Harris V Trump Sept 10.. Lets get ready to rumble

They did. And while Vance wrote the forward to the book to be published by the president of the Heritage Foundation, they all concluded that it best to postpone publishing till after the funny season aka looking for your vote election season.

So while I’ll grant you that on the subject of fracking and climate change Ms Harris has held that her values have not changed but she now supports fracking.
You might be able to grant me that while your two boys have distanced themselves from the voter losing non starter that is project 2025, if elected, they will hire some of the contributors of that project and will pull it down off the shelf and do some serious get down to working on how they might just pull off some the shit that is in there. 'Cause, you know, their values will remain the same after the votes are counted.

Project 2025 discusses the intent to implement Schedule F. Do you know what Schedule F is?

It would allow the replacement of tens of thousands of existing civil servants who are scientists, engineers, attorneys etc., and replace them with people whose only real qualification will be loyalty to the president.

Sounds bad, right? It is!

Yes but - you say - that has nothing to do with Trump and his plans while in office!

Not so fast…

On October 21, 2020 Trump - while President - issued an executive order “Creating Schedule F In The Excepted Service.” This EO removed protections from civil servants perceived as disloyal to the president and encouraged expressions of allegiance to the president when hiring. It basically dramatically expanded those civil servants whose positions had previously been traditionally filled by political appointees.

Trump said Schedule F could apply to as many as 50,000 federal workers, but he said he’s probably only have to fire fewer as doing so would produce the desired behavioral change (blind loyalty).

Biden rescinded it immediately.

Trump has since said he would implement Schedule F on “day 1” of his next administration (source: DonaldTrump.com 21 March 2023), including “up to 100,000 government positions could be moved out of Washington.”

So the most dangerous part of Project 2025 is literally something Trump tried to do while in office, and has said he will do if he wins reelection.

Meanwhile, some of the key authors of Project 2025 are:
Paul Dans, Roger Severino, Ken Cuccinelli, Christopher Miller and Russ Vought.

All served under Trump’s first administration and all are considered likely to receive top positions in his new administration. Also, Ed Martin and Russ Vought, who both helped craft Project 2025, also are authors of the new Republic Party platform. Also, Stephen Miller, who remains a key adviser to Trump, remains involved in Project 2025 as his America First Legal group is on Project 2025’s advisory board.

Project 2025, as well as Schedule F, would place the DoJ directly under Trump’s authority. What could possibly go wrong!

No. I am not “NUTS” lol. Not one lefty ever questioned his age or competency. The MSM continued to defend him until it was too late.

You didn’t answer the question. He didn’t give any proposals on how to improve the economy and he repeatedly lied about the border.

What policy points did Trump discuss at the debate last night that you agreed with? Be specific.

Why is that? Any facts or just pure opinion?

I would just redirect you to his closing statement. Listen, I get it guys. Slow twitch has and always will be a liberal echo chamber. It’s comprised of the same washed up fat 40 to 50 year old people that continually post to try and stay relevant in this small little triathlon bubble.

Why didn’t Trump do all the things he promised that he would do when he was president? He even had full control of Congress for two years. Why didn’t he repeal and replace Obamacare? Why didn’t he get Mexico to pay to build a wall? Why did he allow millions of immigrants to cross the border? Why didn’t he Make America Great Again?

Why should we think he’ll do any better a second time?

that’s Mike Rossi “12 basement trolls” LetsRun.com level


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Idiots exist on both sides of the spectrum. As I said, name calling doesn’t work. If a guy in 4x4 with Confederate flag buzzes by you on your bike and you call them fuck stupid redneck… You are escalating this situation in to a less favorable situation for yourself .

As expected, you cannot provide any examples of Trump’s policy positions so you resort to insults.

Agree 100%. Nobody can have an opinion anymore. Especially on slow twitch. If it goes against the OP you are always wrong :laughing:

You are an overweight washed up male in their 50’s or a bot. Which one? Who makes their username “Nutella”

I don’t know what a triathlon is but i do feel insulted.

Also voted Libertarian in every presidential election since about 1996. So don’t call me a Liberal. Oh I see you just misspelled Libertarian I bet.

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JFK was my guy personally

what do you think of his nephew?

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I am neither fat nor washed up and am 71 years old. How about you RandMart? I think our young whippersnapper Mr Stanek just crossed the lets not get personal line with this attack.

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Holy shit. 71 and still hanging out on slow twitch? Enjoy man

As expected, you cannot answer a simple, on topic, question and just spew insults.

So that’s a yes. Got it

Obviously, you are not open to hearing the other side of things. If you were open to hearing the other side of things, you would have listened to Harris when she spoke at the debate last night. She literally told you why she is the best fit.

Be honest. At least Synthetic is honest and says there is one subject that overrides Trump’s insanity and nothing else matters to Synthetic— not even Jan 6. I can respect Synthetic’s honesty enough to believe he knows himself. He’s not lying to himself.

You? You did not listen yesterday evening when you had the opportunity. You are lying to us and yourself about your “openness” to ideas.