Harris V Trump Sept 10.. Lets get ready to rumble

No, I don’t think the “but Seattle” response was okay and that’s because of facts. If you delve into the facts, you see that Harris has not encouraged anyone to undermine the rule of law.

In law, we describe things as a “bright line test.” That phrase “bright line test” means there are certain lines that cannot be crossed. Once the line is crossed, there is no need to argue anymore and the error is irrefutable.

It is well established that Trump incited Jan 6, in the months, weeks, days, hours, and minutes prior to that event. The Jan 6 commission gathered and presented the facts that prove this truth. We also saw with our own eyes the tweets and statements proving the incitement of Jan 6. By his personal conduct to incite Jan 6, Trump crossed a bright line. He will forever carry the shame and dishonor of that.

Last night, Trump tried accuse Harris of something similar. However, there are NO FACTS to show Harris did anything to incite a riot anywhere. The facts do not exist. There’s no tweet. There’s no statement. You could look forever for evidence that she incited a riot, and you won’t find it because it doesn’t exist.


Facts are simple and facts are straight
Facts are lazy and facts are late
Facts don’t come with points of view
Facts don’t do what I want them to
Facts just twist the truth around
Facts are living turned inside out
Facts are getting the best of them
Facts are nothing on the face of things

What did he say to incite violence again?


So no reply to my post on Schedule F and Project 2025?

Scrolled right past your post I am so sorry

I do think there was a shift here in the run up to 2016.

I would say the LR actually leaned fairly conservative for quite some time (from my Canadian perspective). But many prominent conservatives either left entirely (JSA, BK), were banned (Rodred), or left the GOP and still post here. Maybe they still hold traditionally conservative values but are not aligned with the party or it’s current leader.

The only people proudly flying the conservative party banner these days are maga trumpers like Tyler and that other guy littering this thread who generally contribute nothing of substance to the conversation. There really isn’t room on the right for a moderate opinion these days.

You people keep on bringing up project 2025 like the MSM has told you to. Show me a video in which trump or Vance states that it is part of their campaign. I’ll wait here

His point was that both sides have people willing to over throw the government. Not that Harris started it

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If you won’t be honest with yourself, it is fruitless to talk to you. Maybe in the future you will decide to re-enter reality and face facts. Until you make that choice, you are living in a self-imposed time-out from reality and a time-out from other people who exist in reality.

You have lied to yourself and put yourself into the place where you are. I hope you can untangle your brain. As a mom, I am very good at untangling balls of string and shoelaces and my kid’s hair. My advice: start at the loose ends and at the easy spots.

What is a fact that you and I can agree upon? If you can’t find one, then I think you are lost. But I bet one fact exists that you and I can agree upon. See if you can find it in your brain.

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Thanks for telling me I have no opinion.

I didn’t say you have no opinion. I said you’re not qualified to render an opinion on the types of people who post here with such a small amount of engagement in the forum.

This forum doesn’t represent the bulk of triathlon.

It doesn’t claim to.

Maybe I’ll log in again in a few years to see what you losers are up to

don’t hurry back. We won’t miss you.


The are some anarchists that want to overthrow the government, but those people are not Democrats. They do not even vote. They are not inspired by lies fed to them by leaders of the party, in fact the leaders of the DNC condemn them…while the leader of the GOP says he will pardon and apologize to the terrorists who attacked the Capitol on Jan 6th.

Trump tried to deflect from the fact that he inspired the violent terrorist attack on Jan 6th with “both sides”. He failed badly.

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I’m relatively conservative, at least economically. Trump is not and has never been a conservative.


I am in a great place thank you very much. Very thankful you are not my mother but thanks for the effort mother goose

Two people are running for president. Trump, who incited Jan 6, and Harris, who has never incited a riot. You vote for either Trump or Harris. You’re not voting for Ashley Babbit or an unknown violent Demme.

Even assuming for argument’s sake that both sides have people who want to overthrow government, Trump was the only person on the debate stage who personally incited people to overthrow government.

Harris never incited people to overthrow the government. Never.

Trump’s both-sides argument is very weak. He only uses it to avoid inconvenient facts.

If he were as honest as you, he would say that despite the fact that he incited a riot, he thinks it was good. Apparently, he is ashamed of his own behavior. I think he should either proudly say he did the right thing regarding Jan 6 or he should say it was bad. It’s one or the other. He’s such a wuss that he’s not able to stand up for his own behavior or say he made mistakes. What a fucking wimp.

Harris said that she is a gun owner.

Do you have video of trump inciting the riot? I’m open and willing to watch it. Please provide the link. Thank you.

You’re welcome, my little gosling. The human brain is pretty great, and your brain is probably powerful enough to talk yourself out of the crazy place. If you decide you need help, you know where to find it.

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Sounds awesome. You voting for her ?

Do you have some sort of Pavlovian response to guns? It’s a fetish? Jeez dude. Put it away lol