Guns in the states

I’m visiting the U.S. later this year and don’t really understand the guns thing

Do regular Americans carry guns around? Like do they wear guns on their hip when they go to liquor store? Is that a stereotype like of the Australian who has a kangaroo as a pet?

what do regular Americans think about it

Just seems really hard for an Australian to comprehend

I’m visiting the U.S. later this year and don’t really understand the guns thing

Do regular Americans carry guns around? Like do they wear guns on their hip when they go to liquor store? Is that a stereotype like of the Australian who has a kangaroo as a pet?

what do regular Americans think about it

Just seems really hard for an Australian to comprehend

I would be shocked if you see anyone with a gun in the US outside of a police officer.

My wife and I were in an IHOP having a meal, and a guy who was open-carrying came into the restaurant briefly. I think he was a long-haul trucker. I have to say I was certainly more alert to his movements than to the other patrons’. That’s the only time, though.

Yes I sure hope so

I just didn’t know if people open carry in diners and the like or they just leave anything back in their trucks

Pretty excited for my trip but don’t know what to expect

Depends somewhat on where you go, but you are unlikely to see a person carrying a gun in most places. If you do, pay them no mind. A person carrying in a gun holster is unlikely to be a threat to you. You will know if someone with a gun is a threat to you. Most Americans who carry guns do so in a concealed manner - this is fairly common, again depending on where you travel.

America does have a gun problem. It’s not as common or ubiquitous as the rest of the world apparently believes it to be. Some Americans are oddly obsessed with possessing and carrying guns; most of these people are no threat to anyone.

Many Americans fervently believe the presence of a gun leads to increased safety; available data appears to show the presence of a gun in actuality leads to increased risk, especially with respect to suicide. However, occasionally, a gun is used for self-defense. Instances of this are pretty rare.

Average Americans run the gamut on their opinions. Most seem in favor of some degree of reasonable and logical gun control. An extremely vocal minority opposes essentially all gun control measures.

Don’t worry about the prevalence of guns in American during your trip. You are very unlikely to be placed at risk by the presence of a gun. I hope you have a good vacation!

Depending on where you go in the States it may be worth a looksee to go to a sporting goods store. It will amaze you to see a pallet or 5 of various types of ammo , what exactly a wall of assault rifles or a 5 meter glass case of handguns looks like. The mountain west town of 80 thousand people in which I live has a half dozen stores like that in it. We gots the guns here. You may not see an open carry or concealed carry person on your whole visit to the States. I would bet you will walk within arms length of such person(s) during your visit. Unless you are only going to Hawaii.

I’m visiting the U.S. later this year and don’t really understand the guns thing

Do regular Americans carry guns around? Like do they wear guns on their hip when they go to liquor store? Is that a stereotype like of the Australian who has a kangaroo as a pet?

what do regular Americans think about it

Just seems really hard for an Australian to comprehend

Which states will you visit? In the southern and western US, you may occasionally see someone with a pistol on their belt. But, this is not very likely. I live in a very gun loving area and I may only see this once or twice a year. Kind of weirds me out to see it too, even though I should be used to it.

I don’t know why we are such a gun loving nation. Part of it relates to hunting. There are a substantial number of people who like to hunt and fish in the US. These folks will have different guns for different seasons/animals. Some people just like to have guns to go to a shooting range and hit targets. And then there are a number of Americans who subscribe to the idea of a “well armed” citizen’s militia. Not sure if it’s conspiracy theory, or what, but they either think the government is going to go haywire and there’s a need to defend ourselves or another foreign government may invade the US and the citizens need to be prepared to fight (have you seen the movie Red Dawn???).

I am Australian currently touring the USA in an RV. I have been here for 5 months.
So far I have only seen 4 open carry guns. The first 3 were older guys, looked like farmers, all shopping in Walmarts in the mid west states. Seeing them did not worry me.
The other gun I saw was on a young guy, dressed in camo, with a hand gun in a holster on his chest. This was in Glacier National Park. Everyone else,including us, was carrying bear spray but not this guy. I think that if he did see a bear he was more likely to shoot himself in the foot than hit the bear.
Don’t let guns stop you coming to the USA and having a great holiday. There are some truly beautiful places in the USA. The cities are not like the movies, they are generally safe and clean, though you will see a lot of homeless.
There are areas in Australia city’s that you would avoid for safety reasons, the same in the USA.
As Gman suggested go into a big gunshop. I went into one that was the size of a typical supermarket in Australia. It was really interesting.
I am currently in Virginia visiting museums and revolutionary war sites. The idea of armed militia fighting off the tyrannical British has been romantised. As a loyal subject of the crown I have found it interesting learning about how the traitorous colonials rebelled against the kind and benevolent king.

I’m visiting the U.S. later this year and don’t really understand the guns thing

Do regular Americans carry guns around? Like do they wear guns on their hip when they go to liquor store?
It really depends on the state or the city you’re in.

ls that a stereotype like of the Australian who has a kangaroo as a pet? What do regular Americans think about it? Just seems really hard for an Australian to comprehend
Regular americans didn’t think much about guns at all until our gun industry embraced and started promoting the sales of weapons of war (i.e., semiautomatic modular long rifles with the capability of reliably and accurately firing many highly damaging high kinetic energy rounds in rapid succession) to regular folks so they could “protect themselves from the govt”. And until such weapons got into the hands of seriously mentally ill folks who used them to kill big numbers of civilians and school children at close range. Then we started thinking about it. But, due to our ‘captured’ and delusional anti evidence-based political system, we have done nothing about it.

I think we are due for another mass shooting pretty soon. So, wherever you visit, keep your head down.

On August 6, the 4th Circuit Court ruled on the Bianchi v. Brown case. They said that Maryland’s ban on assault rifles was constitutional.

This case was previously before the Supreme Court and it was GVR’d.

It will be appealed to the Supreme Court again and they will grant certiorari.

Oral arguments will be heard, and by the end of June 2025, the Supreme Court will rule that according to the history and tradition of firearms regulation in the US, assault weapon bans are unconstitutional. My guess is that the vote will be 6-3.

The chance of you seeing someone open carry is less likely than a man punching a kangaroo.

On August 6, the 4th Circuit Court ruled on the Bianchi v. Brown case. They said that Maryland’s ban on assault rifles was constitutional.

This case was previously before the Supreme Court and it was GVR’d.

It will be appealed to the Supreme Court again and they will grant certiorari.

Oral arguments will be heard, and by the end of June 2025, the Supreme Court will rule that according to the history and tradition of firearms regulation in the US, assault weapon bans are unconstitutional. My guess is that the vote will be 6-3.

I think waverider101 would really appreciate you giving him an introduction to unhinged 'merican gun culture. Because, on this forum, you are by far the most qualified.

. As a loyal subject of the crown I have found it interesting learning about how the traitorous colonials rebelled against the kind and benevolent king.
Okay, this is kind of off topic, but I was taught that George III was a somewhat ineffectual king. The real source of the frustration of the colonials were the harsh rules enacted by Parliament. The first 100 years or so the colonies were mostly autonomous. If that hadn’t changed then the revolution wouldn’t have happened.

I think we are due for another mass shooting pretty soon. So, wherever you visit, keep your head down.

What an absolutely shitty thing to say and way to end your response. This is in no way anything other than fear mongering. Congratulations.

I think we are due for another mass shooting pretty soon. So, wherever you visit, keep your head down.

What an absolutely shitty thing to say and way to end your response. This is in no way anything other than fear mongering. Congratulations.

Stating facts based on probabilities is not a shitty thing to say. Mass shootings are shitty. Your outrage is misplaced.

I’m visiting the U.S. later this year and don’t really understand the guns thing

Do regular Americans carry guns around? Like do they wear guns on their hip when they go to liquor store? Is that a stereotype like of the Australian who has a kangaroo as a pet?

what do regular Americans think about it

Just seems really hard for an Australian to comprehend

I can understand it’s difficult for other to understand. It’s rooted in our nation’s history. And now it’s very polarized and I’d even imagine it’s grown as a result of some people saying we shouldn’t have them. Causes the opposite result.

There are different types of gun supporters. I’m a proponent of our constitutional right to own and use guns. However I also think we need to change the laws around them. I don’t understand the diehard culture around it. I don’t understand the pride in many things, however, so I’m an odd one out.

Your question about “regular Americans” is tough to answer. What is a “regular American” with respect to this discussion? I have a feeling many anti-gun members on this forum think most people who support guns are crazy and are only considering other anti-gun individuals as sane or regular. Unfortunately very responsible and intelligent individuals become erroneously labeled or grouped together with those extremists on our gun issue. The discussions usually devolve.

I’d imagine the stereotype is similar to the kangaroo one you mentioned. Or that you all know how to throw a boomerang? Or have poisonous snakes in your toilet every day. Lol

Aside from that, have a blast. You’re almost assuredly going to go without incident or seeing unless you put yourself in some precarious situations like any country. And as some have said, IF you do see someone carrying then it’s likely you have nothing to worry about.

Safe travels! Hope you have a full agenda.

l think we are due for another mass shooting pretty soon. So, wherever you visit, keep your head down. What an absolutely shitty thing to say and way to end your response. This is in no way anything other than fear mongering. Congratulations.Stating facts based on probabilities is not a shitty thing to say. Mass shootings are shitty. Your outrage is misplaced.

Sadly, exactly this.

Unfortunately, this is the shitty reality in our gun-riddled nation.

I think we are due for another mass shooting pretty soon. So, wherever you visit, keep your head down.

What an absolutely shitty thing to say and way to end your response. This is in no way anything other than fear mongering. Congratulations.

Stating facts based on probabilities is not a shitty thing to say. Mass shootings are shitty. Your outrage is misplaced.


DSW telling a visiting foreigner that they should keep their heads down to avoid getting shot because it’s likely is akin to telling someone going in the ocean that they’re probably going to get bit by a shark.

Both of the scenarios are possible because shark attacks and mass shootings happen. However the likelihood of both are quite the opposite of what he and you are now suggesting.

Fuck outta here with that shit.

l think we are due for another mass shooting pretty soon. So, wherever you visit, keep your head down. What an absolutely shitty thing to say and way to end your response. This is in no way anything other than fear mongering. Congratulations.Stating facts based on probabilities is not a shitty thing to say. Mass shootings are shitty. Your outrage is misplaced.

Sadly, exactly this.

Unfortunately, this is the shitty reality in our gun-riddled nation.
No one was arguing how shitty shootings are. Nor that they aren’t a reality.

However the fact is you decided to end your post warning a fucking visitor that they’re probably gonna get shot.

Nice job.

Not American but from my trips there I never saw someone open carrying.

However, it is a bit unnerving to look around and think anyone could be concealed carrying.