Do you own ketchup stock?

Someone(s) just bought millions of shares in multiple purchases, bouncing the price from 16.27 up to 20.86 (and then back to 18.96).

Russians or Saudis?

I am sure it’s on the up and up. Nothing to see here. Trump is the most honest person in the history of ever.

what category would this go in, politics, finance, groceries?

Apparently, the stock price shot up right after he announced at a rally in response to a question that he wasn’t going to sell his shares (“I don’t need the money”). Someone pointed out on X that the moment he sells he is in violation of SEC regulations.

(this was the same rally in which he said he would deport all those legal Haitian immigrants…back to Venezuela)

Well i was going to ask, what would be the SEC violation, lying to stock holders?

But then the next comment just blew me away… I need to see video or at least audio to believe that.

He didn’t explicitly say “Haitian immigrants,” but he did refer to Springfield, OH. Pretty sure it’s Haitian immigrants in Springfield, OH that he’s been talking about.

All the cat memes and stuff are less funny now with all the bomb threats. And lesser crap being thrown at immigrants from Haiti.

As we learned with the Q pizza thing there is a dangerous subset who take it all very, very literally.

I have a cousin who posted about the immigrant who was in an accident with the school bus that killed the boy. His post said he was illegal and his comment was, this get me upset. I couldn’t take anymore and said, it upsets me when people post false stories about what happened and the immigration status of the driver.

Tonight he posted he knows people who live in Springfield and they said it was true. He said the city officials were putting a good spin on things. He’s a councilman where he lives, so I asked him if he would lie to make his hometown look good, if not, why would he assume these officials would. He came back with the word, research.

My final comment to this back and forth was, if it was research, show your work.

People who callously post this stuff without any regard to how it affects others, really pisses me off.

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This is beautiful

About 24% of it’s 2024 peak.

The race to the bottom!

It’s below $15 now. Shocking to see this from a company with such strong financials.

Must be time to buy

DJT is set to open below $14.

Down 25% this week.
Down 29% this month.
Down 70% from the day after he was “shot”
Down 83% from the March high

Today is the day Trump is now free to sell stock. Assume there may be a bounce Monday assuming he doesn’t sell any.

Market cap was $8.5bn at the end of March
Market cap is now $2.8bn

About 3,000,000 shares traded hands in the last seven minutes of the trading day, including 1,000,000 at the close. I think the first 2,000,000 was selling (price twitched down), and the last trade was a buy (price twitched up).

Closed at 13.55.

Still 150x its value.

150 seems like a low estimate. More like 5000x its value.