Do you own ketchup stock?

I’m reading 114.75M shares.

So with my very approximate mental math that puts him owning about $2B of the total ~$3.5B.

Bananas that he gets (on paper) $2B for tacking his name on a crappy product that is burning money. No value added other than the name. A few months ago Truth Social tried to hype up rolling out their new live video feature. What does Trump do? Holds his live “interview” with Musk on X, and doesn’t even try to make a deal with Musk to have it simulcast on TS. Not that Truth Social would be technically up to that job given X wasn’t.

Trump seems to know it’s a grift, which makes me think he’ll try to cash out hard at some point.

Edit: Oh, re-reading that TS hasn’t even rolled out live streaming yet. The hype was just saying it was coming, but gave no timeline. Nevermind.

Its worse than that, the high was actually about 80 bucks, but what is a few billion here or there, its all paper money!!! So he certainly has enough shares to tank it to 0, unless of course the white knight I postured shows up to give him money that way. Actually an ingenious way to just grift money directly to him without all the legal hassles. And of course he will know who it is so that he can do his payback later on…But something tells me that the smart guys with billions are starting to get the feeling that it is likely he is not going to be in that position, and it will be money pissed down he drain. But for them, just a gamble that doesnt change their lives, so perhaps…

Assuming that Donnie has to be some kind of officer in the company. He can’t just dump all his shares. He has to sell according to a set schedule.

If he could dump though, I don’t think he’d have any moral issues with leaving his followers holding the bag.

16.98 close today. About time one of his grifts doesn’t pay off (although he’s still almost two billion dollars to the good on paper). Pretty good chance that major stockholders won’t want to be stockholders by Sept. 20, right? Carnage to ensue.

Major stockholders, no. I almost feel bad for the poor working-class MAGA-types who maybe sunk their retirement money into this. Their quality of life goes to the shitter while Trump walks away with $1-2B for essentially doing nothing.

No sympathy whatsoever. Anyone who put money into this stock hoping to make money is an idiot. It was always going to fail.

Anyone who put money into this stock to “support Trump” or to maybe curry favour with him deserves what they get.

I looked, apparently he can dump it all, so I guess he will.

Are we sure that Devin Nunes isn’t the right guy to turn things around and make TS a legit $6B+ business?

Yes, yes we are.

Today’s close.


With 5+ million a typical volume day, he wont be able to sell even a fraction of his shares. Probably dribble some here and there, hoping to not start a stampede to the exit. so he can then milk it for days, maybe weeks instead of hours or minutes, or even seconds with flash trading these days…

Can he do so quietly and anonymously? Or is the fact of his making a sequence of sales going to be public knowledge?

(honest question).

I really don’t know the rules he will be working under, I think he can do a private sale perhaps to someone or the company?? I know we often dont hear about Buffett’s sales until after the fact, think often the company buys the shares to keep it quiet and not spur an exit by those that follow him…

Sure we have some traders here who know, hopefully they have jumped the gap of the new format here…

I am confident that whatever he does, he will abide by any rules and regulations that might restrict any actions that he might want to take.

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If you want to throw up, read the white house press release regarding Nunes’s Medal of Freedom awarded by Trump.

$17.06 right now.

In order for the stock to go down or up, someone has to buy it. Who in their right mind would be buying DJT right now?!

So it is up $0.08 today!

It’s a meme stock at this point. I could see buying some if gets low enough as a play on Trump winning in November. Because it’ll inevitably skyrocket (at least in the short term) should that happen. I won’t do that at any price. But I could see it as a speculative play.

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So it is now worth less than it was, BEFORE they acquired Truth Social

Given that Truth Social is a money pit… this makes sense.