Harris V Trump Sept 10.. Lets get ready to rumble

You appear to be here in the LR, so…

The LR isn’t a “liberal” echo chamber. There are a lot of conservatives still here, you just don’t hear us defending trump because we think that he is indefensible.

Initially, I would have preferred that the Democrats pick another candidate - but I won’t hesitate to vote for Harris and have persuaded my wife to vote for her as well. And she voted for trump in 16 and 20. My parents also voted for him, but after Jan6 and everything else - they will be voting for Harris too.


Four dozen and something y/o; the “fat and washed up” part is a combination of dysmorphia and Imposter Syndrome that my therapist & I are working on, pretty much regularly

Thanks for thinking of me, though

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still uncertain of the presence of trolls? not just on this thread but any involved in US politics?

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I’ve watched the LR shift more “left” (read: abandon the GOP) over time since Trump hijacked the party. If that makes this an echo chamber, so be it. This isn’t TIgerdroppings or some random facebook group; it’s mostly comprised of successful professionals with higher education and broad life experiences, and it doesn’t surprise me that as such it has become sparsely populated with Trump cult defenders. This isn’t the party of Reagan or even Bush, junior or senior. It’s a populist movement run with an iron fist by a broken human being, a lifelong con man (this is not opinion), sexual assaulter, twice impeached, insurrection leader, convicted felon.

Facts are stubborn things. You are on the wrong side of history if you support Donald Trump. To pretend this is just another election and we’re just tree hugging liberals is willful self deception. Good luck with that.


So you’re saying being an older, fat washed up dude is a bad thing? Do you really want to pull that string in the context of this thread?

I’m totally fit for the record. I do CrossFit, bro. Do you want to hear about my training week? We can take this to the other forum so we don’t trigger BLeP.

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I suspect that were I of your age and experience, I too would be a JFK man. Maybe in 40 years you will evolve in your thinking too.

This forum is like the morning coffee shop or corner bar to many of us old farts. Honestly delivered opinions are always welcome. The only thing missing is that eye to eye contact where your washed up old man reference can be more easily discerned as either just joking or actual disdain.

Biden isn’t running. Are you always this stupid?

Since you registered in 2017, you’ve got about 2 dozen posts in the LR and they’re basically all in this thread. You’re not qualified to render an opinion on what kind of people post here.

Hahaha yeah you should just take an attempt on your life laying down, and not be mad about it.

Well that says a lot

To be a JFK guy you’d have to be 82


Ah, this explains a lot. Did worms eat part of your brain too?

I think there is a chance people are mixing up RFK jr with JFK?

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I’m good with all those things as I know another trump presidency would be even worse than the first time. So yes, I will vote for Kamala a thousand times over this fat windbag of lies.

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I don’t think the LR has changed that much either way. But the outside world, IT has changed massively: over the years, completely unhinged political behavior has become far more accepted in the outside world. But folks here (well, except for a few certain odd folks) have generally not gone along with that.

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Jan 6: Trump did make an “ok” rebuttal regarding Seattle

As a recently joined member, I’ve perused some of the older threads, and really nothing has changed. The names have but the opinions generally reflect the days cultural/political climate and both sides are debated.

It was interesting looking at a thread about gay marriage in 2008. Seeing the amount of opposition was jarring reading with today’s lens, but normal for the time.

That unhinged political behavior was around too, less outright lying, but still around.

Your folks sound like real winners lol

Thanks for telling me I have no opinion. Proves my point about you ST folk. This forum doesn’t represent the bulk of triathlon. It represents the top 1% douches that exist in the sport and sit on here trying to put post people because they have nothing better to do. Every time I come on here I am reminded how pathetic you people are. Maybe I’ll log in again in a few years to see what you losers are up to