Do you own ketchup stock?

I think i read somewhere that shares to short would not be available until 30 days of the stock going public? So in like 20 days.

At some point the world stops making sense!!!

DJT stock has the financial standing of Gringotts Wizarding Bank.

I can’t comprehend what standing anyone, Trump or his opponents, might have in bringing action against each other.

Anyone care to explain…

“My opponent/s are not following the agreed upon process of lying, cheating and playing make-believe.”

DJT stock has the financial standing of Gringotts Wizarding Bank.

Isn’t it illegal or something for the majority shareholder of a publicly traded company to say bullshit like this about said publicly traded company?

“I THINK TRUTH IS AMAZING! First of all, it is very solid, having over $200,000,000 in CASH and ZERO DEBT. More importantly, it is the primary way I get the word out and, for better or worse, people want to hear what I have to say, perhaps, according to experts, more than anyone else in the World.”

I saw both tweets he posted on this (via X account that screenshots from Truth Social) and wondered the same. I’m not the guy to answer that, but I did see that he also appeared to have claimed to have more Truth Social followers than there are actual Truth Social users. Which should come as a surprise to no one, but in terms of legality, my guess is that it’s like everything else he does, a lie of the variety he likely can’t be held accountable for.

$200MM in cash and no debt? No wonder it had a $6.4B valuation. Lost $58M last FY and has a rapidly shrinking user base. All makes sense now. I wonder what a short position will be like right before the election. If he loses, the stock is dead. If he wins, the stock may be undervalued! Some say even experts would agree.

I am not a securities lawyer (I think TriFloyd is). But, AFAIK, if Trump lied about a material fact and, later, when the truth came out, the stock dropped, someone who bought the stock during the period after his lie and before the truth came out (ie, when the lie was in effect) could sue under 10b5. But, that would be very hard here because: (1) market players know that Trump lies and (2) there is so much volatility around the stock price that it would be a challenge to identify and quantify the price movement attributable to the lie.

Selling in the $40.04 range a bit ago and bounced all the way up to $40.86.

I was hoping to see it dip below $40.

edit: Closed at $40.59. Down 32.18% for the week. Ouch.

Selling in the $40.04 range a bit ago and bounced all the way up to $40.86.

I was hoping to see it dip below $40.

edit: Closed at $40.59. Down 32.18% for the week. Ouch.

Just a coincidence that the low price for the day was $40.00?

For those keeping track, that would put Trump’s paper losses this week at around $1.6B. Bummer.

How does it feel right now to be the sap that bought in at $78 on day 1?

How does it feel right now to be the sap that bought in at $78 on day 1?

Not their fault. Not Don’s fault. Deep State and libtards conspired against them. Probably able to blame Jews and immigrants somehow as well.

How does it feel right now to be the sap that bought in at $78 on day 1?

Not their fault. Not Don’s fault. Deep State and libtards conspired against them. Probably able to blame Jews and immigrants somehow as well.

Hugo Chavez was manipulating the stock with space lasers.

I thought this was an April fool’s thread and was going to reply “I went w mayo bc people fancy it up and call it aoili.” Would someone kindly explain what DJT has to do with ketchup?

nope just Ken’s daily reminder to the LR about how Trump definitely doesn’t live rent free in his head, followed by the largest TDS sufferers in the room convincing themselves that “this time” something something is going to happen.

trump is completely OK with this finding a floor at about 75% less than it is now. It’s still a billion more than he had last month. The embarrassment won’t shame him. The shame of fleecing his followers won’t embarrass him. He’s perfect. One giant circle of righteousness.

How does it feel right now to be the sap that bought in at $78 on day 1?

The options markets are pricing in the probability that DJT (Trump Wizarding Inc.) will probably be worthless in our world by October.

But order your commemorative physical shares now!!

These will serve as your ticket to the MAGA big buffet at the great Trumpkin golf resort in the sky!!

trump is completely OK with this finding a floor at about 75% less than it is now. It’s still a billion more than he had last month. The embarrassment won’t shame him. The shame of fleecing his followers won’t embarrass him. He’s perfect. One giant circle of righteousness.

If DJT falls that far, his attempting to sell some of his 78 million shares will tank the stock even further, correct?

trump is completely OK with this finding a floor at about 75% less than it is now

DJT being worth 25% of it’s IPO…
That’s optimistic.

Nov puts DJT @ $30 closed at $17.50!

This trade has a maximum upside of $12.50
And a maximum downside of $30.

Not that option traders are calm, calculated and clever.

But that’s some pretty crazy confidence.

Well, there’s a proper way to do it and an improper way. We are going to get our chance to see which way it goes.

trump is completely OK with this finding a floor at about 75% less than it is now. It’s still a billion more than he had last month. The embarrassment won’t shame him. The shame of fleecing his followers won’t embarrass him. He’s perfect. One giant circle of righteousness.

If DJT falls that far, his attempting to sell some of his 78 million shares will tank the stock even further, correct?

DJT will probably be worth $0 by the time Trump is allowed to sell.

My guess is that some Trump associates are already selling in as orderly manner as possible.

Maybe that guy who lent Trump the money for his appeal is currently selling.

Here is what I think they planned:

"Wall street and the SEC will be too scared to stop us. The SEC wont prosecute for fear of losing their jobs and appearing “political.”
Wall Street will try to stay out of it.
Their analysts won’t follow us. Their advisors won’t tell their clients “no.”
They won’t facilitate short selling.

Our beloved followers will keep the stock high until our friends can sell.

Then we can blame Wall Street and sue for losses when the stock goes to $0.

It’s all Carl Icahns fault"

Or maybe they are just f#cking crazy.

Maybe both.

DJT down another 9%.

I have nothing else to add, I am just here for the schadenfreude.