight called for medicare cuts. Meanwhile, he campaigns on no cuts to medicare.

She also has a tri bike, made in China!

I disagree we are voting on a pure individual. I look at it as a vote on an ideological movement. Also, Still I see your other posts to other people here who don’t think like you as if they are idiots …

What ideology are voting for? How do you describe it?

I vote for the ideology of democracy, which is to say that I want my vote to count. I don’t want Trump to ignore my vote, incite violence, and stay in power to do anything (keep abortion rights or ban abortion rights).

The most important ideology for me is democracy. Jan 6 proves Trump does not respect democracy. I cannot vote for him.

What is the ideology that you hold closer to your heart than democracy?

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I know it’s hard to believe, because it’s so out of character, but he’s now accusing the Democrats of rigging the debate.

Serious question. Has he ever admitted defeat in anything, ever, and not claimed fraud?


Were there any questions that were asked that were unexpected? A competent candidate and team would have anticipated pretty much most of the questions. Likewise, an incompetent candidate who didn’t prepare very much would have been caught off guard.

There is no bigger tell on intellectual laziness than constantly disparaging “the MSM”.

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Just wanted to make sure you understood that as a Californian, you vote for President doesn’t count.


Talking about laughing stock…

We live in a Republican government no matter what party wins…

Who said this today, without a trace of self-awareness?

“I don’t think most Americans are going to be influenced by a billionaire celebrity who is fundamentally disconnected from the interests and problems of most Americans”

see all of this will be gone if TFG doesn’t win, that is the real motivation MAGA Make America Giggle Again (frankly and the rest of the world) the last 4 years have lacked that daily humour.

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