Breaking up the Lavender Room

The Lavender Room is an endurance community retirement home. They can take my bingo chips when they pry them from my cold dead hands.


I don’t think there’s anything left to consider. The message is out there. The way they have announced and launched everything recent here says it all and I think we should take them at their word.

As far as what their goal is I can only assume it’s to own and run a successful Internet forum. With that success being measured with participation, growth, and fiscal returns. Unfortunately I’ve been a member on other forums that have turned into wastelands.

I was on a Jeep wrangler forum. Also a very niche and loyal community. The site was acquired and chopped up into (currently) 36 sub forums and their “anything goes” type forum excluded politics in their updates. The place is just dead and has been for years. It used to have daily content in each forum.

I’m obviously one poster with an opinion. But others have stated or alluded to similar experiences. We will obviously have to wait around and see but I really don’t think we need to wait for their specific categories to understand where they’re going with this.


Hey, dumpy, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out the changes or at least come up with a well-educated guess. They’ve already shown their cards with how they split up the other side of this circus.

In fact I already addressed this when you made a similar claim the first time but you didn’t respond.

Two words:

Beginner Triathlete

This is starting to remind me of that.


I was thinking the same thing last night!

@E_DUB you dropped a bombshell on us last night and haven’t given any other feedback or responses. But you come back and start “liking” lastlap’s replies.

I guess we can read more into that too.


Well, there was that thread that included a photo of a toilet bowl…

I blame the pet recipe thread😎

Dan Empfied “I have always taken the title publisher here at Slowtwitch and I will remain publisher. For sure, when a brand comes under new ownership and the acquirer says, “We’re changing nothing,” they’re busy planning all the changes and layoffs as they’re telling you that lie. Nevertheless, we’re changing nothing. We’re adding! But we’re not subtracting. “(To my knowledge.)

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I don’t think it’s a stretch when I say people have acted a little hystericaly at the news of new categories and potentially limiting discussion of things like politics.

As the OP says certain topics bring out the worst in people and add nothing to the good of the forum. This thread is a great example, I have been personally insulted on numerous occasions… And when you have a pack dynamic bullies flourish.

I’d imagine there are probably a heck of a lot of people who would otherwise want to post here but don’t because they take one look and nup out

Please point out to me, with specific users names and posts, the hysterics you’re claiming.

oh, I know there was a women’s forum, was making a joke… would be funny if the LR got split off into one.
if it does I’ll have to figure out here the line is on questions I can and can’t ask about sex

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I like organization, rules and guidelines.

The OP says we can expect new categories that sum up the “good” of the lavender room.

The use of sub-forums as categories to organize information, instead of tags, is weird, and I’m not sure why someone would choose to create silos of information instead of choosing to enhance the user’s experience through tags. But the OP must know what he’s doing, right? A person doesn’t buy a website and redesign it without understanding that the ability of people to easily find the information they want is essential to success.

If we have to have sub-forums, I vote for the tried and true dewy decimal system. If it works for libraries, it works for me. Or does the OP want to use categories to ban topics? Like the way MAGA bans books from libraries? No LGBTQ discussions?

If people don’t post in the correct sub-forum, is the OP going to move threads? If we persistently misfile our threads, will we get banned? I assume the new guidelines will address when a thread evolves from discussion of one topic to another. Or is evolution banned? :eyes:

The OP plans to get rid of “totally inappropriate” content that doesn’t “uplift” the endurance community. Thankfully he mentions new guidelines. I can’t wait to see them!

I was recently banned for saying things that Trump said. Strangely, we also have entire threads devoted to things Trump said. I recently posted a video of kids saying things Trump said. What if JD Vance repeats things Trump says? Can we quote him? What if synthetic or oldtrigal repeat the lies Trump says— is that bad?

I think it will be interesting and entertaining to learn what the new owner thinks are the “good” topics. The most difficult and divisive topics these days are political ones— they are also very important to people. Does the owner think he will improve the LR by removing what people are passionate about? Good luck with that.

I don’t think the changes are carefully planned. It would be fun if the OP responds to comments and can defend his plan. Or maybe he’s chicken. lol

In any event, I guess we’ll go down in flames if we’re going to go down. Flame-broiled chicken lol

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I’m disappointed :sunglasses::black_heart:

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Yes, reminds me of the corporate-speak memos from my days of working for mega-corp. The phase out of the LR has begun.

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We’ll never know how many people are too scared to post, will we? Unless I do an anonymous poll! User names will not be shown.

Are you too scared to post?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

But no one answers my polls anyway. lol I think people don’t want to post for a variety of reasons. Not everyone is a blabbermouth. It could be as simple as that.

Guidelines can be very effective to identify unacceptable behavior. If you don’t like insults or name-calling, then insults or name-calling should be banned.

Broadly speaking, we are in a very uncivil time in society. I approve of the desire to clean it up. However, I don’t think the cleanup starts on the floor. When you spill milk on the counter, you start the cleanup at the top. Good leaders set the tone. While the milk is raining down, cleaning the mess on the floor is a silly waste of time.

For instance, if you want civility in America— then we need to reject Trump who engages in ridiculous insults abd name-calling at a national and international level. Unless we do that, civility will be a distant memory.

I don’t know what the OP envisions for civility, but his OP wasn’t very civil.

in what subforum will I find Captain Canada’s training plan?

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I suspect the issue is the time it takes to moderate for civility on lavender alone. It is a fun place to visit because of the general interest topics and there are people here who are honest contributors. As it usually goes the few rotten apples do spoil the whole. That will not go away. Even on the main forum there is on occasion lack of civility, just way less of it. I think it is a moderation issue.

Replying in general (remember that old feature?)….

I saw the Tri forum now has those sub categories setup. And the uncategorized LR has a whopping >87k of uncategorized topics. Curious to see what the next changes will be.

I do think this is headed towards Reddit-like setup. I think they’re also running on the Discord tech, and we’ll be headed to a version of sub reddits and niche topics.

I worry that what’ll get lost is the serendipitous discovery of interesting info if things get overly structured. I like easily opening a thread just bc it piques my interest (or not opening it).

It’s kinda like how I used to look up a word in the (old school) dictionary, and then just browse some of the adjacent listings. Cool stuff learned that way. But that mode has gone the way of the dinosaur.

I hope the uniqueness that makes this place special is retained. And folks that are managing this space don’t throw out the baby with the bath water.