Breaking up the Lavender Room

Where did Blep say anything about just wanting to talk politics??

I’m not sure how you’re reading these posts but I’m positive it’s wrong because youre making wild assumptions based on what’s actually being written.

And multiple times now you’ve claimed we’re crying or hysterical but haven’t replied when I’ve pointed out how you’re exaggerating and have baseless claims.

And now Blep didn’t even bring up politics and you’re saying something ridiculous.

At least we were told in no uncertain terms what to expect.

RIP Lavender Room.


You know what I find fascinating? You don’t see it, it’s these exact posts that offer no value other than to put down or criticize others that they are clamping down on, I’d be careful if I were you.

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I hate when people sign stuff “Best”

Best what?

Best wishes?
Best of luck?
Best be going?
Best watch yourself?
Best Buy?

Nothing personal, trust me


So the goal is to cater to the casual user and not the committed daily users?

Also if a topic is old or dead then it’s for a reason. If the topic is worthwhile discussing then it will be discussed and stay at the top; otherwise someone can use the search function as has been done for decades?

With the multiple subforum concept you’re talking about what you’re going to be left with is multiple forums with dead threads on the front page rather than constant fresh contributions which denotes life and interest from users.

Apparently there is no shortage of forums out there that ended up this way.

This is Slowtwitch as is predominantly an endurance-focused community. So why does it make more sense to have significantly more non-endurance related sub forums rather than a single one where we can come shoot the shit daily?

You can’t search for what you missed.

Having more categories means more investment by Slowtwitch. Nothing is being shut down (with the exception of the obvious, non-family-friendly stuff). “Committed” daily users should welcome the investment.

You’ll have to forgive me because I can dig my heels in rather well when it comes to discussions of rationale.

Your last comment was about how topics will help endurance sports. And the OP mentioned how the changes are to focus on helping “uplift the endurance community.” But what does that mean?

How do threads on the NFL, movies, family, vacations, police, music, home projects, cars, best/worst advice, guns, abortions, chess, or any other of the infinite possibilities have anything to do with the endurance community much less help “uplift” it?


The problem is I dont think the exceptions you’ve alluded to are as obvious as you think they are: otherwise many of us wouldn’t be so puzzled and asking for clarification. And we are a rather intelligent bunch despite outward appearances.

Also to date since The Snap the information from the top has come rather flippantly so forgive us while we have some reservations about these reassurances that seem similar to the initials ones which missed the mark, but also seem quite half-hearted at best.

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You are right! It doesn’t help, directly. There is GOOD REASON to, as others have said, “kill it”. However, our lives are more than just endurance sports, and we have other topics we want to discuss with our friends (actual or virtual) in endurance sports. That was always the reason for the LR. As I’ve explained, we’re trying to make the LR more relevant to all those who aren’t, so to speak, glued to the keyboard hour by hour so that those more “casual” user can also participate in LR-like topics. Hope this helps.

Here’s what having more categories does… it stops you from finding what you weren’t looking for. What’s great about the LR is that it’s about anything. I have read many threads that I never would have found because I wasn’t looking for them. But it’s posted in the LR so I take a look.

When you break things down into categories all you do is make it so that people only find specifically what they are looking for.

We, here in the LR, don’t want that. I’ve been through it on other forums, it sucks.

If you want to moderate more and cut down on certain things, fine, please do. But when you categorize topics you kill discussion. That’s just how it goes.


That’s the beauty of it. Could be all of the above depending on the context of the message.

I do it on my emails. I used to do the full “best regards” until someone pointed out that it sounds like an old fogey (I was a grad school student then). That or I sign off with “thanks” if there’s a message if thanks.

Best, (see, it works, no?)


We have explicit adult content?

How the hell did I miss that?


“We, here in the LR, don’t want that”

First of all, thanks for all the many contributions and building you have done in the LR. It is appreciated.

Second, I suppose, you’re going to have to trust us to care for the LR and all associated topics and participants the best we can since, at the end of the day, the forum isn’t a charity, it is a business and the business of a forum is broad participation. I hope you’ll stick around to help.

it would be so welcoming if this forum was no longer saturated by the far leftist political opinions.

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I understand that it’s a business. I am trying to tell you that you will drive your customers away.


And here I thought the upgrades weren’t financially motivated. Was just to bring the forum into a modern platform.

As I said it’s difficult for ts to find the ability yo take you at your word when you couldn’t even discuss the impending changes with us directly and honestly.

Then more righties or non-extreme lefties need to speak up. I’m not and cannot stand the extreme left. But I’m still here and am quite vocal without fear of speaking up.

Bring your friends if you feel so inclined to see change! We are a fun bunch.

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This convesation with you needs to slow down. We are here becuase we love this site and this space. We are here to make sure this site can continue long after you and I. I personally understand why you may be irritated and I take that into every consideration but the crapping all over us and other forum members needs to stop. Im also very happy to get on a call with you just DM me.

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With due respect, kill what? When I first posted in the LR a moderator laid out that this was a gloves off environment and a thick skin could be required, “that was always the reason for the LR” a place for adult conversations and there are many, many posts in here that others who don’t wish to partake in the stuff you want to “Kill it” So please and again with respect I think it prudent that lay out exactly what your intentions are.


Categories would not be an issue if they have a view to click on that shows all of the new LR posts regardless of category. I have seen that in another forum.

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