Do you own ketchup stock?

DJT down 15% so far today.

It’s be a penny stock by the time he’s allowed to sell.

DJT down 15% so far today.

It see it only down 1%.

badum tiss. Sorry.

As of December 31, 2023 and 2022, management had substantial doubt that TMTG will have sufficient funds to meet its liabilities as they fall due, including liabilities related to promissory notes previously issued by TMTG,

That seems to be the statement causing concern. Granted I know very little about the series of mergers and transactions involved, but I’m confused about that. Truth Social is a relatively small, presumably lean, company. They used mostly open source code, aren’t that big. (reportedly about 5M users compared to over 3B for FB or something over 200M for Twitter) And I thought the IPO was pretty big - wouldn’t the capital raised easily cover outsanding startup debt?

But maybe the issue is that Trump wants all the money for himself, not to capitalize Truth Social, which may be a money-losing operation for the forseeable future?

Now down 23% for those who are curious how the dump phase is going.

Now down 23% for those who are curious how the dump phase is going.

What’s the jump-back-in floor for the inevitable dead-cat-bounce rebound?

DJT down 15% so far today.

Seems like a banner trump business- $4.1 M in revenue, $58M in costs.

$6.8B valuation, my ass.

Now down 23% for those who are curious how the dump phase is going.

What’s the jump-back-in floor for the inevitable dead-cat-bounce rebound?

Already happened around 10:30 this morning, when it “bounced” from 52.x to 54.x.

Damn, schadenfreude is strong today…

DJT down 15% so far today.

Seems like a banner trump business- $4.1 M in revenue, $58M in costs.

$6.8B valuation, my ass.

The Powerball lottery, currently over $1B, wouldn’t cover today’s losses in DJT. Now at $5.3B.

I think that some of the savy investors actually like it because trump’s involvement makes it predictable. It makes it easier to know what the end game is for the owners - which is to pump and dump and leave others holding worthless stock. They don’t have to wonder if the owners will actually do something to revive it because that has never been the plan. In the end, it will go out of business - probably within a year, if that.

MAGA will lose their investments and still think trump is the greatest businessman ever.

I just really hope it is the little MAGA investor that end up being the bag holders here. They really need to feel the pain of their loyalty to this charlatan, and perhaps a pocket book disaster would finally wake them up. The big players of course are playing this as we all knew it would end up, so rich get richer and the emotional marks left holding the proverbial bag…

This really is like a legal fleecing in the old Madoff style, and hopefully Trump ends up with as much as Bernie did at the end. Has he secretly borrowed or sold any of this stock, as in quietly approved by the board???

I just really hope it is the little MAGA investor that end up being the bag holders here. They really need to feel the pain of their loyalty to this charlatan, and perhaps a pocket book disaster would finally wake them up. The big players of course are playing this as we all knew it would end up, so rich get richer and the emotional marks left holding the proverbial bag…

This really is like a legal fleecing in the old Madoff style, and hopefully Trump ends up with as much as Bernie did at the end. Has he secretly borrowed or sold any of this stock, as in quietly approved by the board???

Trump’s share of DJT has dropped about $1.3B this morning. It’s sort of a shame that people who really can’t afford to lose money are likely losing money on this as well, but considering that the same people have flushed hundreds of millions of dollars in “campaign” contributions down the toilet makes me feel less sympathy.

It’s a good question whether he has used any of this stock for, say, his bond.

I just really hope it is the little MAGA investor that end up being the bag holders here.

There are three types of people who invested in trump.

  1. really rich people - looking to essentially trade money for policy, (prob close to 50% of the value)
  2. Trump supporters, (prob close to 10% of the value)
  3. wall street bet types who know that trump will be A O.K with shady practices to artificially inflate the business value before in goes belly up. (prob close to 40% of the value).

Almost all of pot 3 is going to leave in the next coupe of weeks. That will leave #1 and 2s left. The #1s are fine with losing 75 cents on the dollar because they are making a policy bet for influence over trump.

Its a meme stock, reddit is down 10% since its IPO. The shares of DJT are going to be around $20 for a while - propped up by #1s.

Now at $45 And still sliding. Does a dead cat have 9 lives?? If so where is the next life? Did look like low 45 held and is holding for now. but there has to be some more panic to come before end of day, or are the Saudi’s, Russians, and MAGA rich now supporting the buy side?

I just really hope it is the little MAGA investor that end up being the bag holders here. They really need to feel the pain of their loyalty to this charlatan, and perhaps a pocket book disaster would finally wake them up. The big players of course are playing this as we all knew it would end up, so rich get richer and the emotional marks left holding the proverbial bag…

This really is like a legal fleecing in the old Madoff style, and hopefully Trump ends up with as much as Bernie did at the end. Has he secretly borrowed or sold any of this stock, as in quietly approved by the board???

Trump’s share of DJT has dropped about $1.3B this morning. It’s sort of a shame that people who really can’t afford to lose money are likely losing money on this as well, but considering that the same people have flushed hundreds of millions of dollars in “campaign” contributions down the toilet makes me feel less sympathy.

It’s a good question whether he has used any of this stock for, say, his bond.

He has 79M shares now, with 36M of earn out shares in the future. It was trading at $79.38 a share a couple of days ago, now in the $47 range. Let’s call it a three day loss of well over $2.5B, half of which is today.

That’s going to leave a mark.

I don’t think monty’s premise holds water. The little MAGA investor will not blame trump for their loss… they will blame the libtards and crooked financial system of free markets. They will never blame trump.

I don’t think monty’s premise holds water. The little MAGA inventor will not blame trump for their loss… they will blame the libtards and crooked financial system of free markets. They will never blame trump. //

You’re probably right, unless it gets out that he cashed out somehow well before this and the eventual crashes to come. Its one thing to blame the libs and govt for all his court cases and such, but losing a good amount of your savings has to throw a new wrinkle into this, doesnt it??? I mean it is all bluster and blowhards maybe sliding a few bucks to his campaign, which of course is just gone and not missed. But a nice chunk you plopped down expecting to get big returns on and then losing maybe all of it because you didnt want to be the traitor that sold dear leaders company, that’s gonna leave a mark…

Or is it just gonna be like most old people that get scammed, when they find out they just shut up and pretend it didnt happen. Too embarrassed to admit they got taken, and just move on like nothing bad happened at all?

I just really hope it is the little MAGA investor that end up being the bag holders here. They really need to feel the pain of their loyalty to this charlatan, and perhaps a pocket book disaster would finally wake them up. The big players of course are playing this as we all knew it would end up, so rich get richer and the emotional marks left holding the proverbial bag…

This really is like a legal fleecing in the old Madoff style, and hopefully Trump ends up with as much as Bernie did at the end. Has he secretly borrowed or sold any of this stock, as in quietly approved by the board???

Trump’s share of DJT has dropped about $1.3B this morning. It’s sort of a shame that people who really can’t afford to lose money are likely losing money on this as well, but considering that the same people have flushed hundreds of millions of dollars in “campaign” contributions down the toilet makes me feel less sympathy.

It’s a good question whether he has used any of this stock for, say, his bond.

He has 79M shares now, with 36M of earn out shares in the future. It was trading at $79.38 a share a couple of days ago, now in the $47 range. Let’s call it a three day loss of well over $2.5B, half of which is today.

That’s going to leave a mark.

I don’t think monty’s premise holds water. The little MAGA investor will not blame trump for their loss… they will blame the libtards and crooked financial system of free markets. They will never blame trump.

We all know Soros’ Deep State Elite Banking Cabal are tanking the stock on purpose to keep Trump off the ballot!

Now at $45 And still sliding. Does a dead cat have 9 lives?? If so where is the next life? Did look like low 45 held and is holding for now. but there has to be some more panic to come before end of day, or are the Saudi’s, Russians, and MAGA rich now supporting the buy side?

It seems to have some support around $47. We will see if anyone wants to hold on to the turd overnight.

I don’t think monty’s premise holds water. The little MAGA inventor will not blame trump for their loss… they will blame the libtards and crooked financial system of free markets. They will never blame trump. //

You’re probably right, unless it gets out that he cashed out somehow well before this and the eventual crashes to come. Its one thing to blame the libs and govt for all his court cases and such,** but losing a good amount of your savings has to throw a new wrinkle into this, doesnt it???** I mean it is all bluster and blowhards maybe sliding a few bucks to his campaign, which of course is just gone and not missed. But a nice chunk you plopped down expecting to get big returns on and then losing maybe all of it because you didnt want to be the traitor that sold dear leaders company, that’s gonna leave a mark…

Or is it just gonna be like most old people that get scammed, when they find out they just shut up and pretend it didnt happen. Too embarrassed to admit they got taken, and just move on like nothing bad happened at all?

It might throw a new wrinkle into a sane rational person, but you have to consider that they are in a cult.

As far as leaving a mark, they already wear the mark of the stupid with their hats, flags, and t-shirts.

This is some crazy sh#t

Take a look at the options…

To buy a $45 put on this for November- it’s going to cost $28.

I have never seen anything like that!!!

I wonder if you can even lay your hands on the stock to short it

Imagine you are the compliance officer for a brokerage firm…

What a nightmare!!

This is some crazy sh#t

Take a look at the options…

To buy a $45 put on this for November- it’s going to cost $28.

I have never seen anything like that!!!

I wonder if you can even lay your hands on the stock to short it

Imagine you are the compliance officer for a brokerage firm…

What a nightmare!!

I’ll bet the answer is no. Fidelity was showing zero for the next couple of days.

But, I would suggest, that DJT, like everything trump, is for suckers.