Do you own ketchup stock?

The other crazy part of this to me is, isn’t this a company built around 1 person? I mean does truth social survive if Trump dies tomorrow? How long will people stay there, if he is no longer posting to it?

This is precisely why this is a penny stock just waiting to happen. When Trump dies, the stock will go belly up. Assuming it doesn’t go belly up prior to his death.

There is no long term future for Truth Social. Anyone who thinks there is, is a fool.

Remember when we (people, anyway) thought Trump wouldn’t run again because “he’s going to start a media empire to rival Fox News, and he’ll probably poach Tucker and Hannity and a few others…”

Maybe if he wasn’t running to avoid the long arm of the law he could have tried, I suppose. But it, like everything he touches, would have failed.

Remember when we (people, anyway) thought Trump wouldn’t run again because “he’s going to start a media empire to rival Fox News, and he’ll probably poach Tucker and Hannity and a few others…”

Maybe if he wasn’t running to avoid the long arm of the law he could have tried, I suppose. But it, like everything he touches, would have failed.

This is the shocking part to me. He could have left office without the Jan 6th problem. Slide into King making for the Rep. done talk shows, book deals and made a fortune, but he had to be #1.

Without the Jan 6th investigations, I wonder how many of these other issues come to light. Maybe his NY business stuff, not really sure what lead to that intel.

But now he the republican party and this country are in a far worse place.

Down over 4% million today: warms my heart.

Trump can sell his holdings (or some of them) next month. Exec’s are already dumping their shares. Should be interesting, to see how low it goes. Given Trump back selling cards, I assume he will sell some shares for cash asap.

Nunes has a very positive take on all the speculators trying to take advantage of volatility, including massive short selling.

The most amazing part about our company, the retail investors. So when we went out to get this merger, we had it. It took a while. One of the reasons, not just the regulation, but we had almost 400,000 people, retail shareholders who had invested in this company. Now guess what’s happened over the last couple of weeks, we think we’ve added over 200,000 new retail investors. I would say there’s not another company out there that has retail investors like this

WOnder if Devin’s cow got a promissory note too.

Only down another 4 or 5% today. Those retail investors maybe should have put their money in their mattress.

Very interesting that shortly after Nunes did his media tour calling for the SEC and Congress to investigate why Trump Media stock was tanking, he dumped $632,000 of his own shares.

Trump media CEO Nunes sells over $630k in company stock By

I am surprised its not more news that over the last 4 months or so trump’s truth social stock is down around 10% while the stock market has been up around 10%.

I am surprised its not more news that over the last 4 months or so trump’s truth social stock is down around 10% while the stock market has been up around 10%.

Perhaps because DJT is down 60% in the last three months?

So much winning.

I am surprised its not more news that over the last 4 months or so trump’s truth social stock is down around 10% while the stock market has been up around 10%.//

Think you need to have a gut check on where you are getting your news. Of course it gets no mentions on FOX or other right wing “news” outlets, but it gets the occasional mention on regular business channels. Its not big news because there really is no story other than a meme stock that is going to the graveyard they all eventually get to. Awhile back there was a story about how they were going to sue some govt organization because the stocks was dropping, all the while that person was selling 100’s of thousands of his own shares.

As mentioned earlier, Trump will be able to sell shares shortly, no doubt the smart folks with big positions are unwinding while the retail MAGA investor will be the eventual bag holder…just like his tax plans, more money to the rich while the middle class gets hammered…

I am surprised its not more news that over the last 4 months or so trump’s truth social stock is down around 10% while the stock market has been up around 10%.//

Think you need to have a gut check on where you are getting your news. Of course it gets no mentions on FOX or other right wing “news” outlets, but it gets the occasional mention on regular business channels. **Its not big news **because there really is no story other than a meme stock that is going to the graveyard they all eventually get to. Awhile back there was a story about how they were going to sue some govt organization because the stocks was dropping, all the while that person was selling 100’s of thousands of his own shares.

As mentioned earlier, Trump will be able to sell shares shortly, no doubt the smart folks with big positions are unwinding while the retail MAGA investor will be the eventual bag holder…just like his tax plans, more money to the rich while the middle class gets hammered…

In normal times it would be HUGE news. It would sink any other presidential campaign.

If a business person went public with a company during an election year, and that company did 20% worse than the stock market, it would be really big news. There were other meme stocks (like reddit) that went public at almost the exact same time and are positive.

I think any other person would be getting slammed constantly on “if they cant make a company profitable, how are they going to to improve.” Especially if that person has ran on he is going to run the US like a business.

Under $18 per share right now.

Approaching a new low for the year and all time.

Dive, dive, dive! Aoogah!

(17.85 and sinking as I type this)

Poor Donny. Wonder what he’ll be able to sell for in a couple of weeks? $10

I feel guilty being glad that DJT is now down 62% in the past three months, to $17.55.

Who am I kidding?

The value of Trump’s holdings is down about $6.3 billion since it’s high of ~$72/share. Boo-hoo.

I think the guys allowed to sell were trying to do it slowly to avoid a (worse) sell-off, but I wonder if they’re gonna panic sell at some point. I would.

Well Trump’s turn to sell is coming up… they should be in full blown panic mode soon. Trump will try to save face and say he’s “divesting” before the election. You know, because he’s an honorable guy.

Got under $17.50 for a brief time today, sitting at $17.60 now.

“divesting” before the election

Dang! You need to polish up your resume and send it to the campaign. That’s solid.

Do we know how many shares the orange one has?? I remember he got millions more at some point because the stock stayed above a certain price, but with just normal volume at 5+ million a day, a tens of millions dump is going to crash this thing big time… Unless of course some Saudi or Russian just throws money his way and is willing to just buy at any price as he unloads, would not put that scenario out of the question…

I believe he has 117 million shares. 117x$53 (approximate drop from high) = ~$6.3b paper loss…so far.