Harris V Trump Sept 10.. Lets get ready to rumble

I’ll bite.

It’s a two horse race. Whether you think there could have been a better horse put forward by either side doesn’t matter. It’s a choice between those two.

She was a state AG (in a proper state); she was a US senator, and she is now VP. Politically those are proper, heavyweight accomplishments. She managed to get people to vote for her each time. Her record is one of public service.

She projects as someone who want to do what is best for her country. She appears to recognise, and endorse, the concept that there is far more that unites Americans than divides them.

He is a businessman of sorts. He has many failed enterprises behind him, including what many would see as what should have been a money making machine: a casino. He has lived a life of private avarice and not public service.

As president, he was a laughing stock on the world stage. He cozied up to America’s enemies and undercut its intelligence service. Almost without exception everyone who worked closely with or for him as president regards him as a buffoon, unfit for public office. He has used a political career to grift money left, right and centre.

His intelligence is that of a rat: cunning and knowing how to survive. His vocabulary is well below a normal functioning adult’s, and his ability to maintain focus whilst speaking is plainly missing. He revels in sowing divisiveness, anger and hate.

He is the only president in history to face impeachment not once, but twice (and arguably but for a spineless set of GOP senators ought to have been convicted). He rejected outcome of a democratic election and attempted to incite a violent insurrection. He is now a convicted felon - the first former President to suffer that indignity.

That’s off the top of my head.

If you can come up with some reasons why Trump would make a better president than Harris, I am sure we would all be interested to hear them.


Yeah, do you also believe in the tooth fairy?

Trumpski has proven again and again that he is totally nuts. That’s who you want to run the country?

Your 2020 2% statistic was of democrats and the then primary run. And yes, that is quite poor. Her current polling among democrats is not considered poorly. As of August 2024 her approval rating among democrats is at 94% (Gallup). Probably that is why I think otherwise, as I don’t receive CNN on my current TV pkg set up.

Unsolicited advice: Give up on being upset about the change of horses. It comes out as being whiney crying Trumpy.

I think the T Swift endorsement can’t be overstated here. If the debate (either her performance or Trump’s) led directly to her endorsement, then it could have an immense effect on the election.

You’ve named zero political accomplishments from Harris but spewed trump hate in typical fashion. Laughing stock of the world? We were respected as a country and nobody would think of touching us. How many wars under trump? The rest of your pathetic attempt at an attack is pure opinion. Impeached twice by the unhinged leftists like yourself. Let me guess, you were a firm believer in the Russian collusion too?

Did they not both denounce the project publicly stating it’s not part of their campaign or did I miss something?

Their history of always telling the truth has me convinced that they’re telling the truth about it this time.


Great counter…

What were your favorite policy positions articulated by Trump in last nights debate?

You mean “poorly” in the context of a slight regression from the DNC convention “bump?”. Almost every poll is now a statistical tie with Harris having a razor thin edge within the margin of error. Speaking of polls that meet 538/Nate Silver standards

I agree Harris isn’t great. Vague platitudes on policy. Lifelong political climber. A little hard to pin down on what her deeply held values are.

Put her maybe a 3 on my 10 scale.

But Trump shares all those negatives and is a garbage human being on top of it, piling more garbage on every day.

Also after the last 8+ years it’s just so utterly refreshing to have youth at the top of a ticket, and a person who speaks the English language fluidly and like a human, even if it is mostly political platitudes.

Also, I’m very, very concerned about Trump’s age.

Ahhh the pew research center lol

Better economy and a closed border. The fact that Kamala has been in there for 3.5 years and has done nothing. Yet, people believe that if she is elected she will somehow undue the last 4 disaster years all of the sudden.

I can help. Illegal aliens are eating ducks and cats. That totally offsets everything you just said.


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People are concerned about trumps age but never Bidens and also felt he was in good health until they could no longer hide it.

Except that happened in Canton Ohio, and they people arrested were US citizens born in the US. So Americans in another city but other than that… yeah good story

Trump can’t hide it. It’s not too late. Start the movement the Democrats did. Be a hero to conservatives.

R U NUTS? everyone was concerned about Bidens age.

And many were concerened with Trumps age.

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On the issue of Trump’s age, President Vance is a frightening thought.

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As I suspected.

You’ve got nothing positive to say about Trump.

You’re not a serious person, are you?

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Do you think calling someone and idiot at this stage is helping your cause? If anything you make the person rebel and concrete their decision more

Why is it her job to convince idiots to do something? When people support idiocy what would you call them?