Breaking up the Lavender Room

In the next coming days and or week. We will be creating new categories that basically sum up the good of the lavender room. At the same time will be getting rid of the topics that we feel are totally inappropriate and do very little to help build and uplift the endurance community. We will be launching some new guidelines that will help us further what we are trying to do for our trusted community members. I understand that this might anger some people in the process. Im sorry you feel that way. The internet is a wonderful place full of online communities. If you feel like you need to go to another one for the topics we dont feel are appropriate, I and everyone one here wish you the best of luck. We of course always invite you to stay here and continue with the things that are of value to slowtwitch, it’s partners and community members.


Can you be more direct? coming days or weeks? How about a timeline that approximates DJT’s health care plan/concepts?

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Whelp…might as well get an XL bag of popcorn for this.

To be fair he said days or week, not weeks. Looks like the timeline is within the next 7 days.

Why do I get the impression that politics are getting the axe?

Can I propose our classification system?

  • Computer Science, Information, & General Works
  • Philosophy & Psychology
  • Religion
  • Social Sciences
  • Language
  • Science
  • Technology
  • Arts & Recreation
  • Literature
  • History & Geography
  • Really Lavender Room for all other spicy topics
  • Tigerchik’s Lavender Room.

Yea I don’t like the foreshadowing here. So much for the “some changes” that were alluded to a few weeks ago. This major overhaul is going to have a profound impact.

And they want to make sure the LR supports the endurance community? The fuck? Then just get rid of it and keep everything focused on endurance sports in general.

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Also I know this is their sandbox and can obviously make whatever decisions they like, but I want to know what will constitute the inappropriate topics. I mean hell I feel like this forum has done very well self-moderating and collectively we come down on the REALLY bad shit like Duffy’s wild end of the line rant, Trump getting shot (at), etc.

I liked that the LR and Slowtwitch used to be an easy and mindless escape and way to converse/learn/connect.


Good thing there’s no overlap in any of those. Won’t get confusing at all.

Thats an interesting, foreshadowing title to this thread.
Mr. Tibbs, what’s your thoughts on the LR breakup?

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Did you recognize it? It’s the Dewey Decimal system! Remember the good old days in the school library when you had to learn about it?


I gave this sport my enduring support from 1985-2016. I would throw-in over in the main forum but I am no longer current. This room fills my competitive drive and helps keep my mind agile. Hope we are off the mark on this next shift.


the things that are of value to its community members.

And who is deciding what these things of value are? Did I miss a survey?


Damn I actually missed that entirely! Touche. I feel like I need to do some penance.

You and all the rest of us!

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It’s funny to think that the Dewey decimal system and those card files were a cutting edge information system at one point. Let’s do it again here and call it artisanal.

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I’m with you but unfortunately it’s their world and we’re just living in it.

I get that things change and traditionally I have been against that or at least very skeptical and wanted to be shown the reasons for it. But I can adapt, and I’ve learned to adapt and grow which has helped me tremendously in my business over the last 10 years.

But the more these last few weeks have gone on I’m realizing it’s fucking annoying the way they announced and rolled the free forum out. I almost posted in the “best advice thread” that someone once told me “don’t let anyone piss on you and tell you it’s raining.” Well, we were told very succinctly there would be “some changes during an overnight transition.”

I see there is quite a bit of liberty in their understanding of that phrase.

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Our self moderating needs emphasizing. Also, I don’t have the internet savvy to find a corner bar that has served my social interaction needs as well as this room.


Unfortunately, I suspect this will go roughly like the shift to the new forum architecture went. Not a lot of prior communication, brief mention of minor updates, and then wholesale change. ST has already gone from 4-5 Forums to 15. Maybe there was overwhelming call for this striation that I missed.

We’ll have to wait to see what happens. I hope the new management hasn’t decided that this forum, which has provided value to current and former endurance athletes for 20ish years by allowing them a place to talk about the other stuff that goes on in life (including politics, religion, family, music, art, movies, etc) just needs to go altogether. However, the entire site seems to be taking on a much more corporatized feel, and I doubt the clubhouse environment of the LR will survive. That would be too bad. I think they’ll lose a fair amount of people if that’s their plan.