Breaking up the Lavender Room

No one is in hysterics. Everyone here knows what will happen here. The place will become boring and everyone will slowly fade away. That is what will happen. We aren’t idiots and the writing is very clear on the wall.

We have a good community here and it’s going to slowly die.


It survived The Snap (post #2 in the thread)

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Only a handful will recognize the insightful foreboding of this comment. Wasn’t it, “dissappointing”?

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Rest of the world → Canada → Canadian Triathlon → Training Plans - Established Posters

Easy, once you get the hang of it.

Having seen that happen in a few other fora over the years, if you want to stop this place dying, someone needs to set up a LR2 forum pretty damned quickly (ideally using the old software!) and circulate the URL.


If your life is that boring that all you have to talk about is politics I feel sorry for you. Seriously.

How much time does it take to moderate? Does adding categories reduce the amount of time it takes to moderate?

I don’t get the sense moderation is much beyond reviewing pages of words. That takes time regardless of content. That’s just the nature of the work. Is there something else— like negotiating or something? In the years I’ve been here, I had only a handful of interactions with Slowman. And I think I’m a more-troublesome-than-average poster.

Clear rules for civility and appropriate content would be nice. We have a flag feature so that people with hurt feelings can flag a hurtful post. The block feature works. These three things would probably reduce moderation time more than categories.

I guess if the entire subject of politics is banned, that might eventually reduce moderation. But a ban like that will increase moderation a lot until everyone who is critical of the world has left. Politics is policy. Policy touches everything. What’s left after that? Pet recipes?


I am curious what those topics are and how they propose to eliminate them.

Does conversation here get nasty over anything but political threads? Are we to assume politics is going to be off limits?

The greatest thing to happen around the time of our American Revolution was when Franklin decided that the juntos convening in the halls and taverns around the colonies split up into different rooms so that ideas and voices could be compartmentalized. It’s probably why the Socratic method became so revered throughout history; couldn’t have happened without dividing those groups into subgroups before their strolls and keeping a safe distance from each other.


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There’s really no reason to stress. The idea is to make things easier for all users of the forum to find topics and comment. Not everyone is in the forum everyday so the “river” of topics in a single category like “LR” means many interesting and valuable topics are lost to casual users.

No need to stress. We’re going to start putting up topics, listen to the feedback, and continue to improve. Having a single topic for EVERYTHING that isn’t about endurance sports ensures most/many of the casual users of the forum don’t get access to the threads because they move by TOO QUICKLY if you’re not in the forum every day.

Politics and religion more often than not devolve into personal attacks and disharmony. I can’t see the value. It does seem some here though think their discussion is saving the world and without it the tipping point will send us all to the end of times…

I post plenty of things here other than politics. I am just telling you what is going to happen because it’s happened at every forum I’ve ever been on.

Now, thank you for insulting me as you complain about people insulting you.

We have clear rules for “civility” etc. They are in the FAQ: FAQ - Slowtwitch Forum. We have “all ages” reading and using the forum just as we have “all ages” in the general endurance world racing and training. So, any topic is OK as long as it is done in a “family friendly” manner. Even politics! :rofl:

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thank you for going through the effort to post your poll. I encourage all here to vote. members do sit below partners on the totem pole that is slowtwitch. But that doesn’t mean the partners can’t hear or don’t listen.

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We have two goals:

  1. make it easier for the casual user to find interesting threads and topics especially in endurance sports but even in topics like religion and politics.

  2. keep it “family friendly” for all participants rather than just a few.

Yeah, we don’t want explicit (adult) content. It’s hard to see how that helps endurance sports discussions. Best.

Sub forums ruin forums.

You can choose to keep your head in the sand but that it what happens.

But I suspect that is the play here anyway, this thread is called Breaking up the Lavender Room and it’s what it means.

Might as well have called it: “We’re killing this band of mistfits”.


Honestly, I never thought that “all ages” appropriate consideration was a factor. How young are we talking about? Does discourse software allow for age blocking?

You’ll just have to accept that “all ages” is an important consideration for us at Slowtwitch. Best.

Now I’m really lost. There is an occasional off color joke, but for the overwhelming most part, the discussions here are rarely low brow, if ever. That is what is so great and unique. Pretty intelligent folks knowing how to skirt the line of edgy but appropriate. Which leads to high level engagement on pretty much any topic a person could dream up.

And if a heated discussion gets personal, it gets policed pretty quickly.


Fair enough. Thanks.