Guns in the states

Are they on California’s list of approved handguns?

For a Glock handgun, they would have to be the 3rd Generation that began production in 1998.

California’s handgun roster was created in 2001 when the Unsafe Handgun Act went into effect. It prohibits the newest Glock 4th and 5th Generation handguns. California doesn’t want any newfangled handguns with improvements.

Of course, that law is being challenged in the Boland v. Bonta case and should be ruled as unconstitutional in the next few years.

You have a lot of questions, Jim.

You might want to call your cardiologist, because these guns are going to be destroyed.

Are you going to turn them in at a gun buyback at your local police station?

Are you going to turn them in at a gun buyback at your local police station?

Are you okay, Jim?

As a Canadian who lived in the U.S for 5 years and also biked down the Western States, I’ll offer my opinion.

I never saw someone carrying a gun, other than police and the chances of you see it is rare and as someone noted, your biggest fear would be getting in a car accident (I was in one of those). The people you will meet will almost without exception be very friendly and welcoming but as in all countries, the friendliest people will be in the small towns.

If you really think there is a risk of getting shot, to minimize that I wouldn’t buy drugs in an inner city. If you avoid that, the odds approach zero to be a victim of a gun crime.

Typically, gun buyback programs use a company called Gunbusters to destroy the frame or receiver. Most of the other parts are sold and assembled into other firearms.

Also, a lightly used Glock is worth around $400 to $500.

If you really think there is a risk of getting shot, to minimize that I wouldn’t buy drugs in an inner city. If you avoid that, the odds approach zero to be a victim of a gun crime.

Small correction. Don’t sell drugs. That’s what puts you at risk. They love buyers.

Typically, gun buyback programs use a company called Gunbusters to destroy the frame or receiver. Most of the other parts are sold and assembled into other firearms.

Also, a lightly used Glock is worth around $400 to $500.

It’s not about money for me, Jim. You might want to load up on your Xanax, because no part of these guns will ever be put back into circulation.

I’m sorry for your loss.

How will you have them destroyed?

How will you have them destroyed?

I’m going to make a snuff movie of me destroying them. And then I’m going to mail it to you, Jim.

Mass shootings are incidents in which several people are victims of firearm-related violence, specifically for the purposes of this article, a total of four or more victims. A total of 754 people were killed and 2,443 other people were injured in 604 shootings. Wikipedia

Worldwide, the U.S. once again took the No. 1 spot for the most unprovoked shark bites in 2023 with 36 confirmed cases

Real facts are always fun.

I’m not sure what that has to do with my posts…?

Facts are fun. As is context. As is data normalization.


DSW telling a visiting foreigner that they should keep their heads down to avoid getting shot because it’s likely is akin to telling someone going in the ocean that they’re probably going to get bit by a shark.

Both of the scenarios are possible because shark attacks and mass shootings happen. However the likelihood of both are quite the opposite of what he and you are now suggesting.

Fuck outta here with that shit.

Are these not your words?

Mass shootings are incidents in which several people are victims of firearm-related violence, specifically for the purposes of this article, a total of four or more victims. A total of 754 people were killed and 2,443 other people were injured in 604 shootings. Wikipedia

Worldwide, the U.S. once again took the No. 1 spot for the most unprovoked shark bites in 2023 with 36 confirmed cases

Real facts are always fun.

I’m not sure what that has to do with my posts…?

Facts are fun. As is context. As is data normalization.

Remember he’s another Canadian


DSW telling a visiting foreigner that they should keep their heads down to avoid getting shot because it’s likely is akin to telling someone going in the ocean that they’re probably going to get bit by a shark.

Both of the scenarios are possible because shark attacks and mass shootings happen. However the likelihood of both are quite the opposite of what he and you are now suggesting.

Fuck outta here with that shit.

Are these not your words?

Yes, they are. Care to explain where you think you’re going with this? Because to avoid any unnecessary banter, my position is that things can be more common in one area but still be very low on the probability scale.

With respect to sharks, In the US “a person’s chance of getting killed by a shark is less than 1 in 264.1 million. However in certain situations the risk of a shark attack is higher.”

Thats the same fucking thing we are saying about guns.

In 2023 42,967 gun deaths.
In 2022 42,795 MVA deaths.

115 people die PER DAY in the US in a MVA.

Are you all telling people they should be quivering and kissing their loved ones a final goodbye every time they get behind the wheel? Do you fear for your life and post about it ad nauseum on forums?

So I repeat. Facts are fun. As is context and normalization of data.

Mass shootings are incidents in which several people are victims of firearm-related violence, specifically for the purposes of this article, a total of four or more victims. A total of 754 people were killed and 2,443 other people were injured in 604 shootings. Wikipedia

Worldwide, the U.S. once again took the No. 1 spot for the most unprovoked shark bites in 2023 with 36 confirmed cases

Real facts are always fun.

I’m not sure what that has to do with my posts…?

Facts are fun. As is context. As is data normalization.

Remember he’s another Canadian

I’m witholding words and judgement on what he is until I get his next reply.

Apparently the US had 36 shark fatalities in 2023 which means my comment about it being a low probability is inaccurate…

america is a beautiful country, and like most countries, if you stay away from bad areas, you’re going to have a great time.

mexico is a great example, people make it sound like murder central, stay away from cartel areas, and you’re going to have an amazing time. mexico city is a beautiful city, same with many cities in america, there are good and bad sections. not saying be an ass, but use common sense, if it looks dangerous, it “might” be. then again, when i was in parts of the carribean, people said not to leave the resorts as it was “dangerous” i left very often, found some amazing locals and had some great drinks and bbq with them. i’m an adult man, so i’m a bit safer than the average woman.

with that said, anyone that tells you that you are just as likely to get killed in america than australia is absolutely bullshitting you. americans homicide rate is 33x that of australia. sure, the rates are probably more similar in suburban areas etc, but you are without a doubt in more risk of being shot by a gun in america than any 1st world nation. i don’t know why people even try to argue this.

if you look at the current top 10 on that list, i have been to 8 of them, i grew up in LAWRENCE, i lived 13 years in boston. these are mass shootings… not just times where 1 person shot another… let that sink in.

look, i don’t walk around thinking i’m going to get shot, nor do i walk around worrying about being in a mass shooting. if you live in america, you just gotta accept the fact that it can happen anytime, anywhere. d/t half the country being morons and easily brainwashed, we’ll never have any meaningful gun legislation to reduce the amount of mass shootings. you just gotta live with it.

oh wait, i decided i didn’t want to and moved to canada 2 weeks ago lol. j/k i moved for many reasons, guns being 1 of them, but it probably wasn’t a top 3 reason.

Yes facts are fun. You pulled a couple of "factoids " out of thin air to refute any claims of danger in the US for tourists, so I thought it reasonable to point out that in fact there was a vast difference.

There were there were 604 mass shootings, where 754 people killed. There were no mass shootings in Australia, so it is not normalised there.
As for sharks, two people died as a result of shark bites. So the odds are vastly different. Although they might understand sharks better as they have a higher shark death total.

But now you have brought it up here’s some totals of interest to an Aussie, and because Windy has added his peculiar fragrance to the mix…some Canadian numbers.

Gun murders per 100,000 US 4.8 Australia 0.87, Canada 0.88

And if that wasn’t enough to put the willy up the Aussies, you brought up the subject about driving.

Motor vehicle deaths per 100,000 US 12.8 Australia 4.8 Canada 4.6

So if the Aussies survive the six time higher chances of being shot they have to deal with the approx. 3 times higher chance of a fatal road accident.

I can understand you might feel the need to defend the US about it’s risks, but the reality is that there are third world countries with better stats.

I can understand you might feel the need to defend the US about it’s risks, but the reality is that there are third world countries with better stats.

But the context here isn’t broad societal risks, or “Does American gave a gun problem?”

The context is, “What can a visitor expect?”

And a reasonable answer is: “A big fat nothingburger is what visitors can expect.”

Saying such is not saying that the U.S. doesn’t have a gun problem. We do.

As Sanuk hinted at, the huge predonderance of guns deaths happen in specific contexts. Gang violence. Domestic violence and domestic negligence. Suicide. These are contexts that are unlikely to apply to Australians who posts on Slowtwitch. The numerical risks to the OP are so vanishingly small so as to be effectively indistinguishable from zero. Telling the OP to “keep your head down” isn’t helpful. Such sarcastic hyperbole detracts from genuine discussion about a real problem.

My original response was a simple one.
The poster said there was as much chance of being shot as there was of being killed by a shark.
I pointed out there was a vast difference.

He chose to refute, in some fashion, that by showing there was an almost equal likelihood of dying in a car accident by showing total murders and motor vehicle deaths, which, I pointed out, didn’t help his case.

Oh and Windy introduced some of his aroma, because it’s windy.

End of story.

ps At least he didn’t try to pretend American beer was better than Aussie beer. Now that would have been serious.

I can understand you might feel the need to defend the US about it’s risks, but the reality is that there are third world countries with better stats.

But the context here isn’t broad societal risks, or “Does American gave a gun problem?”

The context is, “What can a visitor expect?”

And a reasonable answer is: “A big fat nothingburger is what visitors can expect.”

Saying such is not saying that the U.S. doesn’t have a gun problem. We do.

As Sanuk hinted at, the huge predonderance of guns deaths happen in specific contexts. Gang violence. Domestic violence and domestic negligence. Suicide. These are contexts that are unlikely to apply to Australians who posts on Slowtwitch. The numerical risks to the OP are so vanishingly small so as to be effectively indistinguishable from zero. Telling the OP to “keep your head down” isn’t helpful. Such sarcastic hyperbole detracts from genuine discussion about a real problem.

Thank you. The fact that this isn’t clear is frustrating. Although I have a feeling it’s not clear because individuals can’t ever enter into a discussion about America and guns sans bias. They have a point they are trying to make and that is that. Discussion be damned. What he claims I said is quite far from what I actually said.