Do you own ketchup stock?

DJT down another 9%.

I have nothing else to add, I am just here for the schadenfreude.

Another $300 million off his holdings. I wonder if there is a point at which the “board” changes its rules and allows him to sell (and a big FU to every other schlub who owns this stock) prior to six months.

I feel confident that he’ll be able to sell early. Probably get a higher price than market too. It’ll be Russian money buying the worthless stock.

These are my baseless predictions.

DJT down another 9%.

I have nothing else to add, I am just here for the schadenfreude.

Another $300 million off his holdings. I wonder if there is a point at which the “board” changes its rules and allows him to sell (and a big FU to every other schlub who owns this stock) prior to six months.

I think he might be in a bind. If the board lets him sell his stock early, he will make some money but it will probably tank the stock which could cost him a lot of votes. He needs every vote that he can get to stay out of prison as the only way to avoid the trials is to be president again.

My question is whoever is propping this thing up from single digits right now, how long can they keep going? Saudis could hold the line for awhile, Russians dont have much available cash right now, maybe it is Elon and the Venetian widow??? I mean Elon pissed away over 30 billion on twitter already, perhaps he wants to own the whole shitty market he has created, and hope for a Trump win and then somehow he gets bailed out…

I really hate to say this, but I really do hope it is the slick traders making whatever money is to be had here, working the rubes and playing this thing intelligently. I still hold out hope that a real pocketbook tragedy might wake a few souls up, but not too much hope…

he will make some money but it will probably tank the stock which could cost him a lot of votes.

If it tanks, it’ll be the fault of the Biden crime family (or something), and there’s only one fix for that…vote for Trump.

It won’t be Trump’s fault.

he will make some money but it will probably tank the stock which could cost him a lot of votes.

If it tanks, it’ll be the fault of the Biden crime family (or something), and there’s only one fix for that…vote for Trump.

It won’t be Trump’s fault.

Oh you can count on him blaming Biden. “Biden and the criminal DOJ were going to take all my shares if I didn’t sell when I did”

stock down around 17 percent over the last two days. Back to around $35

Meme stock not meming.

Ketchup on sale, oh boy.

What happened to $DJT at 3:18pm today? Someone decided to buy shares at $3 over market price?

Probably some Maga who has lost a lot of money, buying like 3 shares and trying to start some sort of feeding frenzy. Or just a kook running all out in the first 200 yards of a marathon, look at me mom!!!

The insiders have to be just choking on all their shares at the moment, wanting to unload, but stuck with them for now…If they ever do change the rules so a quick sale can happen, we will know it right away, as the word will get out and every rat will jump the ship from there!

Probably some Maga who has lost a lot of money, buying like 3 shares and trying to start some sort of feeding frenzy. Or just a kook running all out in the first 200 yards of a marathon, look at me mom!!!

The insiders have to be just choking on all their shares at the moment, wanting to unload, but stuck with them for now…If they ever do change the rules so a quick sale can happen, we will know it right away, as the word will get out and every rat will jump the ship from there!

If they do vote to allow themselves to dump the stock and all head for the exits at once, do you think there would be any buyers? I don’t, I think the stock will instantly go to Zero.

Look at this;

Executives at ‘‘Truth’’ are getting promissory notes for Honest Don. Yeah right, good luck with that!

Look at this;

Executives at ‘‘Truth’’ are getting promissory notes for Honest Don. Yeah right, good luck with that!

A promissory note is a halfway house between an IOU and a loan agreement. It is a legally binding financial instrument that guarantees the holder a sum based on an agreement between two parties.’

But it says that it is a legally binding financial instrument. Surely Honest Don will honor a legally binding document, won’t he? lol They’ve been screwed more than Stormy was.

Look at this;

Executives at ‘‘Truth’’ are getting promissory notes for Honest Don. Yeah right, good luck with that!

A promissory note is a halfway house between an IOU and a loan agreement. It is a legally binding financial instrument that guarantees the holder a sum based on an agreement between two parties.’

But it says that it is a legally binding financial instrument. Surely Honest Don will honor a legally binding document, won’t he? lol They’ve been screwed more than Stormy was.

At least for Stormy it was over within minutes or possibly seconds. With these rubes, they have to deal with it day after day after day.

Nunes has a very positive take on all the speculators trying to take advantage of volatility, including massive short selling.

The most amazing part about our company, the retail investors. So when we went out to get this merger, we had it. It took a while. One of the reasons, not just the regulation, but we had almost 400,000 people, retail shareholders who had invested in this company. Now guess what’s happened over the last couple of weeks, we think we’ve added over 200,000 new retail investors. I would say there’s not another company out there that has retail investors like this

Why would anyone get a promissory note from trump. It makes no sense.

What trump would do is say he isn’t going to pay, and if they try to enforce it, they will be buried in legal fees.

Nunes has a very positive take on all the speculators trying to take advantage of volatility, including massive short selling.

The most amazing part about our company, the retail investors. So when we went out to get this merger, we had it. It took a while. One of the reasons, not just the regulation, but we had almost 400,000 people, retail shareholders who had invested in this company. Now guess what’s happened over the last couple of weeks, we think we’ve added over 200,000 new retail investors. I would say there’s not another company out there that has retail investors like this

WOnder if Devin’s cow got a promissory note too.

Only down another 4 or 5% today. Those retail investors maybe should have put their money in their mattress.

So just who is buying this stock, even today?

It’s a proven turkey, losing value every day after maybe a one day rise. So who would be willing to put their money into it now?

So just who is buying this stock, even today?

It’s a proven turkey, losing value every day after maybe a one day rise. So who would be willing to put their money into it now?

Russia Russia Russia